Smash Monkey asks: "what's the creepiest thing you've seen, heard or felt? What has sent shivers running up your spine and skidmarks running up your undercrackers? Tell us, we'll make it all better"
( , Thu 7 Apr 2011, 13:57)
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As I have stated before I have experienced a fair few weird things, I do have a slightly over active imagination; but when these things are witnessed in sobriety day light hours it is a tad difficult to rationalise. The fact I just love all that goes bump in the night (and day) sometimes means people are less likely to believe. Anyway I digress.
The rolling pin going missing is one - how would that have been possible? How what where when why??? But realistically speaking, it may have been a shit practical joke played by someone... Only choice would be my father who is Victor Meldrews grumpy cousin. Still a possibility though.
But 2 'happenings' I find hard to explain - This may be a roasted pea:
16 in last year of GCSE, I have a vivid dream, of the large plate glass type (think pub) mirror falling off the wall of the bathroom flipping over coming to a rest on the other side of the room. Odd thing to dream about, but its vividity (is that a word) was such I decided to tell my best mate. Infact it played on my mind so much so that I think I bored him to death with the whole dream.
About a month or so goes by, and the dream has come true. Dad (first to wake up) goes to open the bathroom door, but couldn't, the mirror was wedged leaning against the wall next to the door proping it shut. Mirror completely unbroken - even though it had fallen hit the marble top sink counter, flipped over and was about 2 meters from its original position.
Why would I dream that???
This happened this year, 2 months ago ish... I woke up early 7am ish having had an odd dream. It was a Saturday so I was a bit miffed, when I have a hangover I find it hard to sleep in. This dream was off a family friend, well a friend of my mums. I can't really recall exactly what happened, but I 'felt' she had died. Fast forward about 2 hours I am faffing about still in bed, determined not to get up so early - when the phone rang. This is not a normal time we receive calls, I was not going to get up to answer, so I let it ring out. nearer 9am it rings again. I knew who it would be... it would be news of this family friends death.
It wasn't, it was her husband - well impending. He had been taken very ill into hospital, and well he did pass away a week or so later. Now to put this into some form of context, although a family friend (well a friend of my mum's) my mum hadn't really seen her or spoken to her for a fair few months. So it wasn't as though she would be calling frequently... I have no great connection with the family, I have very little feelings either way to them. I have never dreamt about them nor really thought about them before. But to know that one of the couple are ill in hospital, a few hours before being told is really rather creepy. Coincidence? Probably
( , Thu 14 Apr 2011, 14:28, 20 replies)

I will hide things if the opportunity arises. It's always fun to hear someone tell you in hushed tones that their bottle opener went missing, and that they found it under their pillow!
Of course, once people start breeding, it becomes all the more fun as you can watch the kids take the blame.
( , Thu 14 Apr 2011, 14:33, closed)

"Say the odds are a million to one that when a person has a dream of an airplane crash, there is an airplane crash the next day. With 6 billion people having an average of 250 dream themes each per night, there should be about 1.5 million people a day who have dreams that seem clairvoyant."
Robert Todd Carroll.
( , Thu 14 Apr 2011, 14:41, closed)

Just saying that dreaming of a plane crash is widening the field somewhat. Only an idiot would claim to have some super power if they dreamt of a plane crash the night before one happened.
What is interesting if people dream of a plane crash with specific details that match the actual crash. Such as the specific airline, or the type of plane, or where, when and how it crashed.
I actually dream of plane crashes a lot. So I hope my dreams arent a projection of what is to come. Because if they are, then don't get on a plane ever again thats all I can say!
( , Thu 14 Apr 2011, 14:47, closed)

But unlike most cynical people on this board. You should perhaps open yourself up to further investigate this. You cant proove it was a coincidence.
This mirror that fell of? Had the mounting for it been coming gradually looser and looser? Did you somehow subconciously sense this when going to the room but not notice?
Have a look online about being able to instigate lucid dreaming and for remembering your dreams. The minute you wake up, make a diary of any dream you have, or if a dream comes to you during the day then write it down as soon as possible. You may discover that other dreams you have had, that didnt particularly impact you so you forget about them may have come true.
Or you might not find anything and you can put these down to a coincidence.
( , Thu 14 Apr 2011, 14:42, closed)

I don't believe I am psychic - far from it. But I will say there are things out there we don't understand (great all encompassing ballish statement).
The fact I do dream, and can recall them on a weekly basis and of course don't feel the need to with tell anyone, unless it was particularly sordid... but these 2 dreams were vivid, and felt 'different' and they were both so specific as to be rather creepy.
I agree that the mirror falling may have been me subconsciously noticing that the mirror had moved... but the family friend... I don't know.
( , Thu 14 Apr 2011, 14:56, closed)

you even managed to get the specific person wrong, but well done, you clearly have a gift for prediction
( , Thu 14 Apr 2011, 15:11, closed)

and your rolling pin went missing
call Derek fucking Acorah
( , Thu 14 Apr 2011, 15:13, closed)

But then returned - once a new one was bought - de de deeeeeeeeeeee
( , Thu 14 Apr 2011, 16:02, closed)

I read the best and most respected theory on future predictions.
The future can only be predicted by what you know, and to work out a likely outcome.
So for example. Having watched the fuel prices go up. I can say "The fuel prices are going to go up again". And viola the chances are they do and I've made a future prediction.
Now how about these psycics? Well if it was possible to ascend your conciousness beyond the limits of your physical self and gain a great understanding of the universe from a higher spiritual level. Perhaps a collective concioussness that would give you a greater understanding and understanding of everythign and in turn would allow you to predict a more accurate future. But it still can't be 100% accurate because it hasnt happened yet.
For example, it would not be possible to predict a random event, such as lottery numbers.
Dreams that come true? Well, as I said in an earlier post. There is a theory that our conciousness phases closer to the afterlife when we're sleeping. This could in turn provide us with information from a higher collective concioussness which would be perceived as a vision of something that is going to happen. Far fetched? Yes, Provable? No. Impossible? Who knows?
( , Thu 14 Apr 2011, 15:19, closed)

Yes, yes there is. There's also a theory that my cock is the same size and shape as the pre-disaster Hindenberg.
( , Thu 14 Apr 2011, 15:25, closed)

I had a dream once that I could talk to cats....now I'm not saying it means I'm totally psysic....but ever since when I scream at the dirty fuckers to stop shitting on my lawn they run off straight away...I'm not Dr. Fucking Doolittle so it must be SOME form of psycoism.
( , Thu 14 Apr 2011, 15:39, closed)

how could I have been such a sceptic that I didn't believe assurances that the supernatural really is real honest from credulous people on the internet?
the scales have fallen from my eyes
( , Thu 14 Apr 2011, 15:55, closed)

I never realised what a bunch of sceptics b3tans were. Its so funny to see the harsh negative reactions to anything that could possibily explain life beyond our limited shells. Its like its offensive or something.
If only id have known I'd have jumped into this question when it first opened.
( , Thu 14 Apr 2011, 16:06, closed)

... cue X Files music. Or perhaps think outside the box for a moment.
( , Thu 14 Apr 2011, 16:07, closed)
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