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Home » Question of the Week » God » Post 390576 | Search
This is a question God

Tell us your stories of churches and religion (or lack thereof). Let the smiting begin!

Question suggested by Supersonic Electronic

(, Thu 19 Mar 2009, 15:00)
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i'm not the kind of person who believes in god but..
on the day of my youngest cousins christening, i was sure someone up there liked me.

my great grandma is not a nice women. she acts horrible towards people, plays people off against one another and she always has done throughout her life.
at my cousins christening i showed up to be met with the usual

"are you still wearing that goff stuff?" (i was wearing a black skirt)
"so that nice boy get sick of you?"
"why are you so fat?" (i'm a uk size 8)
"you should go to church more often why don't you go!?"

the "why don't you go to church?" thing then turned into a rant about how god was going to smite me down the minute i stepped into the church.

my great grandma decided she was going to be the first one out of us to walk into the church.
as she did the door slammed back as she was half way through it, hitting her in the face and pushing her out of the church.

i guess thats the closest to a smiting i could have hoped for.

(, Thu 19 Mar 2009, 17:02, 2 replies)
Ha! awesome
What was the reaction? Did you have to stifle your laughter to disapproving frowns, or did your family see the funny side?
(, Thu 19 Mar 2009, 18:15, closed)
we all cracked up laughing
the family took it well... she's now known as the anti christ.
(, Thu 19 Mar 2009, 18:41, closed)

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