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Not another one.
This place is FULL OF 'EM.
(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 16:34, 1 reply, 12 years ago)
just cos you could never even afford one of those helicopter experience days
nad nobody would ever love you enough to buy it for you :(
(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 16:36, Reply)
Whether or not I could afford fifty 'helicopter experience days'
I wouldn't attend a single one. They sound like the sort of pathetic 'middle aged man' birthday present some cunt would buy for a fucking dullard who likes golf.
(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 16:39, Reply)
nah, flying a chopper would be well cool
much less midlife crisis-y than getting a bird 13 years younger, doing drugs and failing at being a dad
(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 16:39, Reply)
'Well cool' if you are a terminally dull peasant.

(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 16:41, Reply)
i disagree right there, see helicopters are the preserve of the rich
and they're like more fun than a motorbike or a car,a nd get this right, they FLY
(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 16:42, Reply)
Why would transport of any kind be 'fun'?
Sounds like 'dullard' talk to me.
(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 16:47, Reply)
B) it can go weally FAST
C) walking everywhere takes pissing ages, you bankrupt, kiddy fucking dipshit
(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 16:49, Reply)
I suppose if you are of limited cranial capacity
then that sort of thing might impress you.
(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 16:53, Reply)
yeah, what i should really be doing is taking 'large quantities of ecuadorian monkey powder'

(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 16:55, Reply)

Helicopters are loud, uncomfortable and after 30 seconds dull as fuck. Bit like you kwuntin.
(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 16:41, Reply)
how do you know i'm uncomfortable?

(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 16:42, Reply)
You're uncomfortable with your own personality
so you are compelled to repeatedly fabricate new ones. That's how we know.
(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 16:46, Reply)
nope, you silly sod
i been honest for a long time, its jsut that i lead a normal life instead of making up lies about drugs and beheadings
(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 16:48, Reply)

I don't know, I made a judgement from my opinion of your many personalities. I know you're a bellend though.
(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 16:48, Reply)
aw man, too mean :(

(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 16:49, Reply)
They stink of fuel as well. Stupid form of transport.

(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 16:48, Reply)
I think you mean 'well cool'*

*this is 'pikey' for 'very exciting'
(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 16:50, Reply)
you should totes have some drugs with that

(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 16:50, Reply)
Another stinging retort.
I'm on the ropes, here.
(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 16:55, Reply)
i'm not surprised, your whole life is such a catalogue of complete failure
that this is like shooting fish in a barrel

a barrel shaped like your daddy damaged girlfriend, that is
(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 16:56, Reply)
Wind your ne..oh, sorry. No offence.

(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 16:57, Reply)
oh you got me good there, what with that photo of me stooping, brilliant
i could never live this down, i will have to declare myself bankrupt, get a stranger pregnant and take up hardocre DRUGS
(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 16:58, Reply)
You simply aren't witty or funny enough to maintain any level of interest from me.
(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 16:59, Reply)
except that i'm outclassing you at every turn
i'm the oscar de la hoya to your (post 'arry) bruno
(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 17:00, Reply)
Is that a sports analogy?
Classy as ever.
(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 17:01, Reply)
yes, there are things outside the world of drugs, music and failin g at life

(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 17:02, Reply)
Like two men hitting each other for money?
Pikey to the last.
(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 17:06, Reply)
i'm not really into boxing, monty
at the moment you're not putting up much of a fight, mostly cos you don't have much going for you
(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 17:08, Reply)
I would like to see this photo please

(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 16:59, Reply)
I've never seen it either.
It's just one more thing that gets him FRIGHTFULLY UPSET ON THE INTERNET.
(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 17:01, Reply)
kind of like when your girlfriend has daddy flashbacks mid coitus

(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 17:01, Reply)
search broke, wait a mo
(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 17:01, Reply)
You really do look like an oleaginous waiter. I thought it was a joke.

Dear God I actually feel sorry for you now. I'm going to leave you alone from now on. And poor Dawn. How does she cope?
(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 17:17, Reply)

(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 17:24, Reply)
404 flid

(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 17:26, Reply)
you look like a retarded cat

(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 17:28, Reply)
Is that the photo that prompted swipe
to start calling you "neckless"?
(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 17:20, Reply)
yep, i'm stooping

(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 17:20, Reply)
You look like a regional manager for Phones4U,
out in Reading town centre celebrating your 'divisional motivator of the month' award.
(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 17:22, Reply)
you look like a failed druggie
and responsible single parent
(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 17:24, Reply)
You have a 'Ford Probe'

(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 17:26, Reply)
"i can afford a car"

(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 17:26, Reply)
^ typical working class attempt at one-upmanship.
I'll bet you love it at B&Q on a Sunday, on the way back from Dawn's parents', picking up a nice set of table mats, when you look around the car park and your 'Probe' has the most recent license plate in there. I bet you give yourself a top motivational 'high five'.
(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 17:30, Reply)
sorry but what is your problem with class?
why would a bankrupt drug addict care about whhat class somebody else was?

you seem awful superior for someone who has so clearly failed at everything
(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 17:33, Reply)
You seem to become rather upset
when your lack of it is pointed out.
(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 17:33, Reply)
Updated version

(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 17:38, Reply)
'I laaav you.
I want to mahrry you. Take me hom with you after your holeeeday, yes? We wheel be mahreeed, yes?'

Errr, can I just have the bill, please?
(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 17:42, Reply)
That's rather unfair on the regional managers of Phones4U

(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 17:27, Reply)
Is "ropes" street talk for Heroin?
oh monty, *shakes head*
(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 16:56, Reply)
No, that's 'whizzle sticks'.
Do keep up.
(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 16:57, Reply)
i heard in later life Dennis the Menace got completely addicted to those

(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 16:58, Reply)

What's ropes? get me a ten bag.
(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 16:57, Reply)
too slow fuckstick

(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 16:57, Reply)
I thought 'too slow fuckstick' was *your* nickname.
I'm so confused!
(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 16:58, Reply)
probably because you are druggled

(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 16:59, Reply)
i fucken love this

(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 16:59, Reply)
He's pointing out that you are a semiliterate imbecile.
(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 17:02, Reply)
no, he's pointing out taht you are a drugsfail

(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 17:03, Reply)
If that's what you think he's doing then you are even more dense than I thought.

(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 17:04, Reply)
dense like the liquid your girlfriends dad used to chuck up her

(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 17:04, Reply)
Your shittest attempt today.
I'm embarrassed for you.
(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 17:06, Reply)
that's what she said to him

(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 17:07, Reply)

Mine was better than yours spakkers you fucking abortion! Just to point out our online feud is shit compared to Monty and Cuntbubblin.
(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 17:10, Reply)
i think your all lully

(, Mon 19 Mar 2012, 17:16, Reply)

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