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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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I do my bit for charity
But I have limits.
(, Wed 11 Sep 2013, 21:18, 2 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
I've done charity work, I fucked a fat chick once.
Never again though, so you're well out of luck.
(, Wed 11 Sep 2013, 21:19, Reply)
Do you two actually dislike each other?

(, Wed 11 Sep 2013, 21:19, Reply)
Does an autist shit in the pope's hat?

(, Wed 11 Sep 2013, 21:21, Reply)
Well I'm not choosing between you, I love you both.

(, Wed 11 Sep 2013, 21:22, Reply)
You're adopted.

(, Wed 11 Sep 2013, 21:23, Reply)
I'm going to find my real parents.

(, Wed 11 Sep 2013, 21:24, Reply)
They're both dead.
They committed suicide shortly after your birth, they couldn't face the lifetime of shame.
(, Wed 11 Sep 2013, 21:26, Reply)
Don't take it out on me because you're angry with 'Mum'

(, Wed 11 Sep 2013, 21:26, Reply)
You'll never supplant the hamster in his affections
Because all normal straight men have a pet that is meant for an 8 year old girl
(, Wed 11 Sep 2013, 21:24, Reply)
From your past experience, you have no idea at all about 'normal straight men'.

(, Wed 11 Sep 2013, 21:26, Reply)
I know that they don't have clown feet, wear turquoise and pink, have their closest relationship with a rodent and think that "chicks dig" them
So a damn sight more than you, in other words.

"HTH xx"
(, Wed 11 Sep 2013, 21:29, Reply)
I don't wear pink except in accessories.
So soz, Swipola, incorrect again xx
(, Wed 11 Sep 2013, 21:30, Reply)
He has no idea what I look like
But is incapable of talking to women or "chicks" as he calls them in some desperate parody of a parody of Patrick Bateman, his favourite character, so comes out with this sort of garbage
(, Wed 11 Sep 2013, 21:21, Reply)
Um, Pat Bateman is not my favourite fictional character; neither is American Psycho my favourite novel.
Shows how much you know, you big nosed fat ginger bitch.
(, Wed 11 Sep 2013, 21:22, Reply)
Coming from a balding pierced freak who looks like a smack head but with a double chin, that really hurts
Oh no, wait, the other one. Tickles.
(, Wed 11 Sep 2013, 21:24, Reply)
I'm not balding and I don't have multiple chins, so sollee xx

(, Wed 11 Sep 2013, 21:25, Reply)
Oh dozer
You know you look like someone put charles Bronson's face on a space hopper
(, Wed 11 Sep 2013, 21:27, Reply)
You look like someone put Mr Bronson's head on a space hopper.

(, Wed 11 Sep 2013, 21:27, Reply)
You can't just nick my insults
Put some effort into it.

Also how's our bet coming along??
(, Wed 11 Sep 2013, 21:31, Reply)
I didn't nick yours, I mean Mr Bronson off Grange Hill.
You know, 'tache, ginger hair, face like a smacked arse, the resemblance to you is uncanny.

And I think I'm very close to winning.
(, Wed 11 Sep 2013, 21:32, Reply)
Well get on with it!!

(, Wed 11 Sep 2013, 21:35, Reply)
Will you two just get a room and order pizza already?
Then we can spend the next three years discussing the inevitable crap sex and breakup repercussions.
(, Wed 11 Sep 2013, 21:33, Reply)
He's gay
You do it
(, Wed 11 Sep 2013, 21:34, Reply)
Never stopped you before
You can discuss sartorial elegance together as well.
(, Wed 11 Sep 2013, 21:35, Reply)

Not with someone who has zero concept of it
(, Wed 11 Sep 2013, 21:37, Reply)
You mean Battered?

(, Wed 11 Sep 2013, 21:39, Reply)
Gok Wan featured a turquoise tracksuit and clown shoes combination on his show last week, so you're clearly out of step with current trends.
(, Wed 11 Sep 2013, 21:41, Reply)
She's SO uncool.

(, Wed 11 Sep 2013, 21:42, Reply)
Mind you, there's not much goes with ginger, that isn't green, and that's just not in right now.
(, Wed 11 Sep 2013, 21:43, Reply)
I'd suggest wearing black because it goes some way toward hiding the rolls of fat.
But then she'd look like a flattened duracell.

(, Wed 11 Sep 2013, 21:45, Reply)
Well she does go on and on

(, Wed 11 Sep 2013, 21:50, Reply)
alright fake HH

(, Wed 11 Sep 2013, 21:35, Reply)
alright bobo

(, Wed 11 Sep 2013, 21:36, Reply)
innit bruv

(, Wed 11 Sep 2013, 21:36, Reply)

(, Wed 11 Sep 2013, 21:38, Reply)

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