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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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the stone roses were pretty dire at v last year
ian brown was so out of tune

music AND film talk? monty won't know whether to spunk his pants or yours.
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 11:28, 3 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
fookin amateurs

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 11:28, Reply)
The Stone Roses are dire, I don't know why you'd be surprised

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 11:29, Reply)
I would genuinely go and see the Stone Roses just to witness "She Bangs The Drums" live
if I wasn't so absolutely sure that they'd do a fuck-awful version of it.

And if the entire gig wouldn't be populated by cunts.
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 11:30, Reply)
They're a classic example of a band that I like despite myself. Like The Smiths.
Not like Oasis, though. Oasis pre-96 are genuinely very good.
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 11:32, Reply)
Apart from the music, the hair, the clothes, the attitude, the interviews, the vocals, the lyrics and the general sound, I quite agree

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 11:34, Reply)
Well, Darth, that's because you're wrong.

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 11:38, Reply)
I'm not though
And this being the internet, I can definitely see one of us backing down
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 11:39, Reply)
I fucking hate Oasis.
Just sayin.
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 11:41, Reply)
Fair enough. You're allowed to hate them.
They weren't shit, though.
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 11:42, Reply)
They were clever enough to understand what would sell.
I'm not sure that's the same as being really good, but I see where you're coming from. They are the guitar equivalent of big brother, though. Inexplicably massively popular despite being mindfuckingly annoying.
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 11:46, Reply)
They'd break up about four times during the set too

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 11:35, Reply)

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 11:42, Reply)
The Stone Roses have always been fucking appaling live
The only reasons everyone bangs on about Spike Island is a)Everyone was off their fucking tits so can't remember them being shit and b) It's an ageing hipster badge of honour to lie about being there.
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 11:40, Reply)

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