Dressing Up
Rotating Disembodied Head asks: Have you spent 10,000 man hours recreating a costume of a minor character from Star Trek to wear at conventions or merely turned up at a party buck-naked and sporting a mouthful of custard which you spit out on demand and declare yourself to be a zit? Tales of the old dressing up box, fancy dress parties and stealing panties off next door's line. Said too much.
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 25 Oct 2012, 12:37)
this got me a half day off work
mictoboy shitting in your cunt since, Thu 25 Oct 2012, 14:28,
9 replies)
Lovely spreadsheet!
Free pens 100, 101, 102 is still counting on, Thu 25 Oct 2012, 14:53,
yep - getting it all mostly green deserves a half day in itself
buffet_the_appetite_slayer ٩(●̮̃•)۶ jacked in to the ICE on, Thu 25 Oct 2012, 16:23,
metal mictoboy using the power of boogie woogie.
mark morrisons prison shoes I love Willie, Thu 25 Oct 2012, 14:55,
a half day off?
was that for the mental health checkup?
Smash Monkey lowering the tone of the whole internet, Thu 25 Oct 2012, 14:55,
Half day off for sexually harrassing the photocopier?
stuj (^(^;;^)^) GO TEAM SPIDERS!(^(^;;^)^), Thu 25 Oct 2012, 15:12,
"I think you ought to know I'm feeling very depressed"
The Luggage is haunted..., Thu 25 Oct 2012, 17:01,
My capacity for happiness, you could fit into a matchbox without taking out the matches first.
The Mock Turtle ™ --- Thinks you are a cunt, on, Thu 25 Oct 2012, 18:13,
That's the most cheerful robot costume I've ever seen!
Extinct Jesus Dossier "...I think it counteracts Hitler's magic...", Thu 25 Oct 2012, 18:45,
Is that the new Kitkat Lanky?
Jeccius Steam Borderlands 2 junkie, Fri 26 Oct 2012, 15:09,