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You'd be a fuck sight better going to see an actual trained medical practitioner.

(, Tue 3 May 2011, 9:08, 1 reply, 14 years ago)
Osteopaths are trained
and licensed, it's chiropractors that aren't. But both can be perfectly good at helping you.
(, Tue 3 May 2011, 9:11, Reply)
They are not trained medically.
they are trained in osteopathy, the validity of which there is almost no scientific evidence to back up.

I'm not saying they might not help. I'm saying I'd rather see someone who doesn't believe in some woo theory of body oneness.
(, Tue 3 May 2011, 9:13, Reply)
That's Chiropractors
or at least, some Chiropractors, mine believes in getting your spine straight and your muscles working properly, but some believe in body one-ness.

If you have a bad back because of shitty posture and bad working practive, which I would guess is the most likely reason for Monty's pain, then relieving the pain by putting his back right would only be the first step, Monty would have to stop slouching in his chair to actualy fix the problem long term.
(, Tue 3 May 2011, 9:17, Reply)
No it most certainly is not.
Osteopaths believe in the validity of, and use, amongst other things, craniosacral therapy. Perhaps you'd care to google that and come back to me, sir?
(, Tue 3 May 2011, 9:20, Reply)
I don't really care to be honest
my views on osteopathy are akin to Monty's views on anything which might require him to engage his brain.

My main issue is that when I went to see the Doctor about my knee he poked it and sent me for a CAT scan, when the results came back he said there was nothing wrong with me knee and it would get better. After two months I still couldn't straighten it properly. I went to see my Chiropractor and he popped it back into place. A week later I could run on it.
(, Tue 3 May 2011, 9:24, Reply)
I'd still start with a phsysiotherapist before resorting to a woo merchant, personally
but I agree, if it works then it works. It just happens to be a major bugbear of mine that use of greek words and some level of regulation somehow conveys medical respectability in some of these areas
(, Tue 3 May 2011, 9:26, Reply)
I only went to this guy
because he was recommended by a friend, I wouldn't just pick a one out of the phone book.
(, Tue 3 May 2011, 9:28, Reply)
Oh, for sure.
I mean, these people are basically extended massage therapists but if the stuff they did didn't work they wouldn't get repeat business. It's people that rely on them that worry me as they've got no medical background so are likely to miss something medically dangerous while they are busy aligning your chakras or whatever
(, Tue 3 May 2011, 9:30, Reply)
physiotherapists are good.
I've finally had someone tell me what was wrong with my hip and I can now do something about it thanks to my physio. She gave me exercises to do which've really helped.
(, Tue 3 May 2011, 9:28, Reply)
This is what I'd been led to believe.
Osteo = real medical people
Chiro = hippy cunts

I don't know what to think now...
(, Tue 3 May 2011, 9:18, Reply)
Won't your doctor recommend anyone?

(, Tue 3 May 2011, 9:19, Reply)
Just because osteo is Greek for bone doesn't actually mean they are medically trained.
They are regulated, yes, and they have to have degrees in Osteopathy. You can have a degree in homeopathy, too, and that's a greek word as well.
(, Tue 3 May 2011, 9:21, Reply)
So's 'paedophile'.
(, Tue 3 May 2011, 9:24, Reply)

you got me.
(, Tue 3 May 2011, 9:26, Reply)
*folds arms smugly*

(, Tue 3 May 2011, 9:29, Reply)

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