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Are you a QOTWer? Do you want to start a thread that isn't a direct answer to the current QOTW? Then this place, gentle poster, is your friend.

(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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You've gone and correctly identified where I got the miserable cunt from right there.
Yesterday you said that you were all miserable and sad, so, given what kind of website this is, I'm mocking you for it.

Same as I keep being mocked for being grossly obese. Difference is, when someone plays the fat joke, I don't start getting upset. This is b3ta. I'm not getting at you personally, just the fact that you are depressed and sad and likely to start self harming (or, if I dare to dream, committing suicide).
(, Fri 12 Aug 2011, 10:13, 2 replies, latest was 13 years ago)
Shut up, baldy.

(, Fri 12 Aug 2011, 10:13, Reply)
The reflection of bright lights from my scalp will distract you form your latest set of red bill reminders.

(, Fri 12 Aug 2011, 10:15, Reply)
I don't believe I've ever mocked you for being fat, chap.
But, granted, if a couple of responses to a direct question yesterday justify your obsessive mocking, mock away. I'm just choosing to take it that you drift off to sleep cuddling a print-out of my profile at night.
(, Fri 12 Aug 2011, 10:21, Reply)
who doesn't?

(, Fri 12 Aug 2011, 10:22, Reply)
He looks like a big sweaty egg.

(, Fri 12 Aug 2011, 10:24, Reply)
like humpty dumpty?
humpty dumpty sat on a- one of his own carrots more like. and thought, hmm that was rather nice.

maybe this explains the obsession with vegetable growing, come to think of it.
(, Fri 12 Aug 2011, 10:26, Reply)

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