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patient nurse.
(, Mon 12 Nov 2012, 20:25, 1 reply, 12 years ago)
I asked a nurse out once.
True story.
(, Mon 12 Nov 2012, 20:28, Reply)
I had a gf for 4 years who was a nurse.
She would never let me fuck her whilst she was wearing her uniform. Gutted.
(, Mon 12 Nov 2012, 20:30, Reply)

uni Body
(, Mon 12 Nov 2012, 20:31, Reply)
and that's another earworm.
You cunt.
(, Mon 12 Nov 2012, 20:32, Reply)
I am married to an ex nurse.
I timed that one fucking badly.
(, Mon 12 Nov 2012, 20:32, Reply)
I didn't realise she'd been a nurse. Didn't she keep the uniform?

(, Mon 12 Nov 2012, 20:34, Reply)
I believe she did.
God knows where it is now.
(, Mon 12 Nov 2012, 20:36, Reply)
Find it and get it dry cleaned.

(, Mon 12 Nov 2012, 20:40, Reply)
*makes note*

(, Mon 12 Nov 2012, 20:52, Reply)
was it agaist policy for them to date psych. patients?

(, Mon 12 Nov 2012, 20:30, Reply)
Dunno, she was a cardiology nurse.

(, Mon 12 Nov 2012, 20:32, Reply)
She already had a boyfriend. Sad times.
The town I used to live in had a 'nurses night' on the last Wednesday of every month (because that was when they used to get paid). The pubs were utter carnage on those nights.
(, Mon 12 Nov 2012, 20:34, Reply)

utter carnage brilliant
(, Mon 12 Nov 2012, 20:35, Reply)
There was that as well...
I had many a good night on those nights when my first marriage went tits up.
(, Mon 12 Nov 2012, 20:37, Reply)
You're a pair of slags

(, Mon 12 Nov 2012, 20:37, Reply)
No longer. Happily married and loyal

(, Mon 12 Nov 2012, 20:40, Reply)

(, Mon 12 Nov 2012, 20:42, Reply)

(, Mon 12 Nov 2012, 20:44, Reply)

(, Mon 12 Nov 2012, 20:44, Reply)
"Put your knickers back on and make us a cup of tea!"

(, Mon 12 Nov 2012, 20:50, Reply)
"We're The Sweeney and we 'ave'nt 'ad our breakfast."

(, Mon 12 Nov 2012, 20:55, Reply)
"Put your pants on. You're nicked!"

(, Mon 12 Nov 2012, 20:58, Reply)
No, it was my ex who was the slag,
and who thus forced me into monthly drinking bouts with a bunch of healthcare specialists who could probably find 100 things to do with a thermometer and a pair of rubber gloves.
(, Mon 12 Nov 2012, 21:10, Reply)
I took a work colleague to a nurses night.
He had an utterly fucking brilliant time. It seems to have died a death recently, though.
(, Mon 12 Nov 2012, 20:51, Reply)
I have a good friend who works for The Terence Higgins Trust.
I heard yesterday he's not well at the moment.

My remark of 'I hope it's not something he picked up at work' wasn't well received for some reason.
(, Mon 12 Nov 2012, 20:54, Reply)

(, Mon 12 Nov 2012, 20:55, Reply)
Nurses are mental on a night out
One of our friends is a Ward sister in A&E, New Year round their house is an absolute riot.
(, Mon 12 Nov 2012, 20:54, Reply)
For a small town, on a week night
the pubs were absolutely stowed off*. It was a sight to behold.

*really rather busy.
(, Mon 12 Nov 2012, 21:01, Reply)
Odd you should mention that.
A local drug dealer had something called 'Night Nurse'.

Mr Boots was ahead of his time.
(, Mon 12 Nov 2012, 20:49, Reply)

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