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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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I'm on my 'last chance' according to my last stepping. So no.

(, Wed 20 Mar 2013, 12:23, 1 reply, 12 years ago)
I'm still confused as to how they can properly ban someone
I mean, they can shut down your account, even stop anyone creating a new one with the name "Battered" but can they actually prevent you from just signing up under another name?
(, Wed 20 Mar 2013, 12:26, Reply)
Not sure. Rory's the expert on that.
Possibly something to do with the IP address? Dunno.
(, Wed 20 Mar 2013, 12:27, Reply)
I imagine there's a very clever computer-based thingy that I wouldn't comprehend even if it was explained to me in crayon
Like the way they apparently banned the entire country of South Africa from joining just to deter Bou
(, Wed 20 Mar 2013, 12:28, Reply)
You can blacklist IPs, ranges of IPs, usernames and e-mail addresses I would think.
iirc they once had to block an entire South African IP range to stop one person.

There are ways round all of those also, I would think, VPN/TOR and so on.
(, Wed 20 Mar 2013, 12:31, Reply)
IP block
However most domestic IP addresses aren't static and change every few hours. So unless it's a business internet a/c that's no use anyway.
(, Wed 20 Mar 2013, 12:30, Reply)
There you go Battered, go nuts

(, Wed 20 Mar 2013, 12:31, Reply)
I know this because to get into the back end of our site we have to log our IP addresses with the developers.
Fine here in the office but if you're working from home you tend to only get a few hours before you have to re-register. It's fucking annoying - and if you ask your provided for a static IP they say no.
(, Wed 20 Mar 2013, 12:31, Reply)
They can make it a hassle if you ain't technical, such as blocking your email / IP / putting a cookie down.
But in reality it'd be like banning someone from McDonalds.
(, Wed 20 Mar 2013, 12:32, Reply)

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