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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Old enough to know that naming your children after cartoon robots and Science fiction princesses is not a good idea

(, Fri 13 May 2011, 14:58, 2 replies, latest was 14 years ago)
That's right '3PO

(, Fri 13 May 2011, 14:59, Reply)
Akira was not a robot, cartoon or otherwise
(, Fri 13 May 2011, 15:03, Reply)
I do believe it was a boy's name though
(, Fri 13 May 2011, 15:05, Reply)
In the film it was indeed
but in Japan it is an honour to give a girl the name Akira apparantly
(, Fri 13 May 2011, 15:07, Reply)
Who am I to question you on this matter?
I'm not permitted to breed myself so I can only gaze in wonderment at your achievement.
(, Fri 13 May 2011, 15:11, Reply)
You are correct, much better to have named her after a "rampaging psionic psychopath"

(, Fri 13 May 2011, 15:06, Reply)
Fucking right
She's getting there too. The other day her grandmother was ignoring her so she stole her slippers took them behind the door and pissed all over them. When I asked her why she had done it her response was "So nanny won't ignore me next time!"
(, Fri 13 May 2011, 15:08, Reply)
I have no idea why I find this so funny
perhaps you should give her a baby-ASBO
(, Fri 13 May 2011, 15:09, Reply)
You find it funny
because it's funny. But don't tell her I said that.

It was also funny when she covered herself and in the process the entire house in talcum powder before running in to the room shouting "I'm a ghost" and jumping on me then squirting the remainder of the talcum powder in my face.
(, Fri 13 May 2011, 15:12, Reply)
(, Fri 13 May 2011, 15:13, Reply)
That was Tetsuo.

(, Fri 13 May 2011, 15:11, Reply)
Technically, yes
but it's implied that Akira was also.
(, Fri 13 May 2011, 15:14, Reply)
No it isn't!
Akira was just so powerful that using his powers caused him to unwittingly destroy Tokyo and start World War 3. No psychopathic tendencies were implied.
(, Fri 13 May 2011, 15:18, Reply)
My bad
I haven't seen it for a while
(, Fri 13 May 2011, 15:23, Reply)
Good point!
I have named my child after a child with awesome godlike powers who unwittingly started World War III
(, Fri 13 May 2011, 15:14, Reply)

(, Fri 13 May 2011, 15:28, Reply)

(, Fri 13 May 2011, 16:04, Reply)
That was still Tetsuo

(, Fri 13 May 2011, 16:18, Reply)

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