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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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You know 'the trickle' after you've done the shake and then put away?
Imagine that, but more of a gush, and anything up to twenty minutes after exiting the loo.
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:00, 2 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
Wait.... You've experienced this?

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:01, Reply)
No, I fucking haven't.
However, I have a brain, and an imagination.
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:01, Reply)
Hey, I understand HOW it could happen
I just find it strange that I've gone 36 years without EVER hearing a woman talk about this.
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:05, Reply)
I've never heard a woman talking about it either.
This could be because I don't have many female friends (at least, not ones with babies), or because despite what you may believe, we don't spend all out time together comparing stories about twats.
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:07, Reply)
why tell stories when you can roll back and flash the gash?

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:08, Reply)
I've spoken about vaginas, at length, with several women in my time
And it's never come up. Far more disgusting things have though...which is why I find this odd.
What I'm saying is, I think it's not really a big deal, and this girl had gotten a bee in her bonnet. So to speak.
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:09, Reply)
I bet something else came up, though.
Eh? Eh?
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:10, Reply)
Don't be silly. B3th doesn't bathe.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:01, Reply)
sponge bath innit
well it'd more of a janitors mop, but you know
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:06, Reply)
I have honestly never heard of this before

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:01, Reply)
I'm being forcibly and repeatedly reminded
of a sea-cave in a storm.
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:02, Reply)

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:02, Reply)
Yeah right!
This is all very odd. What about when women go swimming? This doesn't sit right with me.
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:03, Reply)
Do you ever do that form of swimming when you lie on your back and swim feet-first? I bet they don't do that.
Drag, see?
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:05, Reply)
I can't do any swimming on my back.
Couple of reasons...
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:09, Reply)
your blow hole is on your back and...?

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:12, Reply)

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:13, Reply)
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:14, Reply)
unless your chebs are made of something really odd
shouldn't they make it harder to swim on your front?
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:13, Reply)
i think they slide around the slides then sink

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:14, Reply)
I can't really swim that well anyway, tbh.
But the flotation devices do make it a bit more difficult.
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:14, Reply)
Women are weird
I've said it before and I'll say it again; the second they stop looking and feeling the way they do, I'm going gay.
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:10, Reply)
I'm waiting...

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:15, Reply)

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