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Christmas List
Morning all. I'm bored at work and have exhausted Gamecentral, the BBC website and the Times website. So I thought I'd drop off my Christmas wishlist while I'm here, it's just I'd rather you got me something I actually wanted for Christmas I hope you understand. You can arrange amongst yourself who gets me what...

1) Fender Standard Telecaster (Arctic White) £295
2) Apple iPod Classic (160GB) £250
3) LaCie 500GB 7200RPM USB2 8MB £50
4) Curb Your Enthusiasm (Complete Series) £50
5) Seinfeld (Complete Series) £100
6) Xbox 360 Arcade (to replace my last one which suffered graphic chip meltage) £130
7) Fallout 3 £40

Anything else on top of the above would be HUGELY appreaciated.

Thanks in advance..

(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:34, 29 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
You'll get a tangerine and a toblerone and be glad of it.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:44, Reply)
You can get a Fender Tele for only £300 these days?

/guitar shop
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:44, Reply)

Gah should've mentioned it's the made in Mexico one NOT American although if you can go that extra distance and get me one of those I'll be really happy this Christmas !

American Standard should be about £600 that's all
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:47, Reply)
Mexican? American?
I must admit I've never been too bothered - I spent most of my adolescent years dreaming of a particular Mexican-built Standard Precision that always seemed to be in the window of my local guitar shop, mostly because it looked like the one John Entwistle played in the Live at Leeds photos.

So you can have a Mexican one if that's alright. I'll make sure I get the right colour.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:51, Reply)
You've picked rubbish versions of everything!
Look for a second hand US Tele, the Mexican ones aren't much cop.

And Lacie hard drives always break, so don't get one of those. Ditto with iPods.

And an Xbox without a hard drive?!

I won't even dignify your choice of 'comedy' with a response.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:53, Reply)
Aw Sam,
You horrible, miserable man!

I've had LaCie drives for years, and never had an issue with them, found 'em to reliable and fantastic.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:55, Reply)
I am pretty miserable today
But I have also seen a lot of Lacie hard drives fail...

It's the FW chipset that seems to go rather than the physical drive, I've had to dismantle a lot of them and mount them in different enclosures to get the data off.

I know a lot of people with external hard drives and I've definitely fixed more Lacies than the proportion of people who have them would suggest.

I'd go for Seagate.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:58, Reply)
I was going to say that's a bit cheap for a tele...

My strat is arctic white. I was recently informed that the lighter-coloured wood that they have to use on those types of guitars was the best and most expensive kind.

Might be bollocks though - the bloke that told me is a world renowned purveyor of shite that you hear in the pub preceeded by the word 'Apparently'...

I bought my Strat in white because I liked it. That is all. Oh and I thought it would be in a nice contrast to the Gibson Les Paul I have in black (Black Beauty not Tuxedo)


Edit: In my experience - the difference in pickup / build quality in USA and Mexis is negligable...but the difference between Fender and Squire is such a monumental cavernous gulf that it would even dwarf the snatch of Jodie Marsh...
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:59, Reply)
Fair enough!
Hard drives... Like I said though, I'll stick with what I've got though, seems to work fine!

I need a new one soon though, I want everything triple backed-up.

Looking at the rest of his list though, I would like to get:

A half decent electro-acoustic bass
A car (something like a Ford Capri)
A new job
Some decent Russian Vodka
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 11:04, Reply)
I'll have
a PS3 and a 50" 1080p TV, some Bowers & Wilkins speakers, a really nice new laptop (I've narrowed the choice down to two models), and a bottle of 30 year old Laphroaig.

I'll probably get some new pants and a couple of satsumas.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 11:08, Reply)
I'm gonna buy myself something
Dunno what.
But it's the first Christmas in ages that I've not had some rubbish girlfriend who expected loads of money to be spent on her, haha!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 11:09, Reply)
@ crow & Sam
I've done a little bit of homework on the interweb (for what that's worth) and for an intermediate player I've heard great things about Mexican Standards (Fender).. Anyway it beats the knocked up Squier I have now..

Also in further response to (sneers) sssssam..

I've already got an Xbox HD it's just the last ones graphics chip melted through over-use (COD4) and with warranty expired I need a new console fast!


TrekStor DataStation maxi n.u a 3.5" External Hard Drive. 160GB SATA - USB 2"
Xbox 360 Arcade
Curb Your Enthusiasm (Complete Series)

£200 off Amazon for the lot...

P.s. Sam what would be your choice of Portable/Personal music player thingy?
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 11:12, Reply)
Also @ Pooflake
Is your strat a American or Mexican or whaaa?

(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 11:17, Reply)
The Mexican ones just tend to be less consistent if anything
I know people with really good ones, and some with real shockers. I wouldn't recommend buying a guitar over the net or anything, make sure you play it (the actual one you're buying, not another Mexican one) first to see if you get on with it.

In truth, if your Squier is an early (Japanese made, with Fender branded machine heads) rather than a later (Chinese made) one, it's probably just as good if not a better lump of wood - upgrading the pickups will probably get you better result for cheaper than splashing on a new axe (note: this approach doesn't satisfy the new axe lust quite as much)

A friend of mine is a proper guitar wanker like Vai, Satriani etc, he has thousands of pounds worth of Ibanez, custom Jacksons etc etc, and on stage mainly plays his first guitar - a beat up Squier Strat! He has upgraded the pickups and wiring though...

Re. music players, I've seen some good iRiver and Creatives, although strangely for someone who loves music as much as I do I've never really used any portable players much. I dislike Apple because their products are style over substance. They're not cheap to the consumer but the cheapest hardware they can source, they sound naff and it'll break 367 days after you buy it...
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 11:20, Reply)
Get a dipinto
I have a Galaxie 2 (http://www.dipintoguitars.com/guitars_galaxie2.html - although mine's white and with humbuckers instead of dual-single coils) - it was a steal on ebay. Dipintos rival Fenders for much less $ - check the reviews on harmony central. There's a shop in Ireland called Candy Apple Red Guitars who should be able to sort you out. Also recommended.. Hagstroms, Epiphones, early 80s Vox Standard 25s (what I would have gone for instead).

As for paint jobs affecting the choice of wood.. utter bollocks unless you've got a bookmatched finish or something.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 11:38, Reply)

Well SenorBurt you can't really beat the look of a Fender Tele though can you!

Me being a guitarist very much in the Joe Strummer mould (i.e. shit at guitar but ahem awesome frontman qualities), as long as it sounds quite good and looks amazing I'm happy!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 11:57, Reply)
The sound's not much to do with the guitar though...
Pickups slightly influence it but the amp's what makes it sound like it does really.

Agreed with Fender you're paying extra bucks for the name, but everyone wants a Fender!

Buy a guitar that suits the way you play (hence having to try it first), and looks good if that's a priority, then worry about your sound after that.

What amp have you got?
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 12:04, Reply)

For individual practice and recording use I've been using the following:


It gets a great range of sounds - my current guitar lets the setup down though as it's a heap of shit so if I'm recording I'll use my brothers Epiphone Les Paul.

If I'm playing a gig and need something a bit louder I've also got access to this baby:

(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 12:21, Reply)
The second amp is much better (although obviously a bit hellishly loud for home use!)
I've always found those digital modelling jobs to give you a huge range of sounds, none of which sound like what they're supposed to...

I'm a bit of a valve purist when it comes to amps I'm afraid! (a spring reverb is permissible, but not really anything else)
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 12:31, Reply)

Indeed the modelling stuff is pretty bizarre but regardless of what's *supposed* to be recreated, you can eventually get some awesome sounds.

Like you, my brother is a bit of a purist (read: wanker) when it comes to amps, makes and rejigging pickups (seymour duncan is all I hear of) when all I want is a nice wee simple Tele where I can rock out and thrash it about, hence going for the Mexican Model which being quite cheap I'll be quite happy to semi-destroy..
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 12:35, Reply)
I'm not that much of a snob (Seymour Duncan etc)
But I've never heard a modelling amp, Pod, plugin etc that can sound like a valve amp, even when they say they do. And I love the sound of valve amps!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 12:37, Reply)
Quite right,
Stick one of your faves, perhaps some kind of Mesa Boogie on my xmas list thanks ;)
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 12:45, Reply)
Fair enough..
If you're a Strummer acolyte then you might not want a fancy-looking guitar. I'm more into playing Spacemen 3-type freakout music and Sonic Boom plays a Dipinto so the choice was made for me. I think the guitar is as important as the amp btw; granted differences are more subtle.

Someone said it's best to try before you buy.. very true. If you're after a Fender then try a few out first. Different examples from the same production line will be subtly different, and you occasionally get supersweet one-offs.

I was going to get one of those Vox amps until hearing they can be unreliable after a few months. If I had the cash to upgrade my shit practise amp, than I'd get an Orange Crush 30Watt thing. They come pretty close to the tube sound and have a very nice reverb effect although, yeah, nothing beats a proper tube amp and spring reverb.

With £5000 I'd be onto getting hold of an early-60s Vox Starstream and Fender Twin amp from the same era.

As it is, if I keep practising and get my band together, I want an electro-harmonix "Holy grail" reverb pedal for christmas.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 12:51, Reply)
I'll just stick up for those Vox AD30 modelling amps
It's true that the amp models NEVER sound like the vintage valve head they're supposed to be imitating.

BUT, unlike all the other modelling amps I've encountered, you can actually get a decent, unmodelled clean sound out of them, and build it up from there.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 13:29, Reply)
*joins thread to sing praises of fender guitars*
I've got an American Standard Strat, with a humbucker in the bridge position. It's both beautiful and awesome.

It's also gold with a black scratchplate and white pickups and knobs, which looks the business.

Admittedly it was horribly expensive, but I think it was worth it.

I've not been a fan of teles until recently when my spare guitar at gigs has been an American deluxe and it is a great guitar. not as nice as a strat though!

My drummer and I recently surprised our singer/other guitarist by buying him a Telecoustic, which is a thin, hollow-body, tele-shaped acoustic with the neck off a tele, and the neck pickup, and a piezo pickup and pre-amp.

Amazingly good guitar for the price!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 20:09, Reply)


just in case you think I'd forgotten about this thread

I think Strats are alright but I prefer Teles and Les Pauls. To be honest apart from those 3 I don't like the look of other guitars really so I apologise to all other guitarists.
(, Thu 6 Nov 2008, 10:26, Reply)


just in case you think I'd forgotten about this thread

I think Strats are alright but I prefer Teles and Les Pauls. To be honest apart from those 3 I don't like the look of other guitars really so I apologise to all other guitarists.
(, Thu 6 Nov 2008, 10:26, Reply)
My strat
was artic white, but to be honest, it was poo.

If I was cold and couldn't reach the central heating button, I wouldn't have hesitated to burn it for heat.
(, Fri 7 Nov 2008, 22:40, Reply)

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