Tell us your pharmaceutically-influenced anecdotes, legal or otherwise. We promise not to dob you in to The Man.
Thanks to sanityclause for the suggestion
( , Thu 16 Sep 2010, 13:30)
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I experimented and ended up becoming heavily into weed from the age of 14 back when a TEENTH cost £7 and an EIGHTH was £14 - then went to drama schoool and tried to be an actor
being a ridiculously handsome straight 16 year old I found myself entertained by many older directors who in all likeliness, were it not for my resistance would have bummed me RIGID. (maybe my resistance made them want it more)
Also I found myself moving in certain london circles involving after show parties/ theatre companies where basically young men and women found all manner of illegal substances and alcohol literally SHOVED in their faces by the older arty crowd and all manner of sexy time went on. I loved it because the women were hot, easy and willing and usually older than me.
Wht had been a casual flirtation soon turned into a LOVE of cocaine (which was free at these kinds of things usually and if bought shared willingly) which of course lead on to experimentation with all other things and there isn't a drug I didn't try at some point. I also suffered crippling panic attacks occasionally and HUGE memory loss and often woke up in strange places/areas/beds
I believe I was in some way sexually assaulted at some point (NOT BUMMED MIND) and my father (somebody that works still to this day with drug addicts etc...) found me passed out in the bath (empty with the shower on), white as a sheet, shaking like a leaf.
He put me to bed and I slept for 3 days
The next thing I know my grandparents had sent me off to maidstone to "be with the monks" at great expense (lots of money even in those days) where I learnt painting, pottery, casking and gardening, a lovely time.
With the things i learnt there combined with regula NA meetings, great help from my sponsors I can happily say I celebrated 10 years clean in March this year, at 26 years old. Unfortunatley I don't get the 10 years Narcotics Anonymous keyring as I managed to maintain a steady drink problem that somehow hasn't affected my life, i also travelled and lived abroad from 17 years old as to keep life interesting and avoid temptation.
Got it all out the way early,
this may not be LOLFUNNY or made up but it's my story and something I'm proud of.
I always try to be there for anyone with a bit of a problem and hate the way that cocaine is considered so fucking HIP and COOL and if the idiots that shove that shit up their hooterws every weekend knew the awful way it came about (colombian farmers having families kidnapped so they grow coca etc...) they probably wouldn't bother.
still would LOVE a line and half a spliff right now though :(
( , Mon 20 Sep 2010, 20:12, 13 replies)

you went to stay with religious men and STILL didn't get bummed?
man, you must be ugly!
( , Mon 20 Sep 2010, 20:16, closed)

on getting clean, and staying so more importantly.
Good on you fella, have a click for it
( , Tue 21 Sep 2010, 13:23, closed)

"Unfortunatley I don't get the 10 years Narcotics Anonymous keyring as I managed to maintain a steady drink problem that somehow hasn't affected my life,"
That's what's wrong with the "recovery industry" right there.
If you maintain a high level of drinking that genuinely doesn't affect your life (as opposed to just kidding yourself that it doesn't), then you don't have a problem
( , Wed 22 Sep 2010, 13:21, closed)
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