What's your favourite one that you almost believe? And why? We're popping on our tinfoil hats and very much looking forward to your answers. (Thanks to Shezam for this suggestion.)
( , Thu 1 Dec 2011, 13:47)
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Is this what you are suggesting here, that amidst all of the hysteria over the war on drugs, that the United States government actually lets them bring this stuff into the country from Peru and Bolivia, and process the cocaine out of it just to throw it in the bin so they can use the leaves? And all of this while at the same time, the same government is trying to eradicate cocaine from the whole of South America. Does this really not seem in any way fishy to you?
It is one of the most illegal substances in the world, but here we have a soft drinks company that is somehow above the law with regards to it.
( , Mon 5 Dec 2011, 17:13, 1 reply)

Cocoa leaves do not equal cocaine, as I said above. Extracting flavourings from them will be a different process to extracting cocaine. What demand there is for medical cocaine could be easily supplied by further processing a small percentage of the processed leaves to create it.
( , Mon 5 Dec 2011, 17:17, closed)

Can be made I guess into opium and then heroin, I'm not breaking the law.
( , Mon 5 Dec 2011, 17:20, closed)

because cultivating coca leaves IS illegal. How many times do I have to repeat this.
Growing coca leaves is illegal almost everywhere, including in the United States. Importing coca leaves is illegal almost everywhere, including in the United States. Processing coca leaves is illegal almost everywhere, including in the United States.
( , Mon 5 Dec 2011, 17:24, closed)

Dependent on the processing method, cannabis can be processed for weed (bad)
Or you can get hemp (good) or extract medicinal THC (good) etc...
( , Mon 5 Dec 2011, 17:26, closed)

we're talking about coca. Which is illegal.
( , Mon 5 Dec 2011, 17:27, closed)

The same logic applies.
( , Mon 5 Dec 2011, 17:29, closed)

the laws aren't the same for these different things. In this country, cannabis is a class B drug for instance, whereas cocaine is class A. I don't know what the exact legal situation is here regarding cannabis, but I'm sure it's irrelevant when talking about the laws about cocaine in the United States.
I've stated them fairly explicitly and clearly. It's illegal to grow, to import, and to process, except for those specific companies that have been granted an exception.
( , Mon 5 Dec 2011, 17:35, closed)

the cannibis plant grown for hemp etc has a very very very low thc content and is practically useless for trying to get high on. You could roll a spliff about 3ft long and see if you get a hit but you would probably die from smoke inhalation. Plus you need a licence to grow the low thc content (in the uk at least)
( , Mon 5 Dec 2011, 20:39, closed)

I presume possession is as well.
( , Mon 5 Dec 2011, 17:36, closed)

Outside of this South American context, the laws of most countries do not make any distinction between the coca leaf and any other substance containing cocaine, so the possession of coca leaf (except for decocainized leaf) is de-facto prohibited. Coca leaves are specifically mentioned.
The prohibition of the use of the coca leaf and derived products (except for medical or scientific purposes) was established by the Schedule I listing of coca, coca leaves and the actual coca plant, in the 1961 List of Controlled Substances which was annexed to the U.N. Single Convention. Coca leaves are in the same listing category as heroin and cocaine.
There's an odd twist now though, because this implies that anything derived from a coca leaf is illegal even if it's not got cocaine in it.
edit: Although then:
f. " Coca leaf ' means the leaf of the coca bush except a leaf from which all ecgonine, cocaine and any other ecgonine alkaloids have been removed
( , Mon 5 Dec 2011, 17:42, closed)

to answer you question a bit, you CAN have coca leaf if it has no cocaine in? Like the sort coca cola would use? Meaning they are doing nothing illegal? Therefore voiding the whole scenario? I assume maybe coca cola pays some columbian ex cocaine makers to process the leaves before import maybe? Seems perfectly possible.
( , Mon 5 Dec 2011, 19:06, closed)

Stepan Company processes the leaves. They have a special exemption to do so.
My point is that the amount of leaves imported by Stepan is well in excess of the medical need, and that said exemption is entirely down to the Coca Cola's political clout. The only reason, it seems, that decocanised leaves are allowed is because of pressure from Coca Cola.
I'm not accusing Coca Cola of doing anything illegal. They're far too big and clever for that. They made it legal. But only for them and their suppliers.
As for the claimed discrepancy between legitimate need and actual amount imported, I'm still trying to get some definite figures on that.
( , Mon 5 Dec 2011, 19:14, closed)

they are ILLEGAL. Illegal to import, and illegal to process, except for Coca Cola's supply chain. They are exempt from the law.
The official line is that the cocaine is for medical use. The official line is not that it is thrown away. That would be crazy, no way could they justify legal exemptions of a banned substance just for flavourings for pop.
( , Mon 5 Dec 2011, 17:23, closed)

US government: "We need someone to make limited supplies of medical cocaine. We will use company x".
Company x: "OK. As we're importing the leaves anyway, can we import a few more in order to create some flavourings, and make the cocaine* from the processed leaves?"
US government: "We don't see why not, but expect regular inspections to check that's all you're doing".
I'm not saying this is how it started out, but I imagine it's pretty close to the reasoning nowadays.
Edit: *Limited amounts of
( , Mon 5 Dec 2011, 17:27, closed)

They import up to 500 metric tons or more in a year, enough to make about 1.7 tons of cocaine. Coca cola is almost certainly their biggest customer, by a long way, in terms of volume.
And why do coca cola go to the trouble? Couldn't they use something else instead?
( , Mon 5 Dec 2011, 17:32, closed)

But presumably they would lose the characteristic flavour. You said yourself that only they can use the coca leaves - and there's no reason to believe that all the leaves are turned into cocaine after the flavourings have been extracted. Most will probably be thrown away or destroyed rather than go to the extra effort of extracting the cocaine.
( , Mon 5 Dec 2011, 17:35, closed)

The process of removing the flavourings, I dont know how but assume its the same as how you get essential oile etc for perfumes and fragrances, would destroy traces of cocaine or make the leaves unusable.
( , Mon 5 Dec 2011, 17:37, closed)

they are saying it is for medicinal use.
( , Mon 5 Dec 2011, 17:37, closed)

I'm not saying any cocaine is destroyed. I'm saying that it is never refined in the first place, because the leaves it would have been refined from are destroyed.
Cocaine and coca leaves are not the same thing.
Edit: You seem to be assuming that they extract all the cocaine that it's possible to extract, and I'm saying that they almost certainly don't, especially as they have absolutely no need to.
( , Mon 5 Dec 2011, 17:57, closed)

Coca leaves are illegal to cultivate, to import and to process. They're apparently not illegal after they've been decocanised, so the Coca Cola company at least keeps its hands clean, but how they justify producing the decocanised leaves other than as a byproduct of medical cocaine production, I still can't yet quite fathom. The pharmaceutical company Stepan has an exemption from the DEA (the only company that has such an exemption) for the production of medical cocaine.
I know why it is that way though, the Coca Cola company has the US Government by the throat, that's what worries me. Decocanised coca leaves are not used as a flavouring for anything else at all outside of South America.
( , Mon 5 Dec 2011, 18:06, closed)

Correct me if I'm wrong. What I think you're suggesting happens are these steps, in this order:
1. Import coca leaves
2. Process all coca leaves to produce medical cocaine
3. Use decocanised leaves to produce flavourings
4. As the demand for flavourings is far higher than the demand for medical cocaine, where does the rest of the cocaine go?
If that's what you're thinking then yes, I can see the problem. However, if the steps are:
1. Import leaves
2. Process all leaves to create flavourings
3. Re-process some (say 20%) of the leaves to create medicinal cocaine in amounts appropriate to world demand
4. Destroy all unnecessary leaves
Then I don't see the problem. The US government gets its medical cocaine (but no more than it needs) and coca cola get their flavourings. Both processes end up with the leaves either destroyed or in a legal form, but to me the second makes far more sense than the first.
Edit: Especially as an operation of this sort would be subject to massive public and federal scrutiny, I think that you would have to implicate large sections of the government in any plausible smuggling link. I just can't see that the benefits would outweigh the risks.
( , Mon 5 Dec 2011, 18:15, closed)

for the import or use of a plant that the US Government is quite keen to entirely eradicate just so that one particular manufacturer can make soft drinks out of it.
And I don't think big business in America is particularly scrutinised at all.
( , Mon 5 Dec 2011, 18:22, closed)

I'm suggesting that if they didn't need that much coca for their medical product needs, then there is no justification for them to import that much coca. I'm suggesting that the medical market is the only legitimate use of the stuff, but that rather than running the business for the medicine and selling flavourings as a sideline, the opposite seems to be the case, and that the only reason they can get away with it is because of the influence that big businesses such as the Coca Cola company have other the legal system.
( , Mon 5 Dec 2011, 18:19, closed)

I never said I thought it was a good situation - what I said was that there is no good reason to posit a cocaine selling/smuggling operation from the known facts. It will be interesting to see what will happen when the medicinal cocaine market dwindles to an insignificant amount.
( , Mon 5 Dec 2011, 18:30, closed)

I should have said that there is no reason to assume an oversupply of cocaine.
( , Mon 5 Dec 2011, 18:34, closed)

although I suspect it's not called the Whitehouse for no reason...
( , Mon 5 Dec 2011, 18:49, closed)

Bill Clinton was terrible for not cleaning up after himself.
( , Mon 5 Dec 2011, 18:56, closed)

Is this why Rolla Cola and Panda Pop taste crap?
( , Mon 5 Dec 2011, 21:11, closed)

but there you go.
M&S do the best cola if you ask me.
( , Mon 5 Dec 2011, 21:47, closed)
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