My job: Expectation vs Reality
When I worked as a window cleaner, everybody - and I mean everybody - I knew asked me the "how's yer father" question. The truth was that I was always knackered and freezing, and the only nudity I saw was some fat bloke's arse. Tell us how your work differs from the expectation.
Thanks to Rotating Wobbly Hat for the idea
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 8 May 2014, 22:21)
he was an unemployed otter-handler trying to make a few quid
Carpe Cyprinidae, Tue 13 May 2014, 14:58,
2 replies)
Then it's easy.
1. Dip otter in paint
2. Aggravate otter
3. ???
4. Profit!
Enzyme is powered by sunlight, Tue 13 May 2014, 15:38,
OK - so reference to aggravating otters for profit made me do a lol.
Je suis un vagabond is an unfunny, up your own arse middle class knob, Tue 13 May 2014, 15:46,
The silly mare meant to say - agitate. LOL
d.r._and_quinch when will you be famous?, Tue 13 May 2014, 16:02,
I preferred the image of paint moving from can and otter to walls powered solely by lutrine rage
Carpe Cyprinidae, Tue 13 May 2014, 23:59,
I didn't know the word 'lutrine', so thanks.
Wet-chinned bag shanker Cannot parse Wogan, Wed 14 May 2014, 11:53,
Your homework for this week is to use 'lutrine' in at least 5 contexts, one of which must be a forum signature text.
Carpe Cyprinidae, Wed 14 May 2014, 15:13,
Thank you.
So did I.
Enzyme is powered by sunlight, Wed 14 May 2014, 13:17,
Ok, who are you and why do you have me on ignore you great big dribbling cock-end?
2 Can Chunder Word to your mums, I came to prod bums, Tue 13 May 2014, 15:42,
Because you touch yourself.
Je suis un vagabond is an unfunny, up your own arse middle class knob, Tue 13 May 2014, 16:14,