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To the man
In the brand spankin' new 08 reg Merc. Id like to thank you for driving 27mph down a 50mph straight, junctionless, single laned road thus making me late for work and a meeting.

I had a good mind to follow you home and kick your wing mirrors off you smug, stupid fuck.

Yes I am angry
(, Mon 27 Oct 2008, 18:48, 13 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
And breathe....
(, Mon 27 Oct 2008, 18:55, Reply)
If you got his tag number
you should be able to turn him in- over here, at least, if you're going more than 20 mph below the posted speed limit you're obstructing traffic.

And if you have that tag number, maybe one of the geeks on this site can help you track him down so you can pour tuna juice in his heating vents.
(, Mon 27 Oct 2008, 18:59, Reply)
Erm... chill?
There's more to life than work and meetings.
(, Mon 27 Oct 2008, 19:24, Reply)
There are more important things, indeed
But it's bloody annoying being stuck behind someone like that. It's a very selfish thing to do, driving so slowly.
(, Mon 27 Oct 2008, 19:58, Reply)
And dont buy a swanky, top notch car of you can't drive it properly

(, Mon 27 Oct 2008, 20:19, Reply)

Did you toot your horn like a loony?
(, Mon 27 Oct 2008, 20:43, Reply)
If I was in the limo
I'd be ranting through the PA at him.
(, Mon 27 Oct 2008, 20:56, Reply)
Is it such a good idea to cast aspersions on Our Resident Loony?
(, Mon 27 Oct 2008, 21:18, Reply)

/Doesn't know what aspersions means
(, Mon 27 Oct 2008, 21:32, Reply)
At the weekend
we got stuck behind a numpty doing 40 in the outside lane of a dual carriageway while there were no cars in the inside lane, for about 5 miles. An impressive queue of vehicles amassed behind us, and one eventually undertook (undertaked?) which, if the numpty had chosen that second to realise the error of their ways and pulled in, would have caused a terrible accident.
I would have blamed the numpty, not the undertaker.

Why? Just... why?
(, Tue 28 Oct 2008, 0:12, Reply)
Yeah nothing worse...
Ive lost count of the amount of peopel ive followed at 40mph down a clear straight 60 country road. Then we've come into a village where the speed drops to 30.. and theyve carried on at 40.
Its like.. dude!! Your car does other speeds other than 40!

But then I moved to Spain... and thats where I discovered REAL crap driving.

Ive now lost count of the number of times ive followed someone down a slip road for a motorway at 30mph and then just stop at the merge lines. Meaning I now have to join a busy motorway from a dead stop.. Thanks for that you wanker.
(, Tue 28 Oct 2008, 8:26, Reply)
Don't get me started
My route to work is mainly along a single-carriageway A road - 60mph limit. But, at times it goes through villages at 40mph or 30mph - fine, we all slow down more or less. There is also about 2 miles of dual carriageway.

What REALLY annoys me are the tanker drivers or imbeciles that will drive at around 45mph when the limit is 60, then speed right up on the dual carriageway to around 65 or 70mph so that the frustrated drivers behind them can't overtake safely. Once we're back onto the single carriageway, they drop back to 50mph again!!! Grrrrrrrrrr.
(, Tue 28 Oct 2008, 11:59, Reply)
Yeah i hate the daily drive to work.
When I was in the UK i had to go through some country road, then i'd hit a motorway. And if i didnt get there early enough i knew I was in for huge trouble with traffic jams. So what did I get, fucking annoying trucks and other slow drivers on the country road trundling at 30mph making sure it took twice as long. And none of these people were going to the motorway. Barstards.

What I love about where I live now, is that 95% of my journey to work is now on dual carriageway. What I dont like about where I live now is that I have to park 30 minutes walk away from the office... but thats an entirely different story :)
(, Tue 28 Oct 2008, 12:30, Reply)

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