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This is a question Dad stories

"Do anything good for your birthday?" one of your friendly B3TA moderator team asked in one of those father/son phone calls that last two minutes. "Yep," he said, "Your mum." Tell us about dads, lack of dad and being a dad.

Suggested by bROKEN aRROW

(, Thu 25 Nov 2010, 11:50)
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Mine's a pint
First post! This thread is fantastic. My dad is currently in hospital.

Last Thursday, he stopped off at the cash machine to get some beer tokens, and suffered a stroke. He came to and apparently ambled about the town centre for hours with no idea of who or where he was. His faithful dog Charlie cottoned on that something wasn't right, and led him to the pub, just as it was closing.

Apparently, as they were waiting for an ambulance, they poured him a pint (which he downed with relish) and he 'felt fine', in his own words.

That kind of sums up my dad, in a wonderful way.
(, Wed 1 Dec 2010, 3:46, 5 replies)
That dog sounds ace, as does your dad. Hope he's doing better soon.
(, Wed 1 Dec 2010, 4:26, closed)
I was thinking the same ..
.. "Something's wrong. Better head for the pub". They should genetically engineer dogs to have that outlook! Hope he has a swift recovery.
(, Wed 1 Dec 2010, 10:04, closed)
A dog like that, you don't eat it all at once

(, Wed 1 Dec 2010, 10:27, closed)

A click for your dad and the dog!
(, Wed 1 Dec 2010, 16:03, closed)
Hope your dad isn't to badly effected.
(, Thu 2 Dec 2010, 11:26, closed)

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