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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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so yeah, thursday innit
Come friendly bombs and fall on Slough!
It isn't fit for humans now,
There isn't grass to graze a cow.
Swarm over, Death!

Which miserable God-forsaken dungheap of a town would YOU drop bombs on?

I'd properly bomb that London off the map, everyone who lives there is a cunt tbh. Probably tell mongy and rosalicious an hour before though. Only polite innit.

Alt: Momo's eating a cornflake. Momo is the best parrot. All other parrots are vastly inferior.

AltAlt: Did that person really murder that other person? Or is Battered a prick?
(, Thu 21 Mar 2013, 6:35, 34 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
I fucking loathe that dump. Crewe is also a depressing hole. Writing all of London off is cretinous tbh
(, Thu 21 Mar 2013, 7:11, Reply)
I liked where you live!

(, Thu 21 Mar 2013, 7:19, Reply)
I love living here.

(, Thu 21 Mar 2013, 7:20, Reply)
k, got no opinion about Southampton
it's just a lump on the arse of Britain that isn't quite France

So I'll put you down as another vote for London.
(, Thu 21 Mar 2013, 7:28, Reply)
also - probably Pine Creek.
it's a fucking hole in the middle of nowhere in the middle of a desert and surrounded by HOT. WEATHER.
(, Thu 21 Mar 2013, 7:20, Reply)
soz, not convinced that's a real place

(, Thu 21 Mar 2013, 7:27, Reply)
google it.
middle of the Northern Territory.
(, Thu 21 Mar 2013, 7:46, Reply)
G'day Poppet

(, Thu 21 Mar 2013, 7:49, Reply)
"According to the 2001 Australian census 665 people live in Pine Creek"
yeah, kind of stretching the definition of a town there

that's more like a field with some people stood in it
(, Thu 21 Mar 2013, 7:53, Reply)
Portsmouth, I'd feel bad for two hats though

(, Thu 21 Mar 2013, 7:30, Reply)
pretty sure that's the same as Southampton
so yeah, putting you down as another vote for London
(, Thu 21 Mar 2013, 7:33, Reply)
Where do you live franky?

(, Thu 21 Mar 2013, 7:34, Reply)
lol j/k
(, Thu 21 Mar 2013, 7:37, Reply)
I'm a Manc living in exile in Stockport

(, Thu 21 Mar 2013, 7:38, Reply)
I don't know where that is soz

(, Thu 21 Mar 2013, 8:07, Reply)

(, Thu 21 Mar 2013, 8:09, Reply)
I really don't

(, Thu 21 Mar 2013, 8:12, Reply)
yeah, I just don't care, soz

(, Thu 21 Mar 2013, 8:12, Reply)
Looked on a map, it's a suburb of manchester

(, Thu 21 Mar 2013, 8:16, Reply)
Not even a port, sounds shit tbh
I'd probably bomb it and Manchester and all of cheshire
(, Thu 21 Mar 2013, 8:20, Reply)
you've already voted for London, you can't vote twice you fat spastic

(, Thu 21 Mar 2013, 8:25, Reply)
Fuck you.

(, Thu 21 Mar 2013, 8:50, Reply)
South End on Sea I hate that place
Alt:Who would win in a fight Momo or an African Grey?

Alt:alt: Do keep up Battered is a cunt not a prick
(, Thu 21 Mar 2013, 7:43, Reply)
new rule ok, anything south of Cheshire is London
African greys can be nasty vicious bastards, my mum's friend had one that hated strangers, properly hissed at them if they went too close
(, Thu 21 Mar 2013, 7:45, Reply)
So Momo would get Butt fucked by an African Grey then?

(, Thu 21 Mar 2013, 7:47, Reply)
the little shit's trying to eat my wallet now
never buy a parrot
(, Thu 21 Mar 2013, 7:52, Reply)
I'm gonna get a gay African Grey Parrot
and come visit you
(, Thu 21 Mar 2013, 7:53, Reply)
yeah, I stopped caring like 20 minutes ago, soz

(, Thu 21 Mar 2013, 8:13, Reply)

(, Thu 21 Mar 2013, 8:55, Reply)

(, Thu 21 Mar 2013, 9:06, Reply)
I'd probably get rid of Kent as well
Although sainsburys are selling Kentish spitfire ale at a quid a bottle at the moment
(, Thu 21 Mar 2013, 8:15, Reply)
yeah, again with the not really caring here

(, Thu 21 Mar 2013, 8:26, Reply)
Piss play?

(, Thu 21 Mar 2013, 8:18, Reply)
a gibbon's willy with clown shoes for testicles
(, Thu 21 Mar 2013, 8:23, Reply)

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