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Good Evening!

I'm not sure that ^^ will work...

However, pull up a chair, grab a glass of wine and tell me all about your day.

I have just finished the first draft of a new short story so w00t for me!
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 17:51, 173 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
It does now.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 17:55, Reply)
Did you break the nice piccy-ture?
Congrats on the story. I suck at writing stories.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 18:00, Reply)
I hadn't got my own personal copy uploaded to b3tards
And I've no idea how to link to other people's so I've now got my own.

Ta for the story congrats - I've started a new writing regime before term starts and my brains are all sucked out by my undergrads. I *will* improve my publishing CV!

Perseverance is the answer with writing fiction...well, with any writing really. Just keep plugging away at it.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 18:05, Reply)
I find it's the same with design
Persevere even when it all seems to not be working in the slightest, like often seems to happen.

And with climbing. That seems to require much perseverance.

edit - oh, and my day. I was working muchly, which is never great. And we had a customer who went off at our boss after she told the customer that her daughter couldn't eat food purchased elsewhere while on our premises. The woman went on a huge rant, which ended in her being asked to leave. Sweet.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 18:07, Reply)
Climbing definitely requires perseverance
stamina, flexibility, strength, confidence and complete lack of fear.

And strangely enough the new short story is about a climber....I decided to give in a write about what I know and see where it got me.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 18:11, Reply)
and I have been on the wine since this afternoon. hurrah
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 18:13, Reply)
*abseils in*
Ha! I'm on holiday but got myself online.

But not for long. This is just a flying visit to say hello to you all.

*shimmies up rope again*
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 18:13, Reply)
I'm a terribly lazy writer as chickenlady will attest to. I really ought to discipline myself to following a regieme of writing x amount of words per day, but I never seem to get round to it.

However, I feel like I've lost my b3ta mojo of late... I can't seem to get inspired by any of the recent QOTWs to come up with something new.

Whether it's all in the mind or not I don't know, however I'm trying not to get too hung up about my creational constipation.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 18:17, Reply)
I have most apart from the flexibility down, so manage reasonably well.

I appear to have no cider unfortunately. Or Irn Bru. Hmm.

Anyone got fun plans for this evening, other than eating Thai Food?
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 18:17, Reply)
@ Ancrenne
I've been self-employed (ish) for the last 10 years...I'm still crap at organising my time.

But no longer!

Now I have a rule - that's all of two days old - of writing solidly for one hour. Ideally I'll crank out 2000 words. And it can be crap...that's allowed.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 18:18, Reply)
For anyone who missed the link the other day....

There is a new b3ta subsidiary site....The b3ta bunk3r - just in case of fire and such.

I've formed a new group on there...QOTWers, feel free to sign up and become my friend.

(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 18:22, Reply)
All joined up Chickenlady
Not sure why though.

Is it incase of fire, nuclear war, running out of tea etc?
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 18:46, Reply)
I adore just sitting down and writing every day
providing it's fiction...and sadly I don't get paid to write fiction...so I hate having to sit down and do the paid writing...but the money takes some of the sting out of it...

But writing fiction is incredibly self-indulgent - it's the opportunity to sit and tell yourself stories - something I've done all my life, generally by gazing out of a window instead of listening to the Physics teacher.

Although that bit of day-dreaming and musing is only a tiny part of writing and not really the work bit at all. The work comes in with all the redrafting and proper crafting which can feel like 'work' but it's satisfying when you finally finish a piece.

*EDIT* @ Mrs Liveinabin - yes, that's it precisely. Nuclear war and running out of tea. Oh, and more opportunities to waste time and generally procrastinate.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 18:51, Reply)
I always wanted to be a writer
but then I realised that I can't write for shit so I stopped.

I find I can't get ideas, that's my main problem.

@chickenlady, I love the shit out of wasting time and procrastinating.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 18:53, Reply)
Up to my nadgers in alligators.
One of our engineers is out at a job site, so his boss is covering for him- and said that he would take care of some calcs. Now the boss and I are trying to untangle what the engineer did with one project and trying to derive how he calculated these values- and the calcs were to be delivered this morning.


I think tonight I shall have beer despite my vow to go dry...
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 18:56, Reply)
All joined up too
nice to know I have a place in the bunker .... might have come in handy during the Cold War!
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 18:57, Reply)
@ loon
There are some times when you can break a vow like that and it be acceptable.

Like when a woman is on a diet but she's full of PMT and NEEDS chocolate.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 18:58, Reply)
I'm here again with a cheeky red.
In fact it's so cheeky it's just winked at me : )
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 19:06, Reply)
I'm all joined up
Hey all - hope everyone's well.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 19:16, Reply)
What's for dinner?

(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 19:21, Reply)
BGB's just made me want lasagne
we were shopping today and had a Burger King instead of real food. Now I'm hungry again!
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 19:22, Reply)
BK is the king of lasagne....allegedly
Hi WW, I've had curry. Can't go wrong with curry.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 19:25, Reply)
Will BK have lasagne again after last nights, erm, repercussions?

And secondly, TWW, I looked at the nutrion and stuff of a BK meal once. It came to roughly 1000 calories, and far too much fat.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 19:26, Reply)
1,000 calories?
Is that all? Ach, I weigh less than 8 stone, it'll not kill me this once!

The kids, since getting home, have chomped through a Muller corner each, an apple each and are currently peeling and chopping a carrot into sticks to munch on.

So I might as well have saved the money and not got the BK!
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 19:29, Reply)
Heh heh
Just about to have my second portion of the day actually.

Incidentally, how do you fire across a friend request on this b3ta bunker thing?
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 19:30, Reply)
No idea but chickenlady or the Loon will know.

Gosh Weewitch, you are a wee little thing aren't you.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 19:32, Reply)
Yes, BGB, I am
All my (young) life I wished I was taller and ... well ... more buxom. I have now accepted that it ain't gonna happen, and learned instead to enjoy the advantages.

I buy kids clothes and save the VAT! Oh, and I have no leg-room issues on aeroplanes. And, that's about it.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 19:37, Reply)
Tall and buxom is no great shakes believe you me.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 19:47, Reply)
I would offer comment
But I am neither buxom or hugely tall.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 19:51, Reply)
Me neither
I never had the breasts I pined for; but there was one wonderful day......

I've said too much
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 19:53, Reply)
Tis true lads.
I've always hated my boobs but then I thought well, if they can make someone happy in the world in their own special way then who am I to disparage them.

Go forth my beauties and brighten someone's day.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 19:57, Reply)
Photo on profile
but only for a very wee while!

It demonstrates what happens when you let a 7 year old play with the new camera!
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 19:58, Reply)
You seem to be missing a head but your not exactly flat chested : )
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 19:59, Reply)
Nice tele!

And what Miss Blouse said.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 19:59, Reply)
I am in not too bad proportion. I don't have much up top, but this is balanced by not much bum either.

BK, if you want the telly you can have the f***ing thing. I hate it. It's already been replaced twice.

EDIT: Must be a man thing re the telly. It WAS a man who picked it. That's the last time MrWitch gets to buy something expensive!
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 20:01, Reply)
I was about to comment on the nice tv also
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 20:04, Reply)
with all respect WW
you look plenty buxom enough too me.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 20:10, Reply)
Ta Mrs L
but as a youngster, I wanted to be more ... well .. Playboy buxom. Which is silly. I have small feet, and that much up top would make me very unstable!
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 20:11, Reply)
I know what you mean. I always wanted a bigger bust but now I'm quite happy with what I've got.

That said girls chests seem to be getting larger. I wonder if it because they are getting them younger. There we girls in year 6 this year who had boobs as big as mine!
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 20:17, Reply)
Mrs L
Sorry - ignorant Scot here - how old is year 6?

My eldest is 14 (which is S3 here) , and I do know what you mean. Their feet are awfully big as well (not my one, she's only a 2). They all seem to wear size 6 or 7.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 20:20, Reply)
Sorry WW
Year 6 is 10-11. They are quite frighteningly grown up by this age.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 20:23, Reply)
I was about 5ft 9" at school with size 8 feet.

That was in senior school - 11 -16.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 20:24, Reply)
Suffice to say
I was always in the front row of school pics. I started High School (age 12) wearing shoe size one and clothes for a ten year old!

Oddly, I never made the basketball team either.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 20:27, Reply)
I'm the same height now
as I was when I was 13. 5ft 3in

MrL however didn't stop growing until he was 21 and he's 6ft 4in!
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 20:29, Reply)
I stopped growing at 14
and made 5 foot 3 and a wee bit (I used to claim 5 foot 4 for some reason). MrWitch is 6 foot. I tend to wear heels when we go out.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 20:33, Reply)
It makes my neck hurt
if we have a kiss standing up!
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 20:35, Reply)
I always, always
Always used to be in the front row of school photos. Since then I have luckily grown, and am now nicely average. Go me.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 20:35, Reply)
I am now 5ft 11 with size 9 feet.
Thanks to my nordic blood on my mums side and my 6ft 2 dad.

@Mrs Bin, I would love to get a sore neck from kissing a guy once in my life but the trouble is all you short arse women have the tall guys : )
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 20:36, Reply)
I work with two "girls"
who are both around the six foot mark (and gorgeous with it, damn their eyes!). When I walk between them I feel like a midget. I then have to go and stand beside another colleague, who's smaller than me, and feel much better!

Pic has now gone, replaced with someone much younger ..... and hairier
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 20:39, Reply)
I had a mad decent day at work.
I'm now officially a trainer and have to teach trainees from other coffee shops how to make coffee which is great. I'm also now the only boy, working with nine girls in my shop. It aint as great as it sounds.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 20:47, Reply)
^^ I hope
that you got a pay rise ...
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 20:48, Reply)
Another coffee shop worker person!
Do you also know the wonders awfulness of working in a coffee shop then?
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 20:49, Reply)
Oh yes, I got a minute pay raise and I fucking love it.
Best job I've ever had. I work in Costa Coffee and have done for about a year and a half now. It has its downsides but on the hole I really enjoy it.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 20:51, Reply)
And....I'm back in the room
My internet went tits up for a bit.
Then I did some hoovering.
Then I got, err, distracted by some saucy texts from Miss K.

*edit* I'm a short arse guy, about 5'9" maybe.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 20:51, Reply)
Not the reply I expected. If you asked most folk at my work, you would probably get quite the opposite answer.

I also managed to cut my wrist on some machine today at work, not even sure which one. Looks kinda like I tried to slit my wrists.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 20:52, Reply)
I've been playing in the bunker.
It's quite enjoyable.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 20:53, Reply)
I didn't realise how fast this place moves.
Where do you work Penguin? I burnt myself on the grills twice today which I've never done before.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 20:54, Reply)
Independent coffee shop in my hometown
I'm hoping to get a work placement next summer though, so I hopefully won't be back again.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 20:55, Reply)
A new euphemism?

Later TWW
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 20:58, Reply)
Time to go for me ....
have a good night, y'all.

(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 20:58, Reply)
Shit! I keep clicking Post Your Own Story.
I'd like to work in an independent but the ones in my town are all shit.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 20:58, Reply)
Night WW!
@Bk, I'm just a euphemism on legs.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 21:00, Reply)
Similar filthy mind to me then.
I got strange looks today by sniggering madly when somebody said "box" at work.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 21:01, Reply)
Hullo there!
For the first time, I'm b3taing from iPhone!

Awe, I missed tww's big reveal!

How are we all? I'm munching a yummy risotto wearing my new specs!

This post has taken ages!
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 21:02, Reply)
Hey DiT
How's the iPhone then - worth using for postage, or a bit unwieldy?
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 21:07, Reply)
New specs DiT?
Do they make you look even more handsome?
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 21:07, Reply)
it's a bit slow for actual posting, but I'm getting quicker! :)

Bless you bgb, you charmer!
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 21:10, Reply)
I'm always this charming after a bottle of wine.

Two bottles and I'll have my tongue down your throat : )
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 21:13, Reply)
I remember using one in a shop
And finding it really slow to type with, I tried typing a message and it didn't go well.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 21:14, Reply)
*lines up bottles*

EDIT: It's really easy, it just takes a bit of getting used to when you're used to keys!
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 21:15, Reply)
I use my pda sometimes
But am more used to keyboards.

Question: what's the point in these tiny laptops? They are only like 5 inches smaller than my ibook, and are comparatively crap.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 21:18, Reply)
You youngsters and your new fangled technology.
I can't keep up.

I remember the days before voice messages on the phone and now everything is so vital that it must be dealt with immediately or accessed immediately.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 21:21, Reply)
Lord only knows!
I think they bridge a gap that doesn't need bridging!

Anyway folks, m'off. Mrs Devil got a promotion today, I think a wee drinkie is in order!

EDIT: I do wonder about that, BGB. I didn't have any phone til I was 21, so when we said we'd meet in the pub at 8, we met at 8. Now, there's harried phone convos every 10 minutes: "where are you know? No, I'm on george street. I'll be 30 seconds late".

Mobile phones make people late! :)
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 21:22, Reply)
I'm off for an early one. I'm exhausted.
See you all later.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 21:23, Reply)
Well done to Mrs DIT
I do agree about phones being as much trouble as they save. As BGB said everything has to be dealt with NOW.

I realised it had got silly when my father-in-law was stood next to someone in the loo at a bird show. He noticed that this chap was sending a text saying that he had just seen Bill Odie. Could that not wait until after he had finished having a wee.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 21:28, Reply)
Phone in bathroom = big no no
You just don't do it.

I've been meaning to ask mrs L, what is a Gronda? Or what is it to do?
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 21:37, Reply)
Morning/afternoon/evening all
Whatever time zone you're in. I'm tired.

Still have stuff to scan in for tomorrow's meeting and scanner is being an utter utter cunt.

Cake plz

Edit: And I just spilled 7up all over my next document...FUUUUUUUUUUUCK
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 21:38, Reply)
Hey becks
Firstly, don't hairdry it. It does strange things.

Secondly, have some cake.

*proffers cake*

Thirdly, er, something calming and relaxing. Kittehs.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 21:40, Reply)
Thanks PoD
Ooh It's doing stuff

*tries not to look too hopeful that it's worked
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 21:49, Reply)
Things to learn:
1) Scanners are awful things. I hate them.

2) Nothing good comes from drinking 7Up.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 21:51, Reply)
Have a look at the daytime thread. Some of my cakes and/or biscuits might be left.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 21:53, Reply)
Hey becks!
Argh! I hope you get it sorted!

And really really good luck with your presentation! *crosses fingers*
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 21:53, Reply)
It does make some measure of sense.
If she hadn't been drinking 7Up, it wouldn't have got spilled on the document.

It makes sense in my head anyway.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 21:54, Reply)
Haha, I wish it was a presentation
Edit: We have some issues that need to be sorted out tomorrow *seethes quietly*

Mmm...just found cake.

FUUUUUCK, I just scanned in a load of stuff and then realised that's not the fucking document I need to scan as they can just keep the original. Fuckingcuntybollocks.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 21:56, Reply)
I think that the predictive text on your iPhone went for food rather than good.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 21:58, Reply)
1) Thank you for pointing our Mrs L, it is now fixed. Also, I'm not on an iPhone, so don't have that excuse.

2) Now I see why it didn't seem to make sense.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 22:01, Reply)
Sorry for being all me me me
I hate shit like that. *crawls into a hole*

Normal Becky service will be resumed sometime soon.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 22:03, Reply)
Sorry PoD
I thought you were.

Why is 7Up called 7Up? That's what I want to know .

PoD you say nothing good ever came from drinking 7up, however one of the original ingredients was lithium. Something good would come from drinking that, especially if mixed with original coke with cocaine in!
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 22:10, Reply)
Wikipedia the name
There are loads of theories on why it is called that. So basically, no-one really knows.

How are you al?
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 22:13, Reply)
It's ancrenne's Birthday today
we had cake and I've now had wine!!
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 22:16, Reply)
Clunk! Fizzzzz!
*Opens Beer*

Evenin' all

Absolutely the worst thing you can do post exercise is drink alcohol apparently.

So I'm sat here, fresh from the gym sipping my second can of the evening - extremely out of character for me.

Hope you're all having a good one?
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 22:20, Reply)
I have done absolutely nothing at all that could be counted as productive this evening. Go me.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 22:22, Reply)
Go PoD
You and me both. I don't think I have moved from my chair all evening, except to get wine from the fridge. And with a laptop there is no need to. Hurrah

*edit* good for you PJM. There are far too many people on her who do exercise like they mean it (Edmund I'm looking at you). I'm sure you are just all sent by my mother to make me feel bad!
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 22:24, Reply)
I sat down on my bed at about 6
And haven't got up since then. I had a guitar within my reach, so didn't even have to move for that.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 22:25, Reply)
Evening m'dear
You had a good evening then, with thai food and alcohol?

PJM, what kind of bike do you have?
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 22:32, Reply)
I watched 'Ghost Dog' whilst beering at home. Bless them Poles for giving us Okocim. Now watching GSP vs Fitch - are there no b3ta UFC fans?

(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 22:36, Reply)

2004 Specialized Enduro. It's expensive to run, but my God it's worth every penny.


Happy birthday *chinks glasses*

Exercise is something I do to help keep me sane, it's wonderful for the mind. I'm 34 and in reasonable shape, but am not as fit or toned as I could be. That said, I have an office job so there's only so much time to devote.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 22:41, Reply)
I'll hopefully get in before PJM here
The reason you get told to do that is so that it isn't putting sideways stress on the chain. If you are on the smallest cog on the front, and gear 7 on the back, the whole chain is getting pushed sideways, which isn't good for it. The same using the big gear at the front, and 1st gear at the back.

So I would ignore the advice they gave, kind of. I would use:
Small gear at front: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Middle gear at front: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
Big gear at front: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.

That's just playing it safe. Could possibly extend them by 1 each way.

edit - nice, PJM. Nice.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 22:43, Reply)
I have a question
I seem to have some fans, which is very lovely, and I have changed them to friends. My question is how do I become someone's fan?

*edit* bikes, when did it become so damn complicated? My Raleigh Bianca wasn't like that. Now I know why I drive a car.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 22:44, Reply)
If you have someone down as a friend, then they will see you as a fan. If they have you as a friend, you will see them as a fan.

(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 22:46, Reply)
Gah. What a day.
I just spent pretty much the entire day with the Big Boss, working on the calculations I was bitching about earlier. Good thing he's a nice guy and easy to work with- it was making me nervous anyway, though.

Got them done, but JEEBUS I don't want to have to go through a crunch like that again...
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 22:47, Reply)
@POD - the only original component left is the frame. Everything - from the wheels to the shock - has been upgraded.

@ancrenne - yep, as POD says, in the inner front ring stick to gears 1-3, in the middle gears 1 - 5 and outer gears 4 - 7 (or 9... You get the picture). The idea is not to place sideays loads on the chain.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 22:50, Reply)
Hooray admin shit is done
*apologises to computer for throwing a shitfit at it*

How is everyone? Full of cake and cider?
*nods approval*

Many happy returns Ancrenne xx
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 22:51, Reply)
Very nice PJM
I recently bought a Gary Fisher Marlin off a friend. It's got upgraded forks and lots of things really, and many a shiny new part.

Glad to hear you've got everything done becks. How's things other than that work admin rubbish type stuff?
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 22:56, Reply)
Ancrenne & bike
Ah, it sounds like the gears could do with adjustment... The cables between the shifter and derailleur stretch over time and any bike shop should be able to sort that out for not a lot of cash.

Your gear choices seem okay to me... The problem is your bike is victim of marketing speak - the bigger the number, the better. Apparently.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 22:57, Reply)
The man speaks the truth
I just readjusted my front gears the other day as they weren't aligned properly, and they're working much better now.

And yes, apparently bigger number makes better. I have a 27 speed, and really don't need lots of those.

I hate salespeople.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 22:59, Reply)
teh boike speek
is it any where near as boring as teh metal speek was this afternon?
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 23:01, Reply)
I've not really consumed any liquid tonight
I would have had to move to get liquid, and that wasn't going to happen.

I did however work out more about how my guitar's delay pedal works. Grand.

A good thai meal you had?
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 23:05, Reply)
ancrenne, is that
The vodka from London that we swiped back from the coctail party, or the other vodka that I left there last time?

One was good, one was mediocre, so I hope you're drinking the decent one!
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 23:08, Reply)
Good work!

I'm all out of alcohol here *cries*

Oh, I'm not...
I've got bottles of absinthe, jaeger, brandy and ouzo.

Some vodka.

I'm in a cider mood though.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 23:14, Reply)
I'm trying to avoid
using a bike for work, as while it would no doubt make my journey cheaper, I value my life on London roads.

I'm drinking and not spilling 7up now and munching malteasers :)
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 23:17, Reply)
I'm a Dorset girl
and I can't be doing with all this putting ice in cider nonsense.

I used to go to this place to buy cider.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 23:25, Reply)
*Devon Cider Flashback*
*hides under chair until it passes*
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 23:30, Reply)
Not explained A
Started at 4am with thunder and lightning - had to stay up and watch, then no point going back to bed, so up and feeding rabbits, guinea pigs, hamster and cat by 8am, to work for 10am, to meeting across town for 12pm, lots of arguing and funnies til 3pm, back to work for 4pm, finish at 6pm, back to assorted furries for 7.30pm, get out of tube station to get rained on (third time so far in one day, if you're keeping score), home by 8pm, reading up on stuff/scanning things/emailing things for work til 10pm, kicking and screaming at bastard scanner til 11pm. b3tatime at 11.15pm

My name is beckyjsbx and this is the longest day of my life.

*stolen shamelessly from 24*

*Inspired by the fact that I spoke to a guy who is going to be in the new season of 24 and I'm a bit wibbly about it all.*

Get to do it all over again tomorrow, although hopefully not such an early start.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 23:31, Reply)
I say Becks
that sounds like a cunt of a day and no mistake.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 23:33, Reply)
I just hate the way
cider has been sold to the masses as something new.

I had a row with a girl I worked with because she was trying to tell me that Bulmers was a new brand of cider.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 23:35, Reply)
Wasn't too bad MrsL
until the scanner started being an arse. But can't break it as it's my own. If it was a work one I couldn't care less as they have people who fix things easily there ,)
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 23:36, Reply)
That's a long day becky, you must be cream crackered by now? I'm struggling to stay awake and I was up at a leisurely 7am.

Cider... I had the unfortunate post "cider in the park" upchucks at fifteen (nineteen years ago! Damn) and treat the stuff with suspicion.

That's proper falling down juice.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 23:41, Reply)
Yep, you read it here first...
ancrenne and I threw away alcohol.
It was that bad.

(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 23:43, Reply)
Well today included hills
and cigarettes as I knew it would be a bit of a fucker of a day, so tomorrow will be done with hills still, but nicotine patches as I have the lungs of an asthmatic 300 year old with the lurgy. Oh and all of it was done at highspeed too, so lots of scribbling notes on hands, important papers (hence photoshop and scanners). This is my downtime which I have 10 minutes of before I have to go to bed.

Christ, you threw away alcohol? WTF is wrong with you? Weirdos.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 23:48, Reply)
well then I don't blame you.

*would have taken more than a sip in my younger years*
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 23:50, Reply)
I managed a heroic swig
But thought I was going to spasm myself inside-out.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 23:53, Reply)
Right kiddies
I'm going to head off to bed now, and have a lie in til half eight tomorrow morning! Oh yeah.

Have fun days all.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 23:55, Reply)
Right chaps
I too am off to bed.

Have a good one.
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 23:58, Reply)
Pfft. you had a birthday
On Sunday too!

You're having more than the Queen!
(, Wed 13 Aug 2008, 0:06, Reply)
Night PoD and Mrs L
Damn those two pints of coca cola I had at lunchtime. I'm not tired now
(, Wed 13 Aug 2008, 0:10, Reply)
I'd imagine you're more likely to make it
To your next birthday than she is.
A lot more.
(, Wed 13 Aug 2008, 0:14, Reply)
Ooh deathmatch
Ancrenne vs Queenie.

Winner gets the plinth on Trafalgar Sq ,)
(, Wed 13 Aug 2008, 0:23, Reply)
My mate Charlie-Boy asked if he could borrow a knife.

He also asked the best way to kill a monarch.

I told him to hide in the crapper and stab 'em up the arse.
(, Wed 13 Aug 2008, 0:29, Reply)
The only post I've read is the one above.
Not sure I'm feeling brave enough to come in...
(, Wed 13 Aug 2008, 0:38, Reply)
good morning!
As you'll have noticed I've been putting up two images in the mornings...any preference for todays 2nd?
(, Wed 13 Aug 2008, 0:38, Reply)
Ooh Clendrix
read mine from 23.21. Explains my sig :)

*hugs C and Ed*

Edit: Something fluffy?
(, Wed 13 Aug 2008, 0:40, Reply)
Something mathy and clever.

Becky: your posts have made me want to a) go to sleep cos I feel exhausted and b) watch 24 because I love it!
(, Wed 13 Aug 2008, 0:42, Reply)
I hate it when people put
Images in QOTW...
Makes it awkward when I'm at work.
From a distance a grey background and text could be anything.
A picture of a kitten is clearly not work.
(, Wed 13 Aug 2008, 0:42, Reply)
I'm bloody knackered!
I've been over in west London watching them record the Mock the Week that's going out on Thursday.
My laugh hurts.
(, Wed 13 Aug 2008, 0:45, Reply)
Your laugh hurts
:) I like :)

Ed, how about instead of images, make them clickable linkies instead?

I sometimes sneak onto b3ta at work to check gazzes and photos make it even more difficult to stealth.
(, Wed 13 Aug 2008, 0:48, Reply)
95% of pictures on the QOTW/OT are posted by TRL...
Work would be eaiser if I put him on ignore.
I don't quite have the heart to though.

See, aren't I lovely?
(, Wed 13 Aug 2008, 0:50, Reply)
And Mrs Bin with her cakes. I don't mind the pics cos it's only me in my office, but just looking at Mrs Bin's cakes makes me fatter!

Ancrenne - Adam Hills (the Aussie guy) and David Mitchell. Great show - obviously they'll edit it to half an hour, but Frankie was bloody hilarious. So naughty.
(, Wed 13 Aug 2008, 0:55, Reply)
Tis late
So G'night all
(, Wed 13 Aug 2008, 1:06, Reply)
Frankie rocks.
I love his bitter cynicism and his raging sarcasm. Oh, and his accent. Russell was there, and Andy. I really like both of them and they made me laugh tonight, but I know what you mean - I don't think I'm tempted to go and see them doing stand up.
My friend watched Frankie though and said he was really good.

G'night Becky!

David Mitchell was good. I have a soft spot for him. A hot topic was the Olympics and Britain's opening ceremony, which reminded me of a thread on here the other day that was so funny.
(, Wed 13 Aug 2008, 1:08, Reply)
Good night my lovelies!
Be good.
(, Wed 13 Aug 2008, 1:15, Reply)
I'm always good...
(, Wed 13 Aug 2008, 1:19, Reply)
I'm still here...
Vodka eh...?
(, Wed 13 Aug 2008, 1:22, Reply)
I didn't realize
that it was an issue. I'll desist.
(, Wed 13 Aug 2008, 1:25, Reply)
Oh hello!
Links are always good though.
I know it sounds petty, but I have the door behind my desk *frowns*

But yeah... *looks at clock*
Half an hour more then I'll be off to bed.
What an exciting life I lead...
(, Wed 13 Aug 2008, 1:28, Reply)
yeah, I'm just about finished
As much of this picture as I'm going to do tonight.


Bed at 2.
(, Wed 13 Aug 2008, 1:53, Reply)
*turns light off*
(, Wed 13 Aug 2008, 2:13, Reply)
*messes things back up*
(, Wed 13 Aug 2008, 2:36, Reply)
@anyone who's awake...
finally got to work this morning - traffic here's appalling! anyone here?
(, Wed 13 Aug 2008, 2:53, Reply)

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