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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Do you support Citrix at all?

(, Tue 30 Apr 2013, 13:56, 1 reply, 12 years ago)
A bit, yeah.
What's up?
(, Tue 30 Apr 2013, 13:56, Reply)
Dozer's hamster

(, Tue 30 Apr 2013, 13:57, Reply)
Fucking Access Gateway bastards
How can it be so fucking complicated to swap from one farm to another?
(, Tue 30 Apr 2013, 13:58, Reply)
foot and mouth regulations?

(, Tue 30 Apr 2013, 13:59, Reply)

(, Tue 30 Apr 2013, 13:59, Reply)
It isn't, is it?
We did ours in an afternoon.
(, Tue 30 Apr 2013, 13:59, Reply)
My STAs are not playing

(, Tue 30 Apr 2013, 13:59, Reply)
Are you using app-only, or desktops?
The only thing I can think of that would take any time is copying profiles across. Even then only if you're allowing them to save files to the profile. Our Citrix maps drives for people to save to, they use temp profiles. Stops the bastards from filling the servers up with shite.
(, Tue 30 Apr 2013, 14:02, Reply)
Fundamentally the CAG won't accept requests for published apps from the new farm, due to the STAs not granting tickets.

(, Tue 30 Apr 2013, 14:04, Reply)
Oh, ok, config issue, then.

(, Tue 30 Apr 2013, 14:06, Reply)
Arse/Elbow issue for me today I think
Too fucking tired and too much else going on
(, Tue 30 Apr 2013, 14:06, Reply)
*Cool Thread high-fives*
(, Tue 30 Apr 2013, 14:07, Reply)
Hang on, I thought the STA got installed with the client?
If I'm remembering this right, it's been a while since I had a problem, the CAG authenticates the STA from the client end, right?

You using SSL?
(, Tue 30 Apr 2013, 14:08, Reply)
The ctxsta.dll files on 8080 are not playing
(, Tue 30 Apr 2013, 14:09, Reply)
You've got the right FQDN and SSL certs?

Presumably the .dll isn't actually missing?
(, Tue 30 Apr 2013, 14:12, Reply)
This is it, yes
I need more sleep to figure it out
(, Tue 30 Apr 2013, 14:14, Reply)
Tell them to fuck off until tomorrow.
Can't be that important.
(, Tue 30 Apr 2013, 14:15, Reply)
Best sub thread EVER!!!!!!

(, Tue 30 Apr 2013, 14:19, Reply)

(, Tue 30 Apr 2013, 14:19, Reply)
it's no wonder yoy're always drinking during the day

(, Tue 30 Apr 2013, 14:20, Reply)
NOW he gets it

(, Tue 30 Apr 2013, 14:22, Reply)
You've definitely got the new farm listening on 8080?
Not still set to the default?
(, Tue 30 Apr 2013, 14:24, Reply)
Yeah, new farm works fine from PN Agent/WI

(, Tue 30 Apr 2013, 14:24, Reply)
About the only other thing I can think of, from the top of my head, is that the CAG might not have the correct config.
(, Tue 30 Apr 2013, 14:29, Reply)
I bet you named one Deutchsland and one Belgium and let history run it's course....

(, Tue 30 Apr 2013, 14:04, Reply)
...setting the system date to 1939

(, Tue 30 Apr 2013, 14:07, Reply)
Always with the Nein

(, Tue 30 Apr 2013, 14:07, Reply)

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