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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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and another thing.

Find a nice full car park and look at it. Or watch a road for a few minutes. Notice anything?

99% of the cars are silver, black, blue or red (inc varying shades) in that order of frequency. The remaining 1% appears to be white, green, other. And then some purple Micra's and Ka's.

How did we get so dull and uniform? I've just been in a queue of traffic, with 19 consecutive silver cars. Thats mental.
(, Thu 11 Dec 2008, 13:27, 18 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
because people have become convinced that silver cars hold their value better
which is probably bollocks

I suspect it stems from the fact that car manufacturers either don't offer other colours, or the ones they do offer are so repulsive that only the sort of person who thinks "buying a new peugeot is a good decision" would choose them
(, Thu 11 Dec 2008, 13:29, Reply)
Silver cars do hold their value better
Hence why quite a lot of police forces now buy them...

Silver is the 'in' colour at the moment though, even fridge freezers come in it these days.

Don't forget, we are now officially living in the future!
(, Thu 11 Dec 2008, 13:48, Reply)
Maybe it's so they can all avoid the police playing 'snooker'

(, Thu 11 Dec 2008, 13:59, Reply)
I have a sad confession..
I like it in car parks when you see 4+ cars of the same colour parked all in a row. I have to take a moment to stand and embrace the moment. ahem. If my memory is serving me correctly the majority of times Ive seen it is with blue cars.
(, Thu 11 Dec 2008, 14:03, Reply)
thought it was because silver doesn't show the dirt as well?
(, Thu 11 Dec 2008, 14:50, Reply)
You need a girlfriend
or a wank. Either is good.
(, Thu 11 Dec 2008, 14:56, Reply)

you offering?
(, Thu 11 Dec 2008, 14:59, Reply)
Everybody needs a good girlfriend and a wank
I can provide both of these services.
(, Thu 11 Dec 2008, 15:06, Reply)
I can
live with that I reckon!

Whalt's your style? lefty or righty?
(, Thu 11 Dec 2008, 15:13, Reply)
I'm a righty
but I'm fairly ambi-dextrous, so I could quite easily finger your prostate as I thwack your member against my forehead.
(, Thu 11 Dec 2008, 15:25, Reply)
"Thwack." What a wonderfully onomatopaeic word. Love the thwack.
(, Thu 11 Dec 2008, 15:37, Reply)
Last week
I was overtaken by an Audi A3, followed by an Audi A4, followed by an Audi A6

this made me smile.

oh, and all of my cars have been green*

*apart from the red one
(, Thu 11 Dec 2008, 15:41, Reply)
Lack of car colours
Some car manufacturers offer you sod all colour options unless you are willing to pay a few more quid to get a car in the colour of your choice (I think there was something about this on Top Gear a few weks ago where it said that you could go for any colour you wanted for a new Audi for an extra £2,000)
(, Thu 11 Dec 2008, 16:01, Reply)

Will you put nail varnish on with pretty colours?
(, Thu 11 Dec 2008, 16:12, Reply)
I always wear nail varnish
it makes me feel like a pretty pretty-girl.
(, Thu 11 Dec 2008, 17:34, Reply)
My car
is the colour of the road - a deep metallic grey.

The only reason I chose it was nothing to do with value or anything like that - it was due entirely to the fact that it never looks dirty.

Silver just stinks of poor imagination though. It's the new white on cars.
(, Thu 11 Dec 2008, 16:22, Reply)
My car is
metallic orange! Was a complete fucker when I had to have a respray.

Still better than a Mondeo in clitoris blue, so called because every cnut's got one.
(, Thu 11 Dec 2008, 17:50, Reply)
i work in marketing
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 0:37, Reply)

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