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f(x) = ½(x-3)2 + 8, range: (-5<x<10)

Sketch the graph with x & y intercepts and the coordinates of the turning point.

Easy enough I thought, but then it says:

Specify the domain and image set for f-1(x) and find its rule.

(, Tue 18 Nov 2008, 2:53, 12 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
You lost me at the title.
It has been far too many years since I've had to do math that involved letters of any kind.

Though, now that I look at the equation, it is starting to come back to me......
let's see, plug in the following nubmers for x to solve the equation:
-4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Use the answers to plot the graph

How am I doing so far?

Now, domain and image set....
would the domain be the range of points plotted?
I don't remember ever hearing the term 'image set'.
And WTF are they talking about rules for?

Yup, you lost me.

Edit: don't let psych majors help you with your math. They (and by they, I have to include me) only have a small handfull of equations they use to analyze research data.......but mostly they just use the ANOVA equation and pretend no other math exists. Sorry. I really felt like I was understanding your math there for a few minutes. I'll just go feel stupid in the corner over there.....
(, Tue 18 Nov 2008, 3:18, Reply)
The domain
has something to do with all the possible input values of x, or something like that... I had this in high school, but I nearly always failed maths anyway. :-(
(, Tue 18 Nov 2008, 3:45, Reply)
Fucking hell.
And you're a Hullian!!!!!

I'm gonna go hide now.......I'm a bit thick when it comes to algebra.
(, Tue 18 Nov 2008, 4:33, Reply)
Tell me more
of this 'x' of which you speak?
(, Tue 18 Nov 2008, 6:11, Reply)
If you were a real b3tan
You'd work it so the graph looked like a spluffing cock.
(, Tue 18 Nov 2008, 8:24, Reply)
I got as far as graph and then it all got a bit hazy.
*ex art student*
(, Tue 18 Nov 2008, 8:38, Reply)

I sometimes think that if I worked a little bit harder at Maths and Physics in High School then I could've started a nice manly degree like engineering or something.

This question has emphatically reminded me why I stuck to Business...
(, Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:19, Reply)
It's twelve.

(, Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:36, Reply)
If I sat down and did this
I would be able to help. But I can't be arsed. I do hope I manage to get my astrophysics masters in a few years.
(, Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:29, Reply)
from Hull
Yup, I'm from Hull and I do hard sums. I watch BBC4 too, but I had to ring Sky to reactivate it because they automatically disable it in the HU area.
(, Tue 18 Nov 2008, 11:19, Reply)
when you say f^1(x)
is the 1 actually a dash, i.e. the derivative of f(x)?
(, Tue 18 Nov 2008, 13:59, Reply)
or is it f^-1(x), the inverse
in which case rearrange the equation for x, and determine what values can go into it (domain) and what values can come out of it (image set).
(, Tue 18 Nov 2008, 14:23, Reply)

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