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This is a question Creepy!

Smash Monkey asks: "what's the creepiest thing you've seen, heard or felt? What has sent shivers running up your spine and skidmarks running up your undercrackers? Tell us, we'll make it all better"

(, Thu 7 Apr 2011, 13:57)
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When i was a lad(late 70's early 80's)there was a kids story program called Picturebox,the opening credits consisted of a revolving box(surprisingly)made of gold and purple glass.what creeped me out was the theme music (still does).check it out on you tube and tell me i'm wrong.
(, Tue 12 Apr 2011, 16:45, 8 replies)
and then the man
whose smile was a little too wide.
(, Tue 12 Apr 2011, 16:57, closed)
oh fuck !!!
Yes him,silver haired bloke.almost as creepy as the theme tune!
(, Tue 12 Apr 2011, 17:03, closed)
come and see
i have puppies and sweeties
come come with me and sit on my knee

yup he was freaky in tales of the unexpected sort of way
(, Tue 12 Apr 2011, 19:04, closed)
It's played on...
... an instrument called a "glass armonica", sometimes mis-spelt as "harmonica". Basically it's a row of spinning glass bowls that you touch with your fingers like an automatic way of running your finger around the rim of a wineglass.

The piece itself is "Manège", by Jacques Lasry. Now you know what it is, you aren't scared of it any more.
(, Tue 12 Apr 2011, 19:24, closed)

I've heard most of it,gets worse later on.it sounds like some wounded seabeast,put the shits up me when i first heard it!
(, Tue 12 Apr 2011, 20:10, closed)
that music sounds soooo muffled...like you are being suffocated...

(, Tue 12 Apr 2011, 20:51, closed)
here's a longer and slightly better quality version of it. (and I just downloaded it, love it)
(, Tue 12 Apr 2011, 21:03, closed)
reminds me of a scene from demon seed
The bit when proteus' floating box kills the dude from the lab. That just makes it double creepy.
(, Tue 12 Apr 2011, 21:51, closed)

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