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This is a question World's Most Hated Food

What food do you hate the most? And why? Do brussel sprouts make you hurl? Can't stand the pea? Think baked-beans are the work of satan? Tell us, and tell us now.

(, Mon 12 Jul 2004, 10:51)
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Since you ask...
Cheese. I fucking hate cheese. How you people can put it anywhere near your face is beyond me. Not only the ordinary Lancashire or mild cheddar but the blue crap and that vomit-inducing parmesan. Why?
I get so sick of people saying 'You don't like cheese? I thought everybody liked cheese. I've never met anybody who doesn't like cheese' I just tell them it makes my eyeballs dissolve and death ensues in a fit ridden stinking explosion of guts and shit in 40 seconds flat. And my wife's favourite food bar none? Cheese. Especially the blue crap.
Coriander? Why don't you just squirt an entire bottle of fairy liquid into your mouth.
And grapefruit. Don't bring me grapfruit. Whoever called it grapefruit should be dragged into the street and shot at dawn. I like grapes but grapefruit is just false advertising.
(, Mon 12 Jul 2004, 17:31, Reply)

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