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This is a question I spied on someone...

Freddie Woo says: "I was staying at a youth hostel in Europe and realised you could spy on the female dorm by looking through the keyhole in the adjoining door. So I knelt down, put my eye up to the hole... and saw an eye staring back at me. And I was the one they called a pervert." Tell us your tale of spying shenanigans.

(, Thu 2 Jan 2014, 12:23)
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so another shatteringly good collection of stories to start this week off

(, Thu 2 Jan 2014, 16:46, 39 replies)
Shut up and then fuck off and then die. Silently.

(, Thu 2 Jan 2014, 16:49, closed)
After you Shambo
and can i add painfully to that list
(, Thu 2 Jan 2014, 16:50, closed)
You can add what you like as long as you're dead at the end of it.

(, Thu 2 Jan 2014, 16:52, closed)
But you would be dead too Shambo if you are going first.
why the agression all of a sudden? Did somebody get out of the wrong side of the new year?
(, Thu 2 Jan 2014, 16:59, closed)
No animosity intended.
I'd just like your death to occur as quickly and quietly as possible. No'ffence like.
(, Thu 2 Jan 2014, 18:33, closed)
Tis the season of goodwill to all men and trolls
(if only barely) so i wish you a prosperous new year Shambo and lots of love and hugs in the hope that you can conquer your difficulties and emerge with a brighter attitude.
(, Fri 3 Jan 2014, 10:10, closed)
That's awfully generous of you but I'm already wealthy and happy so you should probably save your wishes for somebody more deserving.
Then die in a slow fire.
(, Fri 3 Jan 2014, 10:13, closed)
Shambo you don't understand
My love and best wishes for you are unconditional so i send them to you regardless. I hope if you do die in a fire it is quick and you suffer no pain.
For someone who says they are happy you seem to have a lot of aggression and bile stored up there.
(, Fri 3 Jan 2014, 10:57, closed)
Only mincing bed wetters think they can detect people's mood from words they type on the internet.
Don't be a mincing bed wetter.
(, Fri 3 Jan 2014, 11:42, closed)
(, Fri 3 Jan 2014, 13:00, closed)
^mincing bed wetter^
wait that was the point wasn't it...
(, Fri 3 Jan 2014, 15:21, closed)
Since you wish me a slow and painful death for no good reason that i can see
It does leave me little option but to assume that you are angry and/or bitter about something. I do apologise if i am wrong. You could simply be mentally ill and wishing pain and suffering on a total stranger could be a normal state of affairs for you. I could have done something to raise your ire and if this is the case i do apologise for upsetting your delicate sensibilities.

To satisfy your curiosity i don't wet the bed and i have never knowingly minced. I buy my mince ready made from the local butchers
(, Fri 3 Jan 2014, 13:59, closed)
I'm just typing things into the internet.
I appreciate this must be a confusing idea for a mincing bed wetter.
(, Fri 3 Jan 2014, 14:24, closed)
I suppose it would be
Are you therefore feeling confused? Never mind i still wish you well and hope that the year goes excellently for you
(, Fri 3 Jan 2014, 15:12, closed)

(, Fri 3 Jan 2014, 15:53, closed)
herp derp

(, Tue 7 Jan 2014, 8:53, closed)
this ignore thing, where I can't see anything you post, can you make sure you NEVER take me off it?

(, Thu 2 Jan 2014, 17:00, closed)
Dunno who you are. Dunno if you're on ignore. Don't care. Soz.
But feel free to use affectionate variations on the popular kids' names if it makes you feel slightly less unimportant and lonely. Xxx.
(, Thu 2 Jan 2014, 18:31, closed)
Thank you for your invaluable contribution to same.

(, Thu 2 Jan 2014, 17:09, closed)
I sometimes do contribute more than this
Think i will just wait till next week for Lulz
(, Thu 2 Jan 2014, 17:17, closed)

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