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Quick festival question
I'm going to Leedsfest again this year and as my previous tent-buddies have partnered up I have to get a tent by myself. I don't want to spend a lot as I'm a g-string away from stripping for cash. I want the cowprint throw-it-on-the-floor-and-it-pops-up-as-if-by-magic one from Argos for £30, but it's a single skin. So basically I want to know if anyone has purchased a similar pop-up tent of joy and whether or not it's festival proof. Sorry that was so long and rambling for such a simple question. Ta
(, Fri 15 Aug 2008, 15:20, 7 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
Not at all festival proof.
Not with the weather as it is at the moment, anyway.

Bite the bullet and beg, borrow or steal a proper tent.
(, Fri 15 Aug 2008, 15:30, Reply)
Or hook up
With someone with a tent.
(, Fri 15 Aug 2008, 15:40, Reply)
Haha knowing my luck
I would probably get caught on the front page of a Mirror expose about the promiscuity of today's youth at festivals and my boyfriend would be displeased.

My boss has offered to lend me a tent, but as I consistently mock him for being old and going to Glastonbury, he has probably carved "who's laughing now?" into it so I'll get rained on.
(, Fri 15 Aug 2008, 15:43, Reply)
suck it up
and borrow the boss's tent

I've slept in a couple of leaky tents at a festival (same festival, two leaky tents) and despite being off my gourd on mushrooms, climbing into a cold wet sleeping bag and waking up in a warm wet sleeping bag is not fun
(, Fri 15 Aug 2008, 15:47, Reply)
I once slept
On the floor at Reading festival in the rain.
After drinking a pub-type optic bottle of gin. Neat.

That was bad, people thought I was dead at one point.
(, Fri 15 Aug 2008, 15:52, Reply)
If you're ok with spending £30 you can get a pretty decent tent for that. I went festivalling last year and got a 4 man (yea right) tent from a cmping website for £30. Stayed upright and water proof for 3 days so was well worth it. If you're interested I can find the link for you.
(, Sun 17 Aug 2008, 20:00, Reply)

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