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(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 8:42, 139 replies, latest was 10 years ago)
Good morning JTDF
There was a beautiful sunrise this morning.
(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 8:48, Reply)

(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 9:42, Reply)
The cold I had yesterday is even worse today and the heating isn't working.
(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 9:45, Reply)

(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 9:47, Reply)
Could be worse.

(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 10:02, Reply)
Morning Jeffski
I'm having a very lazy Sunday, you feeling any better yet?
(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 10:27, Reply)
Not as shit as yesterday, but I think another day of pub avoidance might be wise.

(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 10:46, Reply)
You should get some home cans and make sure at least once per hour

(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 10:48, Reply)
It's still just about morning here, so
(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 10:54, Reply)
Entertain me you bastards
(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 12:22, Reply)
23 minutes gone and Forest are still 0-0

(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 12:23, Reply)
That's a quarter of a way to the best result we could hope for
Who have City got mate?
(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 12:34, Reply)
Forest are losing now.
City are away to Gillingham today.
(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 12:38, Reply)
Forest now 2-0 down.

(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 12:38, Reply)
How is it possible to be this gutted
and yet completely unsurprised?
(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 12:39, Reply)
Could be worse.
You could have shelled out for a ticket.
(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 12:41, Reply)
It's bad enough watching it on telly

(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 12:42, Reply)
I'm flicking between the Forest game, the Spurs game and an episode of Sherlock
I've seen at least once before.
(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 12:45, Reply)
I've seen this Forest game before too

(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 12:45, Reply)
Shelock is getting to a good bit.

(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 12:47, Reply)
Which episode is it?
Let's not talk about football eh. Ever again
(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 12:50, Reply)
The Hounds Of Baskerville.

(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 12:52, Reply)
Not a patch on the Basil Rathbone one

(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 12:53, Reply)
*makes wobbly hand motion*
(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 12:56, Reply)

(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 13:02, Reply)
Third goal was brilliant though

(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 12:52, Reply)
Not sure he'll make the New Year at this rate
(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 12:54, Reply)
Comedy of errors

(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 12:55, Reply)
Didn't realise there had been a third goal.
Just watching the half time analysis now.
(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 12:55, Reply)
Is the analysis
"Nottingham Forest are fucking shit"?
(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 13:02, Reply)
Pretty much.
I'm going to give Spurs v Utd fifteen minutes, see if that entertains.
(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 13:05, Reply)
Good choice mate, the second half will be a total non-event
I'd love to say that Forest will come roaring out of the blocks after the break but most teams seem to have sussed our elaborate game game plan of "Get the ball to Antonio and hope he does something magic"
(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 13:07, Reply)
I need to go to the shops as well.
I might do that now and call in at the bookies.
(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 13:09, Reply)
The odds on us going down will probably net you a guaranteed tenner come May
On a £9 bet
(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 13:15, Reply)
It's a cracker

(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 13:02, Reply)
Have to wonder how long Psycho has got left
Any other manager would have been given the Amici Wine Bar treatment by now.
(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 12:45, Reply)

(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 12:48, Reply)
My lazy Sunday is getting better and better
I'm now sat with a pork pie, pate and Melba toast and a large cheese board, the extra hot Mexican cheddar is is being washed down with cold beer
(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 12:29, Reply)
^is getting his hare cut in Desmond's

(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 12:40, Reply)
Mon brah.

(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 12:42, Reply)
Just don't mention "Desmond's"
In front of Nakers yeah, even after all these years he still hasn't got over the trauma.
(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 12:43, Reply)
I made it back to London. Now in the cafe where a women sat near me has specified that her baked beans be served cold.
(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 12:50, Reply)
Legally you are allowed to stab her for that

(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 12:52, Reply)
She having one fried egg, one bit of bacon and cold baked beans. How depressing.

(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 12:53, Reply)
Start humming " hey fatty bum bum"
And see if she starts crying
(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 12:54, Reply)
She's foreign. I don't know how you say that in foreign, other than the standard increase in volume necessary to converse with internationals.

(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 12:56, Reply)
"Hey El Fatty Bum Bum"

or "Hey Le Fatty Bum Bum"

depending on the type of foreign
(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 13:06, Reply)
Oddly, the breakfast I went for two days ago
Also served the beans cold. This was due to chef-based incompetence rather than a diner request.
(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 12:53, Reply)
I'm having an omelette. She's put me off the fry up.

(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 12:55, Reply)
I feel confident you could have rattled an omelette together at home mate

(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 12:57, Reply)
The ones they do here are easily the finest I have eaten

(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 12:58, Reply)

(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 13:02, Reply)
You've finally realised you are?

(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 13:07, Reply)
Dozer in finding mirror shock

(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 13:14, Reply)
Dozer and a mirror? Nasty.

(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 13:20, Reply)
Celebrity Death Race 2015
Who's your money on to cark it?
(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 13:35, Reply)
Charlie Watts
Prince Philip
John Berger
Sean Connery
Leonard Cohen
Shane McGowan
Russell Brand after a heroin relapse.
(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 13:38, Reply)

(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 13:46, Reply)
...by suicide

(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 13:49, Reply)
No-one ever says Bruce Forsyth
No-one has yet implicated Bruce Forsyth in Yewtree

The man exists outside of the constraints of humanity
(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 13:49, Reply)
Have they got Noel Edmonds yet? He got away with killing that man live on tv, he shouldn't be able to get away with noncing too.

(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 13:51, Reply)
only a matter of time m8

(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 13:51, Reply)
Motherfucker's connected isn't he
Anyone who can get away with that beard and haircut combo on prime time telly for that long is clearly on excellent terms with Satan
(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 13:53, Reply)
There was a deal or no deal fruit machine in the pub that had a pic of Noel that someone had written 'nonce' on
That's proof enough for me
(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 13:57, Reply)
I hope you didn't take a picture
That's basically agreeing with slander. You'd have been in Guantanamo with a hedgehog up your arse in minutes
(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 14:01, Reply)
Watching Southampton v Chelsea now.
I hope McBeef is in a pub showing the football.
(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 14:19, Reply)
I had a crippling hangover this morning
No idea why, I didn't drink much more than normal. Drank a pint of water at oh dark thirty and then another at 9. Had a full English ciabatta and now feel almost human.

On the train back to Marylebone now.
(, Sun 28 Dec 2014, 14:31, Reply)

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