Family codes and rituals
Freddy Woo writes, "as a child we used to have a 'whoever cuts doesn't choose the slice' rule with cake. It worked brilliantly, but it's left me completely anal about dividing up food - my wife just takes the piss as I ritually compare all the slice sizes."
What codes and rituals does your family have?
chthonic, Thu 20 Nov 2008, 18:05)
I procrastinate so much...
Oh wait shit sorry
Charlietron Still can't think of anything witty to put here, Thu 20 Nov 2008, 18:13,
6 replies)
you'll be the first of many
i should have joined myspace, Thu 20 Nov 2008, 18:14,
but they are FIRST.
kitescreech still here, Thu 20 Nov 2008, 18:17,
I clicked
Because you were first. T'was expected but made me giggle. Thank god last weeks question is out of the way!
Something funny, Thu 20 Nov 2008, 18:27,
Anyone else
Who posts this should be shot. Once is enough.
MatJ LOOK, Thu 20 Nov 2008, 19:47,
that is all
spimf ™ is whoever you want him to be, Fri 21 Nov 2008, 13:25,
Fair enough
I really should try to resist these urges.
Charlietron Still can't think of anything witty to put here, Fri 21 Nov 2008, 21:42,