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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Who remembers the stink palm from Mallrats
where Jason lee puts his hand down the back of his trousers and has a rummage around, in the aim of screwing over his best friend's dad? He said that the smell would linger for a long long time. We have a similar thing at work where you'll be delving around inside an animal's nether regions, pulling out faeces and the smell manages to permeate your gloves, thus rendering your hands with stink palm. Well today I made a discovery...wash your hands and then rinse liberally with surgical spirit to cleanse. Any cuts you have will make you scream like a girl, but the smell will be gone.


How's your day been?
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 20:19, 14 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
I remember Mallrats!

How's you becks?
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 20:21, Reply)
Say, would you like a chocolate covered pretzel?
The smell of fish is even worse- when I stopped working at the seafood market it took weeks for the smell to leave the palms of my hands as it had gotten so deeply into the skin there that even scrubbing with lemon juice didn't take care of it.

(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 20:21, Reply)
Hi BK, Loon
Ok thanks, bit tired and have to work on the final session of puppy school for tomorrow. How goes it?
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 20:25, Reply)
Really meh!
Got a really shit yearly review at work today, worse than I was epxecting. Bordering on character assassination really.

Fuckers, I'm going to look for something else in the new year. Got pulled up for being on B3ta too:(
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 20:28, Reply)
Evening becky et al
My day has consisted of getting the car serviced and waiting in most of the day to get the call that it's ready.

Fortunately nothing serious - new set of front brake pads, total damage £175, but it needs to go back in the new year as the fuel pump has a slight leak.

And tonight I've been food shopping - Aldi; trolley loaded with stuff, total cost £45. Then to Asda to get stuff we can't get in Aldi - trolley with fuck all in it; £68.

Although that did include a fresh turkey and and XBox 360 magazine for SJ which pushed the price up exponentially.

*EDIT* Beekers, that sucks.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 20:28, Reply)
@ Davros
It does a bit; the black dog keeps tripping me up at work. I don't go to get it checked out though so it's my own fault.

Asda's bloody expensive! *pats arse* *coins jingle* *cos your left with coppers*
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 20:31, Reply)
That does suck, BK.
I'm hoping to find something different to do in the new year as well- what my current job consists of is what I would describe as clerical work rather than engineering. The most engineering-like thing that I've done in about the past month was to take a set of drawings, read off the physical dimensions of tanks, use pi*radius^2 times the height to get the overall volume, multiply that by the weight of a cubic foot of water and multiply by 1.1 to find out what the weight of a tank of saline water would be so they can design the foundations.

Honestly, I could have handed that to my daughter and she could have done it as readily as I did.

Most of what I do is to read drawings, get a list of the parts needed, then enter it into Excel so that Purchasing can buy the required bits. I also gather together catalog cut sheets to send in for approval, and if they request a substitution I compare the part they requested against the one we suggested to make sure they're the same, and then say yes or no.

I did NOT go through engineering school to be an Excel monkey.

And I still have no benefits- I don't get paid for the holidays when the office is completely shut down, so Christmas and New Years will cost me a week's pay. I also have no health insurance.

This shit's gotta change SOON.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 20:41, Reply)
@ Loon
Sounds like you got a bum deal there. I do at least get sick pay and paid over christmas.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 20:47, Reply)
Yeah, it's bad.
Doing this for three to six months is one thing- but it's been over nine months now with no end in sight.

I need a new job NOW.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 20:58, Reply)
Cocking hell
I'm trying to upload a pic of the infamous Dalek onto my profile. The photo was taken in portrait format, meaning it loads from the disk as landscape and has to be rotated. I've rotated the fucker, saved it, but everytime I try to upload it, it's still on its bloody side!

Which looks stupid, frankly. And it's also 20 minutes of my life completely wasted.

*Stomps off for ciggie*
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 21:22, Reply)
Didn't start work until 18:00 - but was rudely awoken at 08:00 this morning because Mrs.Coopsweb went and bought two new sofas which were due to be delivered today... at any time between 8-6. To be fair to the delivery guys, they turned up at 2pm, not 17:58 like I thought they would.

Seriously folks, getting up 10 hours before you're due to start work isn't fun.

So now I'm sat at Victoria waiting to drive my train back to Kent, with only my webbook and a large Bigmac meal for company, watching drunken shoppers stagger up the platform.

And I've just found out I have to work on Christmas Eve...

(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 22:05, Reply)
I can relate to Becky's thread
I've rummaged around the nether regions of many an animal with questionable hygiene in my time.

But I haven't been out nightclubbing in Colchester for some years though.

BK - that's pants mate, I'm sorry to hear that. What do you do for a living?
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 23:39, Reply)
Another tip
I know that if you're using garlic you shouldn't wash your hands in hot water, as this opens your pores up and lets the smell in.
(, Tue 23 Dec 2008, 10:09, Reply)
Top Tip!
To get rid of stinky hands, wash your hands with liberal amounts of soap of any variety - but the secret is holding a spoon or a similar piece of metal, and rubbing this about your hands.

It absorbs the nasty smells...

Seriously stick your hand up your bum then try it! It works!!!
(, Tue 23 Dec 2008, 11:24, Reply)

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