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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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I find myself disliking people more these days
it feels like I've used up my quota of number of people that I can like and when I meet a new person, unless they are particularly awesome, I find myself focussing on their bad points until I can't stand them.

anyone else experience this?
(, Thu 23 Oct 2008, 12:53, 23 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

haven't made proper "for life" friend in years.

Often i'll like someone the first time aI meet them, but be bored the second.
(, Thu 23 Oct 2008, 13:02, Reply)
Your just a grumpy old man.
(, Thu 23 Oct 2008, 13:24, Reply)
You can just put a space in the message box you know.
(, Thu 23 Oct 2008, 14:44, Reply)
Who me?

Well yes a little
(, Thu 23 Oct 2008, 13:25, Reply)
glad I'm not alone
is 27 too young to be a grumpy old man?
(, Thu 23 Oct 2008, 13:40, Reply)
It's part of growing up/getting older
Just like older people say things are more shit now than when they were younger. You've met plenty of irritating dickheads so you've raised your standards to filter them out.

Things aren't necessarily more shit, you just have higher standards.
(, Thu 23 Oct 2008, 13:46, Reply)
that sounds sensible
and well put

thanks :-)

to be honest, I wasn't expecting a serious answer to this, but that makes good sense
(, Thu 23 Oct 2008, 13:47, Reply)
I think as life goes on we're all more discerning. We haven't the time to make a huge effort to scratch the surface of someone who appears to be dull or a knob. Underneath it all they're still probably dull or a knob.

I'm only interested in people who are fun or nice to be around - why waste my time on anything less? That's not to say that I don't have time for them when they're not having a good time in life....but I'm not making an effort for someone who doesn't add something positive to my life.

Fortunately most of the b3tans I've met have all been great.
(, Thu 23 Oct 2008, 13:48, Reply)
Sure, all the time.
I find it's especially true when looking at women that I might fancy. I look closely at them and start immediately tallying up the things that annoy me enough to put me off of them. Rare indeed is the woman who gets past that filter!

On the other hand, some of my best friends have traits that would prevent me from ever sharing living space with them, but I still love them dearly.

On the third hand, I'm pretty selective about who I allow into my life.
(, Thu 23 Oct 2008, 13:51, Reply)
Three hands?
My, that's impressive.

Presumably you got one of them from the Second Hand shop!


(, Thu 23 Oct 2008, 13:55, Reply)
(, Thu 23 Oct 2008, 13:56, Reply)
I find that too.

I'm not a sociopath though.
(, Thu 23 Oct 2008, 13:59, Reply)
And you should see
what I can do with them all!

(Geek note: I very nearly said "On the gripping hand." Nerd points if you can identify that book.)
(, Thu 23 Oct 2008, 13:59, Reply)
I've always been pretty easy going with people.
It's rare that there's anyone who I really dislike.

I'm a bit like Jesus.
(, Thu 23 Oct 2008, 13:59, Reply)
I thought it was just me.
(, Thu 23 Oct 2008, 14:01, Reply)
I tend to dislike people
To start with, until they've "proved themselves" otherwise.

That makes me sound like an anti-social cock-top, but it works for me.
(, Thu 23 Oct 2008, 14:23, Reply)
There's a flip side to this...

What about when you're so 'particularly awesome' that everybody wants to know you and make you a friend for life, but there's just not enough 'you' to spread around?

I wasn't talking about me or anything...oh dear me no...I'm a proper cunt.

The tolerence and time for people expressed by the likes of BGB, PJM & chickenlady is the stuff of legend...yet even they concede that I'm a big fat twat.

I was just interested, that's all.
(, Thu 23 Oct 2008, 14:36, Reply)
Yeah, Poof...
You're one of the few people that's ever managed drop below my "start at zero" approach to people into negative figures.
(, Thu 23 Oct 2008, 14:42, Reply)
I made a new friend recently
A dude I met on a train last week. We went for beers last night and had the craic. I'm sure we'll do it again.

Why does that sound so ghey?
(, Thu 23 Oct 2008, 14:52, Reply)
it could only have sounded worse if you had met him in a public toilet.
(, Thu 23 Oct 2008, 14:56, Reply)
You've basically already had sex...
(, Thu 23 Oct 2008, 14:58, Reply)
yeah I know - i think i might be the receiver and everything
as he's loaded.

Thing is, we're both blow-ins in from Dublin in Limerick - he's been here longer so he's showing me the ropes a bit.

It's just getting worse eh?
(, Thu 23 Oct 2008, 15:01, Reply)
But Poof
You're not fat!

(, Thu 23 Oct 2008, 15:05, Reply)

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