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I need ideas quick!!
Ive got a charity do in memory my friend who tragically died of cancer in July. We're raising pennies for the Hospice who looked after her.

Basically I have to auction myself off in some way or another, suggestions have been - to walk dogs, cook meals etc. But Im really struggling to think of anything origanal and good. This flu thing doesn't seem to be helping so I put it to you good B3ta folk...

Any ideas??!?!!

All suggestions welcome!

I shall not be auctioning myself in any sexual way so get those ideas right out of your filthy little heads
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 12:31, 23 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
How about if...
*puts money away*

Er... Can you wash a car?
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 12:33, Reply)
I suppose a charity smoke-a-thon would be in bad taste?

Hosting a table quiz is usually good craic, as you get to get smashed in the process.
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 12:35, Reply)
in baked beans
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 12:38, Reply)
Theres quizzes and raffles and all sorts going on. The auction is just part of the night.

I knew you'd have something distasteful in mind
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 12:40, Reply)
I knew that you'd know...

Serious question, do you have any particular skills?
If you're a photographer, you could do a family portrait or whatever.
That kinda thing.
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 12:43, Reply)
Is there anything she would have expressly approved of?
Or found particularly humorous?

The latter is a great way of remembering someone.
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 12:43, Reply)
She would have found anything funny so thats pretty easy
I cant say Im immensly skilled at much

Heres a rundown,
I used to be a cleaner
A chef
I can play the piano
And Im quite a good artist.

EDIT: I am a kick ass netballer but theres no way I could incorprate that into an auction

I must point out that in no way am I exceptional at these talents and we want people to pay as much as possible for the auction so it needs to be pretty damn good.
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 12:47, Reply)
Something artisty then?
If you've got the time!
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 12:49, Reply)
Three- course slap up meal. Cooked by your own fair hand.

OR! And this has stood me in good stead in the past - offer to cook a massive full english fry-up on New Year's Day morning.

Had twenty people in my house a couple of years back nomming bacon, eggs... the full works :)
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 12:50, Reply)
auction a kidney
to a bunch of wealthy communists, they are worth thousands and you only really need one.

Alternatively if you can do what was listed above offer yourself as a housemaid for the weekend, babysitting sprogs, cooking, cleaning, tidying, and being arty while the parents chip off for a dirty weekend somewhere, and throw the hotel rooms in as part of the prize?
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 12:52, Reply)
After reading the list I wanted to...
...sing out "And I've got blue hair!". But that would be in poor taste.

Seriously though, do something that celebrates the things that defined her. You did say a group of you were involved. What sort of things did she enjoy doing?
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 12:52, Reply)
She liked
Getting drunk, eating and she was really sporty.

Thats about it :)
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 13:01, Reply)
You've got a lot to work from. More than you think
Sponsored pub crawl. You could go themed with collection buckets provided you prewarn the pubs you're planning to visit.
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 13:02, Reply)
mobile phones
ask everyone attending to donate an old mobile phones then I'll buy them all off you :0)
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 13:03, Reply)
People need to bid for me
And what I have to offer.
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 13:07, Reply)
cook dinner for say, 6-10 people, then entertain with your piano playing
as they eat, all whilst frolicking about in your netball uniform.

As Rodney Dangerfield once said,

"I'd buy that for a dollar!*"

*Possibly more.
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 13:34, Reply)
piece of piss
you consult them on their culinary tastes.

then create a personal illustrated menu with matching place cards

cook they food (they pay for)

if its a bloke - get the rest of the team round for a personal cheerleading thing *pervs*

if its a chick - unlikely and potentially a bit creepy - offer her a netball lesson

when you leave leave the kitchen spotless

any erm pics of you in a netball skirt you wish to offer would help me 'promote' your services

(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 13:46, Reply)
I also was going to suggest cooking.
Are you good at cooking, or at least comfortable in a kitchen? If so I can probably send you some recipes this evening.

Or you can just go to my favorite source for recipes: www.epicurious.com
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 13:46, Reply)
Looks like
Ill be cooking in my netball dress then
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 14:05, Reply)
pics rule!
or else you didnt do it and you're a callous, uncharitable, attention seeking faker.

It's only fair.
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 14:27, Reply)
we have had a whip round in the office
and I am happy to offer you £17.35 (at least 3p of them in very shiny pennies) for you to be our depts drinks lady for the day.

In your netball uniform please.

sorry sorry sorry
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 14:42, Reply)
right then
i'll up that to a tenner if you wear the netball outfit and let me push terry's chocolate orange segments up your bottom

oh sorry wrong thread
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 15:44, Reply)

(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 17:17, Reply)

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