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( , Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Glutton for

Given his penchant for back-editing, I thought it might be useful to have a cached screenshot. Just so that, in October, we can ask him exactly what planned chaos he foresaw...
If he's right, I'll... well, what kind of forfeit should I undertake?
( , Wed 6 Aug 2008, 12:04, 39 replies, latest was 17 years ago)

It's old but eternally stylish and alas, much neglected.
( , Wed 6 Aug 2008, 12:11, Reply)

I made the mistake of looking at his profile... Jesus. What's wrong with just writing 'Hi, I'm the Goat, and I am a deluded conspiracy theorist'? It would be a lot quicker.
( , Wed 6 Aug 2008, 12:12, Reply)

tar and feathers are the only recourse!
@Enzyme: did you realise that he used to be a scientologist? didn't come as much of a surprise to me.
( , Wed 6 Aug 2008, 12:13, Reply)

Yes. Seems to have a rather over-active "jump-on-any-old-bandwagon" gland... and his only way to get off one bandwagon is to get onto another...
( , Wed 6 Aug 2008, 12:17, Reply)

I may have missed something here....
Why is the goat so evil for being slightly weird and gullible?
This is a genuine question.
( , Wed 6 Aug 2008, 13:07, Reply)

But I remember that there was a long thread a while back in which he went back and constantly re-edited his original comments in order not to appear stupid after various flaws were pointed out to him, just to maintain his arguement. I think.
( , Wed 6 Aug 2008, 13:10, Reply)

but quite preachy. I've read some of the links he posts as evidence for what he says and found them laughable.
also, in a legitimate debate he goes back and edits his original post and previous comments on the sly (but not that sly) which is frowned upon.
I don't have anything against him as such, I have no knowledge of what he is like as a person, but the stuff he bangs on about is tripe.
( , Wed 6 Aug 2008, 13:11, Reply)

I dont think anyone is calling him evil. You know the boys love a bit of 'prove me right, prove me wrong' mano-a-mano. I dont think there's any bullying going on and with me in The Goat's corner advocating tolerance whilst issuing slaps, he has nothing to fear.
( , Wed 6 Aug 2008, 13:12, Reply)

He's also utterly impervious to reason, and seems utterly to lack capacity for critique. They're both adequate grounds for criticism.
( , Wed 6 Aug 2008, 13:14, Reply)

What did 'reason and logic' ever do for me? Nah, paranoia, fantasy and the odd psychedelic is yer only man.
( , Wed 6 Aug 2008, 13:15, Reply)

Tolerance? Why? Look: debate is all well and good when there is a matter for debate. Diversity of opinions, though, is not a good thing in its own right. If something is evidently laughable, then there's no value is propagating it as a point of view.
Once again: noone has any rights to their beliefs, because those beliefs might be wrong. If a belief of yours happens to be wrong, or incoherent, then you're obliged to relinquish it. (To deny this would be to suggest that there's a right to be wrong, which is crazy.) There is no virtue in defending a person or a belief just for the sake of defending them. Nor is there any virtue in tolerance for tolerance's sake.
Some statements are not worth defending. The Goat seems to have a wardrobe full of them.
( , Wed 6 Aug 2008, 13:18, Reply)

I think MM is objecting to the ganging up on the fella.
Your point is, as ever, completely right in an ideal world.
But nutjobs are funny. Let us embrace them.
( , Wed 6 Aug 2008, 13:22, Reply)

Noone's ganging up on anyone. He posts drivel in a public forum. Other members of the forum point out that he's posting drivel.
Cumulatively, that's a lot of people. But we're not gazzing each other saying "Pssssttt.. He's at it again".
Well - for the most part, we're not...
( , Wed 6 Aug 2008, 13:24, Reply)

Far as I know, they're what you made music with...
Enzyme, I concede that that is a very good point, and whilst I agree with you the fact is that the majority will not because they don't understand that there are many things which are black and white issues. You are a frighteningly intelligent human being and therefore have no need to believe in the possible. But form what you've all just said it would appear that the Goat is not and therefore will not concede to your logic. I don't need to explain the whole god gene bollocks here.
EDIT: I'm all for bashing when it's justified, I just didn't know what it was about...
( , Wed 6 Aug 2008, 13:24, Reply)

( , Wed 6 Aug 2008, 13:36, Reply)

Frighteningly intelligent?
You take that back, young lady!
I are a kittum, though. I demand that you stroke me.
( , Wed 6 Aug 2008, 13:38, Reply)

I'm so sorry, you truly are a spastic of mongtastic degree.
fails to make joke about catalysts once again
( , Wed 6 Aug 2008, 13:42, Reply)

But not so frightening that you just end up sitting in a corner saying nothing : )
( , Wed 6 Aug 2008, 13:46, Reply)

I think your forfeit should be ...... 10 hours locked in a room with the Goat.
D'you think he's maybe that David wossisname (God's Goalie, you remember) who predicted that Arran would fall into the sea?
( , Wed 6 Aug 2008, 14:01, Reply)

I thInk they should be put into THUNDERDOME!!!
( , Wed 6 Aug 2008, 14:03, Reply)

I seem to remember that even the Goat has disavowed the David Icke lizard stuff. To give him his due - he's not that mad.
( , Wed 6 Aug 2008, 14:06, Reply)

I'll have to take your word. I can't follow his posts beyond the first couple of paragraphs so I don't even try anymore.
My brain refuses to comprehend what it has no need to comprehend (which is a polite way of saying I'm a bit thick!)
baz - yeah, THUNDERDOME! You arrange it, I'll come and watch.
( , Wed 6 Aug 2008, 14:08, Reply)

You love him really. You're just pretending not to to impress him and make him fancy you. Everyone can tell.
( , Wed 6 Aug 2008, 14:09, Reply)

Hmmm... No. I think it's Bert and Al who have form for loving goats.
Brutal, surprising love.
( , Wed 6 Aug 2008, 14:14, Reply)

Birmingham, October. I'll be there.
( , Wed 6 Aug 2008, 14:17, Reply)

but he really does believe the crap he spouts about quitting society
( , Wed 6 Aug 2008, 15:32, Reply)

that he's not trying to defend himself...
Possibly a good thing with you lot baring your teeth!
He probably deserves it though... due to the amount of shit he posts on here!!
( , Wed 6 Aug 2008, 15:34, Reply)

It's possible that he's simply not discovered /offtopic. He's been away for a while...
( , Wed 6 Aug 2008, 15:36, Reply)

Check out the wikipedia entry - choose the "nom de plume" option.
( , Wed 6 Aug 2008, 15:39, Reply)

Look where he has "Luther Blissett" typed. Now do the same on your screen. Hit return, pick an article (the Wikipedia one is rather good) and learn.
Google is your friend. (And mine, as I had never heard of him before either.)
( , Wed 6 Aug 2008, 15:39, Reply)

I've just sent this gaz to The Goat, on the basis that his prediction of "chaos" is a bit vague and therefore difficult to accept.
Just curious: when, in your profile, you predict "chaos" for next month, what do you mean? What's your definition of chaos? For example: I'm sure that my desk'll still be a mess then, and describable by some as chaotic. But I think you mean more than that.
As it stands, your prediction is a bit vague, therefore non-falsifiable. So: give us some details, and let's see what happens...
( , Mon 11 Aug 2008, 9:22, Reply)
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