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This is a question The Credit Crunch

Did you score a bargain in Woolworths?
Meet someone nice in the queue to withdraw your 10p from Northern Rock?
Get made redundant from the job you hated enough to spend all day on b3ta?

How has the credit crunch affected you?

(, Thu 22 Jan 2009, 12:19)
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They say you get more and more right wing as you get older....
...but having been rather too smug in my previous post on this QOTW, I find myself reaching levels of Daily Mail outrage at the antics of a neighbour.

He's worked a whole TWO days in his entire life and now draws over two grand a month in benefits to cover his ever-expanding family's needs.

He's discovered that as long as he remains in full-time education he can continue to receive frightening amounts of money, and has done virtually every course our local college has to offer from hairdressing to motor mechanics.

Last week he told me of his student loan - which he'll never pay back as he has no intention of getting a job - which will be used to take his tribe to Florida. He's the same guy I spotted selling his wedding presents at a car boot two weeks after he got married.

I have two jobs and a mortgage, and last month paid corporation tax, income tax and NI to the tune of fuck knows what.

No wonder there's a credit crunch.

Aaaaaand... relax.
(, Thu 22 Jan 2009, 14:44, 9 replies)
what a cunt
you should destroy him
(, Thu 22 Jan 2009, 14:49, closed)

"People on the internet told me to do it" is a totally valid legal argument.
(, Thu 22 Jan 2009, 15:04, closed)
I bet he's not insured
One quick fire should sort things out.
(, Thu 22 Jan 2009, 14:52, closed)
if the scumbag and his clan are gaffer-taped to the sofa whilst it's burning..
(, Thu 22 Jan 2009, 16:22, closed)
Yup, kill them.
(, Thu 22 Jan 2009, 19:41, closed)
read this

and then pass their details on to the sun :-) (number at the bottom of the page)
(, Thu 22 Jan 2009, 20:01, closed)
fucking sickening that. c*nts.
(, Fri 23 Jan 2009, 10:06, closed)
I'm in a similar situation.
Except that the scungy-scumbags are the family that I have cut out of my life.

Apparently they still moan about how 'lucky' I am, having put myself through my final year of high school and university with no help, and now slogging away at a shitty call centre job (two years last November!). I don't know what their justification is.

Everything they have is subsidised for no good reason and they are total chavs. Spitting out kids and shunning work are their main hobbies. My mother managed to go overseas a couple of years back, and take her new hubby. I haven't had a holiday in....forever.

(, Fri 23 Jan 2009, 9:20, closed)
I have
Family like this (on the hubbys side, thank God), and it is all I can do to stop myself going round there with some sort of weapon/device for total annihilation.

I could get a few of the neighbours too, but then where do you stop?

Of course, maybe if I charged for it, made it a business, I could stop beneifts cheats/frauds etc., alleviating strain on our DHSS and I would get loads of cash too.

Hmm... I will need some assistants, who wants to join me?
(, Fri 23 Jan 2009, 12:05, closed)

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