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McDonalds Bloopers.
We all know that a large majority of staff work in McDonalds, because.. well they can't do much better.

Guy in the office just came back with a Maccy Dees breakfast and ordered a black coffee with it. So what did he get? A black coffee with a free tea bag in it! Woo hooo!

Anyone top that for a stupid McDonalds mistake?
(, Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:18, 8 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
I think I should work in McDonalds then.
This morning, I made a little schoolboy error in my morning routine.

Because I have to rise at some ungodly hour, I can't be trusted to handle anything dangerous, like a kettle, while I'm stumbling around with my eyes closed.

Because of this, I rely on my Tassimo hot drinks machine to prepare my morning caffeine hit. You know the sort - it's one that you put a drinks cartridge thing in the top, press a button and it does all the rest.

So, this morning, I popped the cartridge in the top, and while it was heating up I put some milk and sugar in a mug. When the green light came on, I pushed the button to start the machine.

Meanwhile, I started pulling the stuff out of the fridge to make my sandwiches. Once I'd done this I went to pick up my coffee for a quick gulp, only to find a cold mug with milk and sugar in it.

The coffee machine was sitting there with its drip tray overflowing.

Yes. That's right. I'd been so inept I'd failed to actually put the cup in the coffee machine.
(, Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:26, Reply)
I ordered a cheeseburger from maccie dees,
It had no cheese in it.

Epic or what?!
(, Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:32, Reply)
This one quite amused me.
We had a woman come in with a child. She asked if we could make a cheeseburger, with everything but the burger (more common request than you'd expect).

So, she orders that, plus a filet o fish, and some nuggets for her husband in the car. The fries were going to be a couple of minutes, so we stuck the bag in the heater, to keep it warm.

Fries are done, popped into bag by till monkey, thank you very much.

She comes back a minute later looking quite embarrassed at having to return, asks me to check her order, I open the bag to find....3 double quarter pounder meals.

Fortunately, she was quite amused by it too, the thing that made me have to take a break to stop giggling was this huge bloke waddling up to the counter to ask if we were suggesting he should go on a diet.

Fortunately, they were both quite regular customers anyway, so they didn't mind me laughing quite loudly!
(, Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:33, Reply)
When I was 15
I worked in a Burger King. Some very odd people went there, including Nigel Planer, and an irishman who would whisper ever detail of exactly how he'd like his whopper prepared, which was always exactly how it would be prepared for anybody else.

I lived on burgers for a weekend and then I was very sick.
(, Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:48, Reply)
Neil off The Young Ones then?
(, Tue 18 Nov 2008, 11:06, Reply)
I've not had anything like that in....
Just over a year now.

(, Tue 18 Nov 2008, 12:27, Reply)
Yes it was, but he had a shaved head and I was very disappointed.
(, Tue 18 Nov 2008, 15:50, Reply)
Nigel Planer?
Sorry I'm late. Once saw said Nigel in a cafe on Holloway RD about 4 Yrs ago, at lunch time. Kept staring at me. Later in the day he was outside my work when I left. Next day same cafe, same looks, and after work. Got me worried. shaved then as well. Ever been stalked by someone famous?
(, Tue 18 Nov 2008, 17:39, Reply)

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