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I work in marketing ACTUALLY

(, Wed 4 Apr 2012, 19:46, 1 reply, 12 years ago)
This is somehow better?
It's still selling people crap they don't need, preferably at prices they can't afford. At least swipe provides a service, all be it a massively overpriced one that shouldn't be necessary in most cases if people were not moronic cunts.
(, Wed 4 Apr 2012, 19:48, Reply)
Ashully I deliver discounts to peopleo n products that they already buy
people fucking love me
(, Wed 4 Apr 2012, 19:50, Reply)
Yes dear, of course you do.
And of course they do.
(, Wed 4 Apr 2012, 19:51, Reply)
marketing is a broad church
mine involves no advertising, glorification of products/services/lifestyles or pushing of 'aspirational' shit
(, Wed 4 Apr 2012, 19:53, Reply)
OK, fine, your job is not more evil than Swipe's
I'll be it's less worthwile though.

(, Wed 4 Apr 2012, 19:56, Reply)
How are you tonight sweetheart? Hows the shoulder healing up?
(, Wed 4 Apr 2012, 19:58, Reply)
It's fine but I got a bollocking form the physio this morning, aparently the fact that I have more or less full mobility and no pain does not mean I am supposed to be using my right arm, so back to the sling for another couple of weeks. fucksake.

How's life in Ape Towers?
(, Wed 4 Apr 2012, 20:03, Reply)
wife is skiing, baby is sleeping and I'm moving flats in two days
i'll have two bedrooms, count them TWO and some stairs, I've never had stairs before
(, Wed 4 Apr 2012, 20:04, Reply)
Sounds good, I'd like that.
And a Bath, I'd really like a bath.
(, Wed 4 Apr 2012, 20:09, Reply)
oh shit, I need a bath, mainly for the wife and babba
but every now and then...
(, Wed 4 Apr 2012, 20:10, Reply)
DIdn't miss it for the first 2.5 years
But, just lately I want a nice hot bath and a good book.

Babies you can wash in a sink. Admittedly mine took a while to get used to showers after he was too big for this.
(, Wed 4 Apr 2012, 20:12, Reply)
This is one of the things I find really really weird, that people have stairs inside their living space.
When I grew up, it was the oppersite, but for like the last 10 years, it's been rare that I've been in a living space with stairs.
(, Wed 4 Apr 2012, 20:25, Reply)
I love adverisment and marketing.
I love the creativity and phsycology behind it.
(, Wed 4 Apr 2012, 20:03, Reply)
*high fives*
we have some stupidly clever analysts and computer coding type people, I'm more the "face" of the business
(, Wed 4 Apr 2012, 20:05, Reply)
You seen Pinterest's new tools?
It's smart stuff.
(, Wed 4 Apr 2012, 20:23, Reply)

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