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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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I suspect they're more concerned about gentlemen being up to their nuts in labradors
then ladies fellating horses. but I believe what's happenening here is that you're suggesting that bestiality is fine. Careful, this could be the next "rob fingers kids"
(, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 10:38, 1 reply, 12 years ago)
I don't think its fine and personally I would only go with sheep or larger
What i'm actually saying is that though bestiality may not be illegal I bet animal cruelty is and if they deemed an animal was harmed what being buggered they would still be breaking the law.
(, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 10:42, Reply)
The problem with specifying a size limit for the animal
is you're clearly discriminating against those poor gentlemen with smaller penises. It's no good them being allowed to fuck a carthorse if it doesn't even touch the sides.
(, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 10:44, Reply)
Sexy sexy carthorses

(, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 10:44, Reply)
You're perhaps giving this a little too much thought Badge old boy
or do you have a confession that you wish to share with the group?
(, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 10:45, Reply)
I love horses
best of all the animals
(, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 10:46, Reply)
I was only specifying my own personal size limits based on whether or not I would hurt the poor creature
they call it making love for a reason.
(, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 10:45, Reply)

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