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This is a question Bizarre habits

Sandettie Light Vessel Automatic tells us: "Until I pointed it out, my other half use to hang out the washing making sure that both pegs were the same colour. Now she goes out of her way to make sure they never match." Tell us about bizarre rituals, habits and OCD-like behaviour.

(, Thu 1 Jul 2010, 12:33)
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Car Years
Our car gets one "car year" older every 1000 miles. She gets wished Happy Birthday every time the clock ticks over.

She is now 15 car years old.

My last car was traded in at the ripe old age of 66.

Also when driving past a field with animals in you have to make the noise of the animals. Sheeps easy, cows and pigs easy, we just looked blankly at each other when we passed a field of Llama.
(, Wed 7 Jul 2010, 10:23, 16 replies)
My current car
Is now 131.
(, Wed 7 Jul 2010, 10:51, closed)
Just turned 167

(, Wed 7 Jul 2010, 11:26, closed)
that makes my vw camper
196... and still going strong ;-)
(, Wed 7 Jul 2010, 13:46, closed)
I think they baa too.
Neat idea the car year. I thought you said "gets washed" and have to admit, mine gets washed closer to every 10 car years..
(, Wed 7 Jul 2010, 10:54, closed)
I have had mine for 2.5 years
It has been washed 4 times.

I know this because it has been serviced twice, and gone back for warranty fixes twice. The dealers wash it, probably out of pity.
(, Wed 7 Jul 2010, 11:41, closed)
I got my current car in 2004.
There has still never been a time when it, a bucket, a sponge and I have come even close to each other.
(, Wed 7 Jul 2010, 14:18, closed)
You're my fucking hero!
(, Wed 7 Jul 2010, 17:00, closed)
make a sort of growly baa-ing noise... right in the back of the throat.
they also spit so you could do that. Make sure the windows are down first though.
(, Wed 7 Jul 2010, 11:03, closed)
...sound like the cylindrical toys that are supposed to sound like sheep bleating when you turn them.
(, Wed 7 Jul 2010, 12:16, closed)
i drive about 24000 miles a year
My car would get very old very quickly!
(, Wed 7 Jul 2010, 11:18, closed)
I think you'll find the plural of a sheep is sheep

-This correction was brought to you by a grammer nazi-
(, Wed 7 Jul 2010, 11:18, closed)
I think you'll find . . .
(, Wed 7 Jul 2010, 11:45, closed)
How ironic
Being picked up on my grammar by someone half my age who can't even spell correctly. I'll go easy and not mention the poor punctutation.

It was intentional, but nevermind I'll be more careful in future.

Anyway, shouldn't you be -a spelling goblin- ?
(, Wed 7 Jul 2010, 13:36, closed)
I'm not really a grammar nazi, or a spelling goblin for that matter, I was just being pretentious
(, Wed 7 Jul 2010, 14:48, closed)

Pretentious, toi?

(, Wed 7 Jul 2010, 16:05, closed)
Animal noises.
We do that one too.

When we drove past a field of Llamas, we just shouted out "Llama noise!" instead.
(, Wed 7 Jul 2010, 16:46, closed)

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