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4 people, two of which are male.
Not exactly 'lots of people'

And how exactly is she supposed to acknowledge that she's my girlfriend?
(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:02, 3 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
her relationship status, a photo of the two of you as her profile picture, hold your hand in one of the photos, or a duckmouth kiss, arm around each other

that kind of thing, you know, like a girlfriend and not just someone you know
(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:03, Reply)
You mean the way that 15 year olds show that they are in a relationship?
I have zero interest in shit like that. When the half decent picture from Saturday goes up of the two of us, that might be my picture, but because it amuses me, not because I have any wish to prove to anyone that I'm in a relationship.
(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:04, Reply)
so what you're saying is that the only evidence you have of your "girlfriend"
is a picture of yourself with 3 other people, who could be anybody?
(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:06, Reply)
That and the fact that I've introduced her to friends and b3tans alike as such, and she's agreed
And as I say, that's only one photo so far. There are more to come.
(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:07, Reply)
more photos of you with some people, i'm glad that proves everything
i'll shut up now
(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:08, Reply)
Why are you taking this all so seriously today?
Don't have an Emvee style break down on us, AA.
(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:12, Reply)
I'm not, still in a rather good mood
I'm simply answering questions being put to me
(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:13, Reply)
+about my imaginary, four eyed overweight girl-not-friend who has a real boyfriend of her own

(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:18, Reply)
And if you look through her profile pictures theres tonnes of her hugging up to some fat mongy looking guy.

(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:09, Reply)
that's either AA or her real boyfriend

(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:11, Reply)
Her ex boyfriend, yes

(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:12, Reply)

ex real
(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:12, Reply)
Not deleted the ex boyfriend pics
Bad sign!
(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:17, Reply)
Not really, I still have pictures with my exes

(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:18, Reply)
whoa, you're a player!

(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:18, Reply)
By letting you rub her tits.

(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:03, Reply)
I do that most nights anyway

(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:04, Reply)
this is a much better answer than mine :(

(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:04, Reply)
Well apart from the lack of proof that she actually your girlfriend
I internetharshly disagree with two of your three observations about her. I see she is doing her PhD though so I'll give you 1/3
(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:06, Reply)
What were the three again?
And tbh, whilst I know it's the oldest excuse in the book, that really isn't a great picture of her. Then again, I don't think anyone looks their best on a windy day in Stockport.
(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:08, Reply)
I've looked through loads of her pics on her not locked down profile

(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:10, Reply)
Perve, haha
Fair enough if you disagree on the attractive one, personally I think she is. Was the other of the 3 slim? If so, I'm not entirely sure how you can argue with that one, unless you're looking at older pics?
(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:10, Reply)
she's a chunky four eyed monkey who still isn't even your girlfriend
oh AA :(
(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:12, Reply)
At least his mum isn't here to bear the shame of it

(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:12, Reply)
she'll be spinning in her grave
but the exercise'll do her good
(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:14, Reply)
having three chins is a family trait

(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:15, Reply)
i wish my mum was dead so i could have an imaginary girlfriend :(

(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:16, Reply)
there'll be a 'big break up' next week after AA decides that he could do better and needs to move on

(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:18, Reply)
Wrong on almost all counts there chap
Not chunky, but she does wear glasses, and is my girlfriend. Sorry to burst your bubble.
(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:13, Reply)
except she's 15 stone and still has photos of her ex all over her facebook
well done AA, you bagged a keeper, who isn't even your girlfriend
(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:15, Reply)
Again, you're wrong here, sorry about that.
Yes, she does have pictures of her ex, so?

Are you with someone so insecure that you would demand that they instantly removed all trace of all previous relationships the instant you hook up?
(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:19, Reply)
you need to ask that question?
FWIW I reckon you are punching slightly above your weight, well done.
(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:20, Reply)
Thank you

(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:21, Reply)
he's calling you ugly you dumb fuck

(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:28, Reply)
nah mate, my relationship predates facebook
i can keep a woman for longer than a few months

(soz this isn't a dead mum joke)
(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:20, Reply)
be that as it may, the case for yours being imaginary is stronger than the case for his being so.

(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:22, Reply)
i don't feel any need to prove anything to spastics on the internet

(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:23, Reply)
funniest thing you've said all day.

(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:37, Reply)
how apt, you've never said anything funny
whats got your goat today you miserable cunt?
(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:42, Reply)
Nothing suppressed about it.

(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:58, Reply)
I dunno
When I looked through AA's pics I thought he was doing the redhaired bird because they at least looked close. Theres no Internet evidence that this human specimin is in fact his bit of stuff.
(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:33, Reply)
why care?
I can't see his motivation in faking it.
(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:38, Reply)
loneliness, desperation for approval from an absent parent-figure

(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:41, Reply)
Yes, but why would AA bother?

(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:48, Reply)
because he's a prick

(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:50, Reply)
you really have no sense of irony do you?
I think I might join the 'qiuinten is ruining /ot' party. Rary is more ballanced than you lately.
(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:51, Reply)
i have no fucken idea what you're on about
you're losing it, CQ
(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:53, Reply)
I brush them with a toothbrush.

(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:54, Reply)
Cos he mocked me for having a loveless marriage
But now I can see just how lucky I am.
(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:43, Reply)
I did apologise for that, and have since left it alone

(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:47, Reply)
some people find it difficult to let things go
unless you suffer loss early on in life it's difficult to deal with
(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:51, Reply)
You're apologising to someone who's called your imaginary girlfriend a fat ugly four eyed cow
Oh dear AA, you promised to grow some balls after the whole landlord kept your deposit because you trashed the house and then were too much of a pussy to admit it, but I'm not seeing it
(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:51, Reply)
worst off, he thanked CQ for calling him ugly

(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:53, Reply)
He's one of lifes door mats I'm afraid
he needs some toughening up
(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:55, Reply)
no what he really needs to do is moan and whinge all day until we all hate him

(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:56, Reply)
I apologised because I entered into the mud flinging that you and your spastic mate seem to excel in
Usually I conduct myself better than that. It became clear that I went too far, as such I apologised and stopped talking about it.

It's called 'being the bigger man' Rory, you should try it sometime.
(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:53, Reply)
if you were a bit bigger your girlfriend might look smaller
from the right distance
(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:54, Reply)
(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:56, Reply)
I liked it too
and I clicked it and all, cos I'm well generous
(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:59, Reply)
Holding a banjolele of course

(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:59, Reply)
If by bigger you mean not slim them..... oh forget it!

(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:56, Reply)
We all did that.
it's your 'thing', like AA's mum being dead, or quinten being a tragic sock or me being a dull and worthy hippy who falls off bikes.
(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:50, Reply)
seriously what happened today?
were you always like this?
(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:52, Reply)
mostly grapheme.
(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:53, Reply)
word sounds?

(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:55, Reply)
Again, somthing no one but you mentioned

(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 16:00, Reply)

(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 16:07, Reply)
I know
I was just using it to make another snipe, you know "Ihaven'thadsexinmonthsbutitcouldbeworseIcouldbeshaggingAA'smissuslolz"
(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:58, Reply)
Leave AA's mum out of this, she's dead and it aint fair

(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 16:01, Reply)
Nah, that's my friend who has gone to Ibiza for a few mnoths

(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:48, Reply)
Well you should fuck her instead

(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:50, Reply)
Nah, sloppy seconds
She's my best friend's ex
(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:51, Reply)
You're new one never fucked the fat mong then?
I'd rather have my best friends sloppy seconds than a fat mongs
(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:54, Reply)
Doesn't really count as sloppy seconds when I know very little about the guy besides his name
If I knew him personally, and had known him longer than her, then maybe I'd consider it as sloppy seconds.
(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:56, Reply)
It doesn't really count as sloppy seconds if shes washed the jizz out

(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 16:00, Reply)
His dad licked it out for him.

(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 16:00, Reply)
I KNEW there was something I forgot to ask her to do!

(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 16:02, Reply)
she did look dirty, didn't she?

(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:52, Reply)
Backdoor beauty I'm betting
(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:54, Reply)
3 of my last 4 relationships have lasted over a year
That's more than a few months, hate to break it to you.
(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:22, Reply)
ANd at your age that's practically marriage.

(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:23, Reply)

(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:23, Reply)
If by slim you mean not fat then ok
But if by slim you mean slim then not a chance in nearly all her full body pics theres bulges over the belt line, front and sides. The Internet evidence is indisputable!
(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:15, Reply)
hahahha, fuck please stop! too much

(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:15, Reply)
I think you're probably looking at older pictures there then, as she's certainly slim now, having lost weight
Now, if you don't mind, I'd rather not carry on talking about this
(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:18, Reply)
Once a chubby chaser always a chubby chaser

(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:20, Reply)
Of course Rory, you can believe that all you like.

(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:21, Reply)
Dunno I only know of two of your conquests, and they're both chubsters
It's ok to be attracted to lard and sweaty bras
(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:24, Reply)
Meh, if that's how you want to interpret things, feel free

(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:26, Reply)
sorry if its upsetting you that your overweight, four-eyed not-girlfriend has not lived up to expectations

(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:21, Reply)
they met over they're mutual admiration for each others multiple chins

(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:19, Reply)
this is gettting clicks from all of my accounts

(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 15:08, Reply)

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