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This is a question Greed

Buzzkillington says: "I once worked for Pizza Hut... Whats the the worst thing you've ever done for money?" And while we're here, tell us about greedy people you know. Money or pie, it doesn't matter.

(, Thu 14 Apr 2011, 16:30)
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Worse thing I've done for money? I should be doing it right now
Right now I should be working on a website designed to tell parents the birthsign, moonsign and name numerology of their baby. Bloody hell what a load of new age bollocks!

But they're not paying me to tell them that it's all a huge steaming pile of rancid weasel droppings, which appeals only to the kind of credulous fucktards who would have difficulty winning a battle of wits with plankton, so sod it.

At least my name won't appear anywhere on it.
(, Wed 20 Apr 2011, 22:18, 9 replies)
sheldon plankton?
he's quite clever, actually.
(, Wed 20 Apr 2011, 22:23, closed)
Put your true sentiments in an HTML comment
...perhaps base64 encoded or some such.
(, Wed 20 Apr 2011, 23:22, closed)
Good idea...

(, Thu 21 Apr 2011, 0:37, closed)

(, Wed 20 Apr 2011, 23:39, closed)
Damn you're right

(, Thu 21 Apr 2011, 0:37, closed)
There's nothing shameful about taking money from credulous morons.
Although you should probably put in an easter egg that tells every thousandth query that their child is a son of satan and bears the number of the beast.
(, Thu 21 Apr 2011, 8:32, closed)
This has to be done.

(, Thu 21 Apr 2011, 9:56, closed)
If I give you her birthdate
can you tell me if my youngest is always going to be such a stubborn little scrote?
(, Thu 21 Apr 2011, 9:39, closed)
In my time I've written horoscopes and when I mention it, some people are all like "But how did you know what they were going to be?" Er - I made them up. "But...but...you're not an astrologer!"
(, Thu 21 Apr 2011, 10:33, closed)

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