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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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I make a really nice spaghetti sauce, but then so does everybody.
I also make the most awesome chocolate chip cookies ever.

When we lived in Germany, we were on a combined UK/US base and we used to get that awful Kraft mac'n'cheese thing that comes in a box. My dad used to love that.

Alt: bell peppers can go fuck right off. As can seafood.

Alt alt: apparently the BBC are showing the Superbowl live on Sunday night. As all my Baltimore friends are banging on about FESTIVUS MAXIMUS, I might well have to watch it when I get home from the quiz.

EDIT: What the hell's wrong with everyone tonight? Are you all overtired or something?
(, Wed 30 Jan 2013, 18:11, 1 reply, 12 years ago)

(, Wed 30 Jan 2013, 18:24, Reply)
Um... wut?

(, Wed 30 Jan 2013, 18:25, Reply)
it's the name of a combined british/american army base I visited in the 90s when my brother was in the army
I thought maybe it was the base you referred to
(, Wed 30 Jan 2013, 18:27, Reply)
Oh, right.
It was whichever one is in the middle of Berlin. I don't remember, i was only a kid.
(, Wed 30 Jan 2013, 18:28, Reply)
jewish headquarters?

(, Wed 30 Jan 2013, 18:28, Reply)
That's Gonz's flat, surely?

(, Wed 30 Jan 2013, 18:29, Reply)
it stands for joint headquarters
So more like monty's house
(, Wed 30 Jan 2013, 18:31, Reply)
no, that would be more like columbia

(, Wed 30 Jan 2013, 18:36, Reply)
the film company? I don't understand

(, Wed 30 Jan 2013, 18:37, Reply)
if you look up
you'll see it whizzing over your head

no, this is not another neckless post
(, Wed 30 Jan 2013, 18:38, Reply)
i don't understand why you would compare monty to the film company that brought us classics like skyfall and underworld:revolutions
is he an amateur cinematographer?
(, Wed 30 Jan 2013, 18:40, Reply)

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