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This is a question IT Support

Our IT support guy has been in the job since 1979, and never misses an opportunity to pick up a mouse and say "Hello computer" into it, Star Trek-style. Tell us your tales from the IT support cupboard, either from within or without.

(, Thu 24 Sep 2009, 12:45)
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I'm not sure - does this count as IT?
Yesterday I had to call a bod at Tesco Mobile to find out why I hadn't been able to top up my phone in America.

He tried to make me believe that my bank wasn't able to receive the transaction request because I was, and I quote, "too far away".

This man may not have been an IT bod, but in some way he is licenced to give technical information and advice to customers. And we're talking about the sort of chavs that use Tesco Mobile (myself not included obviously, as I am the exception that proves the rule).

Also, my last phone was a clam-shell. It was really god for doing old Star Trek communicator thing impressions. Not that I ever did that.

(, Thu 24 Sep 2009, 13:29, 5 replies)
That's the incorrect
use of the term "Exception that proves the rule"
(, Thu 24 Sep 2009, 13:34, closed)
in what way?

(, Thu 24 Sep 2009, 13:38, closed)
You're implying that the fact that you aren't a chav
and you use tesco mobile in some way proves the rule that only chavs use tesco mobile. That is self evidently incorrect.


This page explains it much better than I could.
(, Thu 24 Sep 2009, 13:40, closed)
*brain assplodes*
too many words.

Perhaps I should have said that thickos use Tesco Mobile, in which case I would abvioulsy not be an exception.
(, Thu 24 Sep 2009, 13:49, closed)
You know
people who work in call centers aren't stupid by any stretch of the imagination. What they are is lazy. He knew full well that what he was telling you was bollocks, but he didn't want to have to do any work to find out the real reason. 9 times out of 10 when customers have a problem the explanation is impossible for a call center person to get at anyway, so they're not inclined to put themselves out to do something that they'll fail at anyway. Can't really blame them - people in MacDonald's earn more than them.
(, Sun 27 Sep 2009, 20:35, closed)

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