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Home » Question of the Week » Meeting people from the internet » Post 1399205 | Search
This is a question Meeting people from the internet

Monty Boyce asks: Have you ever had a real-life meet with somebody you first knew from the internet? How did it go? How long until the Asbo expires?

(, Thu 20 Oct 2011, 12:43)
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What is
the problem with PERSHITALITY WHORE'S?

He's not right in the head, that one...
(, Thu 20 Oct 2011, 21:06, 10 replies)

(, Thu 20 Oct 2011, 21:10, closed)
I think this QOTWer (who certainly isn't having a wobble)
is referring to Personality Horse. See what happened there? Changed a few letters around. Comedy gold that.
(, Thu 20 Oct 2011, 21:12, closed)

(, Thu 20 Oct 2011, 21:14, closed)

(, Thu 20 Oct 2011, 21:15, closed)
They're certainly no Layne County or VICE.

(, Thu 20 Oct 2011, 21:11, closed)

F::::::::::::::::::::FI::::::::IR::::::::::::::::R SS:::::::::::::::ST:::::::::::::::::::::T!!:!!
F::::::::::::::::::::FI::::::::IR::::::RRRRRR:::::R S:::::SSSSSS::::::ST:::::::::::::::::::::T!:::!
FF::::::FFFFFFFFF::::FII::::::IIRR:::::R R:::::RS:::::S SSSSSSST:::::TT:::::::TT:::::T!:::!
F:::::F FFFFFF I::::I R::::R R:::::RS:::::S TTTTTT T:::::T TTTTTT!:::!
F:::::F I::::I R::::R R:::::RS:::::S T:::::T !:::!
F::::::FFFFFFFFFF I::::I R::::RRRRRR:::::R S::::SSSS T:::::T !:::!
F:::::::::::::::F I::::I R:::::::::::::RR SS::::::SSSSS T:::::T !:::!
F:::::::::::::::F I::::I R::::RRRRRR:::::R SSS::::::::SS T:::::T !:::!
F::::::FFFFFFFFFF I::::I R::::R R:::::R SSSSSS::::S T:::::T !:::!
F:::::F I::::I R::::R R:::::R S:::::S T:::::T !!:!!
F:::::F I::::I R::::R R:::::R S:::::S T:::::T !!!
FF:::::::FF II::::::IIRR:::::R R:::::RSSSSSSS S:::::S TT:::::::TT
F::::::::FF I::::::::IR::::::R R:::::RS::::::SSSSSS:::::S T:::::::::T !!!
F::::::::FF I::::::::IR::::::R R:::::RS:::::::::::::::SS T:::::::::T !!:!!

(, Thu 20 Oct 2011, 21:22, closed)
I don't have a problem with him. You seem to have a problem with spelling though.

(, Thu 20 Oct 2011, 21:31, closed)
Your silly puns don't become better for being written in CRAPITALS.

(, Thu 20 Oct 2011, 21:42, closed)
I wouldn't draw any attention to him if I were you. It will only inflame the situation and may end acrimoniously.
(, Fri 21 Oct 2011, 2:09, closed)
Oh, zed to the eye en gee.
Well, now that you've fixed the internet for us, we can all move on.
(, Fri 21 Oct 2011, 9:38, closed)

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