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This is a question IT Support

Our IT support guy has been in the job since 1979, and never misses an opportunity to pick up a mouse and say "Hello computer" into it, Star Trek-style. Tell us your tales from the IT support cupboard, either from within or without.

(, Thu 24 Sep 2009, 12:45)
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i am so cleverer than thickies
once i was presented with a computer problem which only i was able to fix and other people couldn't, god they are thick aren't they...

this is definatley a thrread for the sad and freindless IT geeks, not one in twenty stories actually has anything which could be regarded as wit or humour..

p.s. i kill computors....
(, Wed 30 Sep 2009, 19:55, 11 replies)
lost will to live
fuckinell this is as yet the shittest qotw ever.................
(, Wed 30 Sep 2009, 19:58, closed)
oh my god...
I want to kiss you!

Because everyone wants to kill me... look.


(, Wed 30 Sep 2009, 20:32, closed)
Well, not everyone.
Tonight I'm in a mood for hugging people.
(, Wed 30 Sep 2009, 21:20, closed)
was there
a Honda Accord involved?
(, Wed 30 Sep 2009, 20:48, closed)
"not one in twenty stories actually has anything which could be regarded as wit or humour"

...and this one of the nineteen.

Take your ill-informed rants to 'Yahoo! Answers', or somewhere equally inane.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 1:46, closed)
I think ill-informed is the wrong word
but he is right. There are a lot of these posts about how thick people are and how IT people are much better.
If you don't agree with a post, read the next one down. Or at least respond with something meaningful to counter it.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 1:53, closed)
Please leave your common sense at the door.
It's not his fault he hates capital letters.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:37, closed)
mine wasn't
mine was about people being rude because they think they're so much better than IT (and girls). i'm here to help people not get shouted at, i understand not everybody "gets" computers same as i don't get foreign languages
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 11:03, closed)
My assistant is male and people are shocked - horrified! - that I am his boss.

People walk into my office, ignore me and ask him all the questions. I've had people mistake me for his secretary.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 11:26, closed)
Thickies are in the minority for sure
but they still warrant the piss ripped out of them. In this QOTW we asked for IT helpdesk stories, most are funny because of stupidity (and to be fair not always the user).

If you find it boring and you kill computers you're probably one of the thickies. Try posting about how patronising a helpdesk guy/gal was instead of whining. If that doesn't help then why don't you put more RAM in yer USB or something?

You sound like the kind of person who needs a mate to come round and clean the pr0n and gambling detritus off their computer every couple of months.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 11:07, closed)
i have nothing more to add
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 11:12, closed)

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