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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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So Dozer has been stepped
and Will and Kate are having a baby.

Which of those two bits of news do you care about less?

Alt: Favourite item of clothing or shoes ever.
(, Mon 3 Dec 2012, 18:59, 62 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
Why's he been stepped?
Did he finally go too far and mention sheds?
(, Mon 3 Dec 2012, 19:07, Reply)
Battered reported the news.
(, Mon 3 Dec 2012, 19:09, Reply)
Take the floor, Jeff
I'll knock my rant off.
(, Mon 3 Dec 2012, 19:11, Reply)
Don't be too swift to delete.
I'm gonna go and sort of dinner in a minute.
(, Mon 3 Dec 2012, 19:12, Reply)
It's gone
I'd only have used it to spout anti-royal vitriol anyway.
(, Mon 3 Dec 2012, 19:14, Reply)
Well this is going well.
I almost wish Will had been stepped and Dozer had got Middleton in the club.
(, Mon 3 Dec 2012, 19:54, Reply)
I think she's more an x-factor one.
I reckon even Dozer has better taste and social skills than her.
(, Mon 3 Dec 2012, 19:59, Reply)
Any more input?
Bedtime for me soon.
(, Mon 3 Dec 2012, 20:37, Reply)
I care about neither
but I totally just played in a christmas concert and didn't get all that many notes wrong. Some friends came to it, too, and they didn't hate it
(, Mon 3 Dec 2012, 21:33, Reply)
Were there mince pies?

(, Mon 3 Dec 2012, 21:36, Reply)
yes, but I didn't get any
see also mulled wine
(, Mon 3 Dec 2012, 21:37, Reply)
I'm watching BBC2
It's very interesting.
(, Mon 3 Dec 2012, 21:38, Reply)
why, what's on?
(, Mon 3 Dec 2012, 21:45, Reply)

Have a pre-view until it's on the iPlayer.
(, Mon 3 Dec 2012, 21:46, Reply)
How can you say you don't care?
The Duke of Cambridge has managed to insert his penis into the Duchess' vagina and successfully inseminated her ovaries.
Surely this is cause for celebration for every man, woman and child in the country?
(, Mon 3 Dec 2012, 21:52, Reply)
I reckon James Hewitt is the father.

(, Mon 3 Dec 2012, 21:57, Reply)
Then they could be all 'See? It's just a coincidence that some royal babies are born ginger and looking very similar to Major Hewit and that'

(, Mon 3 Dec 2012, 22:02, Reply)
I"ll be honest,
I don't think either event will have any sort of impact on my daily life whatsoever.
How goes everyone's evening? I'm in the midst of a very slow Monday night at the pub.
(, Mon 3 Dec 2012, 22:05, Reply)
Alright Windy
I'm in the midst of a very slow Monday night at my house.
I've done some washing up, had a sneaky joint and a beer, now I'm listening to a record, which I may fall asleep during.
(, Mon 3 Dec 2012, 22:10, Reply)
^ Fascinating insight into my life here.

(, Mon 3 Dec 2012, 22:11, Reply)
I'll bet the record is well bent as well.

(, Mon 3 Dec 2012, 22:12, Reply)
It's one of your neighbours.

(, Mon 3 Dec 2012, 22:13, Reply)
This is your record. And it's by your favourite 'neighbour'

(, Mon 3 Dec 2012, 22:19, Reply)

(, Mon 3 Dec 2012, 22:25, Reply)
There was a picture there before.
The word is, you got a Henry Hoover because he was your favourite in Neighbours.
(, Mon 3 Dec 2012, 22:27, Reply)
Well it should get popular paged because every time I tried to click 'reply', I hit 'I like this'

(, Mon 3 Dec 2012, 22:39, Reply)
I might close early at this rate tangers.
It's me and an American couple, who so far have managed a mulled wine each and a glass of water.
(, Mon 3 Dec 2012, 23:04, Reply)

fixed my bluray, got batman. Win.
(, Mon 3 Dec 2012, 22:21, Reply)
Alright Bob.
You in Brizz over Crimbo?
(, Mon 3 Dec 2012, 22:23, Reply)

Christmas eve, day and boxing day.How's tricks?
(, Mon 3 Dec 2012, 22:35, Reply)
I heard Dozer was stepped for saying Lord McAlpine knocked up kate.

Alt: bras. They protect my knees from damage.
(, Mon 3 Dec 2012, 22:35, Reply)

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