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there's a lot more to it than that, Frank

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 20:44, 4 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
Have you seen Franks mad Guitar skillz? 111o111

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 20:45, Reply)
admit it, you're an iPod shuffle in expensive shoes

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 20:56, Reply)

expensive clown
(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 20:57, Reply)
no, shuffle is a random selection.
DJing is not random.
(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 21:30, Reply)
if you're using real records, then I agree,
If you're just using cds and beat matching then it's fairly straightforward if you have a decent and ranged music taste
(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 20:58, Reply)
and here you hit on dozer's Achilles heel.

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 21:11, Reply)
No picking on PD he's had a rough day

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 21:12, Reply)
I like dozer.
he's alright really.
(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 21:15, Reply)
I like everyone on this site EVEN you

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 21:16, Reply)
nah, it's OK, you can keep it.

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 21:19, Reply)
Lost me there Wilf??????
keep what?
(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 21:20, Reply)
you always are

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 21:22, Reply)

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 21:23, Reply)
Fuck off hippy

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 21:27, Reply)
I'm very far from being a Hippy
But I have mellowed in my old age
(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 21:30, Reply)
I could show you a picture that says different.

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 21:36, Reply)

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 21:48, Reply)

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 21:49, Reply)
nah, CDJs don't make it that much easier. you still need to cue, match speeds, keep the tracks in sync
And the actual mixing part isn't that difficult. Yeah, there are DJs like Zabiela and Dave Clarke who are incredibly skilled, but most of DJing us about selection and sequencing. Shit hot mixing with shit tunes is still a shit DJ, great tunes with patchy skills is much more preferable. Obviously, the best case scenario is impeccable skills with impeccable selection, and creative mixing does bring a lit more to the table than just lining up the kick drums, knocking off the bass, bringing it in for 16 bars, switching the bass over and bringing it out.

Fuck it Windypops, I've never let you down with links to tunes, I'll hook you up to some cracking mixes. I expect you'll prefer breaks and techno to house.
(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 21:27, Reply)
so, you think which CD to press play on
then while it's playing

you think which CD to play next

shit, I'm in awe, you guys are like concert pianists or something
(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 21:29, Reply)
there's more to it than that.

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 21:31, Reply)
I'm a psytrance man, techno I'm not in to.
I guess maybe I don't understand it, but what you described doesn't sound that hard.
(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 21:31, Reply)
the 16 bars, swap bass, cut thing is simple
But there are plenty of incredibly creative DJs doing very complicated things with time signatures and shit.

You fancy linkage?
(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 21:34, Reply)

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 21:34, Reply)
I was asking Windypops.
Soz Frank. Maybe another time.
(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 21:37, Reply)

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 21:52, Reply)
nah, I linked WP.
I like him.
(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 21:53, Reply)

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 21:54, Reply)
I know, man, I know.
I'm a pretty cruel guy.
(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 21:55, Reply)
One day you will blossom into a beautiful butterfly

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 21:58, Reply)
if it's matching time signatures that are complimentary but not conventionally joined,
I'll stick to live stuff. I'm more impressed by a band using crazy time signatures, than a man who can hear them and mix them.
(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 21:42, Reply)
what's a "crazy" time signature?

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 21:58, Reply)
how are time signatures "complimentary" ?
how are they "conventionally joined"?

there's so much I could learn from this thread
(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 21:59, Reply)
don't be a dick frank.
With a bit if skill 4-4 can blend to a 7-8, but it's hard work. Zappa loved doing bars of 8-8 for 3 then a 9-8 then back to 8-8 then 4-8 5-8 8-8

Timr signatures are fluid.
(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:04, Reply)
oh, and polymetrics, and off set triples.

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:07, Reply)
Drum n bass used to have loads of rhythmic complexity
It went all loop based.
(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:10, Reply)
what are those?

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:12, Reply)
Google it.

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:14, Reply)
I did, it just took to me "plymetrics" which looks like aerobics

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:15, Reply)
and "offset triples" seems to be some kind of valve
I'm lost here
(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:17, Reply)
I don't understand, in what way is a time signature fluid?

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:11, Reply)
1234567 1, 2, 3, 4
that's not really hard work
(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:12, Reply)
it doesn't matter.

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:14, Reply)
I'm trying to learn here and you're not helping me
share your wisdom, teach me these secrets please
(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:16, Reply)
wait, I get it now
1234567 1, 2, 3, 4

is when they're "conventionally joined" but

1234567 NIGNOG BANANA 1, 2, 3, 4

would be unconventional right? am I learning now? this is fun
(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:18, Reply)
I'm ready to open my offset triple valve now and get my plymetric leotard on

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:19, Reply)
must be complimentary time signatures

I understand now! thank you so much!
(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:21, Reply)
isn't 8/8 just 4/4 with eighth notes?
and 4/8, isn't that the same thing in 2/4?

I don't know really, I'm just talking about things I don't fully understand, I might throw a long word in in a minute
(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:15, Reply)

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:21, Reply)

what's the difference then?
(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:22, Reply)
because I thought a bar of 4/4 had eight eighth notes in it

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:23, Reply)
9 bar has loads of 8ths in em DERRRRRRRRRRR

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:26, Reply)
I don't even know what that means

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:27, Reply)
(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:37, Reply)
so why classify things as 4/8 if there is no such thing?
It's about the pulse of the music. It's more prominent in classical pieces, but it's to do with phrasing. You know this shit.
(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:28, Reply)
hey, I was only asking

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:32, Reply)
you know better frank.
I'm an idiot pretending to know about music by posting long words. I really only play kazoo.
(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:23, Reply)
PD stop messing about and agree with somebody for once
(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 21:32, Reply)
I agree with Tangers

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 21:34, Reply)
ok do that thing
and post it
(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 21:36, Reply)
admittedly, I do on occasion put the CD in upside down but then I'm not a professional

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 21:07, Reply)
B sides aint what they used to be

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 21:09, Reply)

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