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Miss Blouse says
She's here
She's queer
She's buying you a beer

(Disclaimer - Might not be as queer as she used to be and doesn't actually have any beer).
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 19:16, 49 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
I could go for that beer.
Especially as this is being a Monday true to form.

On Mondays, the steaming divots stomp YOU!
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 19:35, Reply)
Sorry! as disclaimer says I don't have beer.
I have wine though!
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 19:37, Reply)
Hallo Hallo!
I have a lasagne in the oven, a beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other. All is well!
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 19:45, Reply)
Is lasagne the only thing you eat?
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 19:46, Reply)
I shall refrain
from being crude and won't say the first thing that came to mind.
I usually make one a week and it sees me a few days.
Miss K did me morrocan chicken at the weekend and it was lully.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 19:51, Reply)
Oh I like a bit of crudity.
Especially with hummous : )

From hence forth you shall be named Garfield.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 19:54, Reply)
I consider myself duly christened such.
It's a monster lasagne too - 10 mins til it's ready:)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 19:57, Reply)
1 million brownie points
For making it yourself.

I think lasagne seems to be a male thing, like barbecuing.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 20:03, Reply)
Evening all
I have no idea what I had for dinner. I made it myself but I didn't give it a name.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 20:05, Reply)
Call it Mrs Liveinabins surprise.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 20:07, Reply)
Or perhaps
Bin Scrapings?

I had leftover bruschetta topping in the fridge, and some leftover homemade fresh salsa. I combined them with a can of tomato paste, some extra basil and a bunch of oregano from the garden and made some of the most leviticusly deuteronomous spaghetti sauce EVAH!
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 20:24, Reply)
@Teh Loon
And that would be good, I'm guessing?
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 20:41, Reply)
oooh beer.
I've got a mother of a stiff neck at the mo, so might grab myself a whisky.

I've not been around b3ta much, the work overlords have been making me *gasp* do some work. Well, I've always had work to do, but this time there have been urgent deadlines. Eek.

In my convoluted way, I'm trying to say "hello, I haven't been round much lately, how are you all?"

hmm. def whisky time.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 20:43, Reply)
Hey Empress Bob
I'm stuffed to the gunnels with lasagne and about to have a post-prandial cigarette then do my ironing.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 20:45, Reply)
Hello Bob
Work is a bummer when your trying to chew the fat on here.

I try and get everything done in the morning so then I have the rest of the day to fanny about.

And I really do like to fanny about : )
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 20:46, Reply)
I like fanny
*runs off to iron*
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 20:48, Reply)
mmm supper
We had beef fajitas. yumyum. followed by a cup of strong black Mexican coffee, and a truffle from Rococo (best chocolate ever)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 20:48, Reply)
Yes, that would be good.
It has some jalapeno in it, so there's some serious kick. But it's mostly fresh veggies and herbs, so it has very intense flavor.

(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 20:52, Reply)
You'll be up all night with imbibing all that coffee and chocolate.

I had new potatoes, salmon, salad and a yoghurt.

Damn you middle age spread, damn you to hell!
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 20:55, Reply)
Ooh, it's all food talk
I've got a little crush on that wee Chinese chef that's on tele at the minute.

No, not Ken Hom.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 20:56, Reply)
I know who you mean. She's a cutie.

I quite like Ken Hom but I have a thing for baldies.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 20:59, Reply)
Evening all
I've had raisin and cinammon bagels for tea and they were bloody gorgeous :)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 21:05, Reply)
@Hi Becky
I worry about you.

Doesn't seem like a substantial tea for a growing girl : )
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 21:15, Reply)
I agree with BGB
You need something more substantial!

Does anyone have Andi McDowells phone number so I can phone her up and tell her to fuck the fuck off?

Oh, I've got fans, how exciting, how did that happen?
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 21:21, Reply)
Well I did have a huge lunch
and followed up the bagels with two bags of crisps, a curly wurly and two bananas. Better?
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 21:23, Reply)
Yup! all your major healthy food groups there.

Curly wurlies are good for the spleen I think : )
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 21:25, Reply)
How are we all?
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 21:34, Reply)
Well that's ok then
I just ate the last one :) Spleen needed it!

Hey Zap, how goes it?
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 21:38, Reply)
Not too bad.

Want to quit my job. Fed up of the shit that its generating.

On the bright side off to Amsterdam on Friday.

Woot woot.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 21:40, Reply)
Hey becks
Good day?
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 21:41, Reply)
Ah! Monday........
Just opened a SuperBock, sparked my second bifter of the evening and opened a multipack of French Fries.

Life is goooood.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 21:45, Reply)
Thanks Zapiola
I now have ging gang gooly gooly watcha, ging gang goo, ging gang goo in my head : )

Edit - I think I missed out a gooly.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 21:46, Reply)
Yay and Woo Captain P
How is life in the garden of Eden that is Coventry.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 21:47, Reply)
Monday night.

Lime juice.



(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 21:48, Reply)
Yay to Amsterdam
Boo to shitty work Mr Z

Hey BK, not bad thanks. Started rabbit sitting today and I figure it's going to add an hour to my working day, so will need to get up earlier. Poo to that.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 21:51, Reply)
First time I've been since I was 13.

Quite looking forward to it.

How is the work going?
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 21:53, Reply)
Cov is like it's usual self, a fight just waiting to happen. But, sat here behind my two multi-locked steel doors and 10ft steel palisade fence covered in razorwire*, I feel kinda calm.
How's your good and foxy self?

*No joke! Ask Pooflake.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 21:54, Reply)
Haha! I believe you Captain P.
I'm ok I guess. Could be better as I'm feeling a little out of sorts.

Looking forward to the London Bash and maybe your and Pooflake's appearance perchance.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 21:57, Reply)
Work's going well thanks
No time for b3ta sadly, but I'm learning a lot and enjoying it :)

What are the new flatmates like?
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 21:57, Reply)
Not so bad. Its just a temp place until 29th August so don't know so many of them.

Yeah been damned busy too, not had too much time for B3ta recently.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 22:00, Reply)
I can just about keep my eyes open
as I didn't stop at all today other than a quick lunch, so I'm going to bed. Night all xx
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 22:04, Reply)
Night Becks.
Me too...I'm off to read my book before bedtime.

Night all.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 22:09, Reply)
Has everyone disappeared just as I arrived?
Flatwarming at someones new house. Much food.

Too much food in fact. I thought vomit was going to occur. Luckily I was wrong for once.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 22:55, Reply)
Hey PoD
I'm still around, was just whacking a lengthy tale on topic.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 23:01, Reply)
Ah, how grand
Just seemed to go very quiet when I returned.

I think my stomach hates me a lot. I feel awful.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 23:04, Reply)
Oh dear
My stomach is just about digesting the massive plate of lasagne I had - I don't think I'll sleep tonight. May have had cheese overdose.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 23:08, Reply)
There's too much pasta bake in me
Cheese, vegetables, sausages, pasta. Just far too much.

i had to turn down pudding, as I tried to eat it and nearly threw everything back up.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 23:15, Reply)
Puddings are evil
I'm glad I don't have a sweet tooth; I'm never tempted to have one course too many.

*edit* Reet, I'd better bed it now I think. Laters!
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 23:23, Reply)
Puddings are not evil
I've had pink wine.

Anyone here?
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 0:17, Reply)

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