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Are you a QOTWer? Do you want to start a thread that isn't a direct answer to the current QOTW? Then this place, gentle poster, is your friend.

(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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As /talk seems intent on us merging
maybe we should indulge them.

They seem disdainful of the QOTW because they don't like the threading. Why don't we help them out a bit? We can copy and paste stories from the Best Of pages into /talk for them to enjoy. And the longer stories are the best ones, don't you think?

There are LOTS of stories on the Best Of pages to share.

I can't get there through Axai's proxy at the moment, so I can't lead the way, sadly...
(, Tue 30 Dec 2008, 14:04, 37 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
But we could read those if we wanted.

(, Tue 30 Dec 2008, 14:08, Reply)
You'd not make any friends.
And encourage them to come here more often and threadwaste.

I vote for maintaining what shreds of status quo are left.

It's tricky cos I've considered ignoring those who come trolling here... but then /talk would make considerably less sense. It's a sharp-edged trapezoid, that's for sure.
(, Tue 30 Dec 2008, 14:13, Reply)
And we could read /talk gibberish if we wanted.
Which, since we're here, we obviously don't.

It's only fitting, therefore, that if you insist on bringing /talk to us that we bring the QOTW to you.
(, Tue 30 Dec 2008, 14:15, Reply)
I read /talk

I don't post, but I read it.
(, Tue 30 Dec 2008, 14:16, Reply)
Off topic isn't much different than /talk.

(, Tue 30 Dec 2008, 14:19, Reply)
I've been in and out of /talk the last couple of days after I'd had enough of the trolling.

For the most part they're pretty nice folk. Sure there is the odd arsehole, but we all know who they are anyway and they'd be an arsehole no matter where they chose to post. Those are the same arseholes who hounded rachelswipe a while back and who jumped on Tourettes recently.

One of the /talkers however does have a lot of beef with the so-called "clique" on Off Topic and QOTW. He said that posts are voted on according to who posted them, not the quality of the post. This individual likes to have a prod at QOTW every once in a while because he's obviously disillusioned with it.

I disagree with this notion but he did have one valid point though.

We *are* a tad cliquey aren't we?
(, Tue 30 Dec 2008, 14:24, Reply)
Nothing wrong
with a clique if it's with like minded folk..
(, Tue 30 Dec 2008, 14:26, Reply)
I was reprimanded for using the word 'cliquey'
but I never found a suitable synonym that expressed what I was trying to get across.

Personally, I do use my friend list to see posts other people have clicked, but I only click those that amuse or move me.

There's something insular about all four boards on b3ta, and most of the boards on the internet.

I admit I'm not completely sick of the trolling yet. Pinch of salt, and all that.
(, Tue 30 Dec 2008, 14:29, Reply)
Don't get me wrong
/talk has it's clique(s) too.

Ours can be inpenetrable. I say "ours" but I don't see myself as belonging to QOTW or Off Topic as such, I am conscious of a clique over here.
(, Tue 30 Dec 2008, 14:30, Reply)
Not really.
We pretty much welcome anyone who wants to come in and be pleasant and join the chat. For instance, piston broke is a /talk person, but he's also on QOTW a lot and is quite nice.

I haven't ever noticed a clique, frankly. Anyone who writes well and is entertaining gets a good reception on QOTW and OT. The only ones I object to are the ones who feel the need to come in and post that they need to take a piss or other non-sequitirs and generally slag off the boards. I have most of them on Ignore now, of course...
(, Tue 30 Dec 2008, 14:31, Reply)
Not sure about that, Gloria
I'll talk to anyone. But then again, that's prob because I'm new and have no friends...


I didn't really understand that whinging about cliquey voting. I can't see how many votes anyone got, don't know if anyone else can.

There are a few people who quite regularly get on the popular page, but they do it by consistently making us cover our keyboards in tea. That's fair play to them. Everyone else should up their game instead of getting bitter.
(, Tue 30 Dec 2008, 14:35, Reply)
Agreed, both Loon and Oli
But it's just the internet. And as the Loon says, we always have Ignore.
(, Tue 30 Dec 2008, 14:37, Reply)
^ indeed we do
and, I must admit, mine is quite long. (the only bad thing is missing out on replies to topics here, where they don't quite make sense)

I've only visited /talk a few times in the year or so I've been here, but it doesn't interest me in the slightest.

This place seems much more "homely".

As for clicks, well, make me laugh/smile or strike a chord with me, and I click. Otherwise no.
(, Tue 30 Dec 2008, 15:06, Reply)
I think we should all have a massive love in.

(, Tue 30 Dec 2008, 15:10, Reply)
Good plan
I'll fetch the scented candles, flowers, sensual oils and speculum.
(, Tue 30 Dec 2008, 15:11, Reply)
I'll get the spatula, ice picks and chili lube.

(, Tue 30 Dec 2008, 15:13, Reply)
Indeed we do. And I think I'll be using it a little more. Thought a bit of troll fighting might be fun, but it gets tedious soooo quickly.

Guess I'm saying sorry for encouraging all the shite yesterday...
(, Tue 30 Dec 2008, 15:17, Reply)
No apology needed
Some people don't need encouragement to be muppets :)
(, Tue 30 Dec 2008, 15:19, Reply)
Now, now everyone.
Let's all just sit down and have a massive circle wank.
(, Tue 30 Dec 2008, 15:32, Reply)
I don't think it's cliquey here
It's just that some people post more than others, and so they're seen as part of the mythical clique purely because they're on here a lot. Was it Kaol who was a relative newcomer to OT, started posting loads, then became lumped in with the "clique" purely because he was on regularly?

(Does that make sense to people? I know what I'm trying to say but there's a block between brain and keyboard. It's not an encouragement for people to start spamming to be a part of the in crowd.)
(, Tue 30 Dec 2008, 15:35, Reply)
It doesn't really make sense.
You said there wasn't a clique, then said Kaol became part of it because he posted a lot.

I, personally, think it is pretty cliquey over here but it's not really a big deal. If you spend enough time with the same group of people, even online, it's going to get a bit like that.
(, Tue 30 Dec 2008, 15:39, Reply)
I like all the boards
But I'm just a tart like that.

I like /talk for its fast moving nature but admittedly I don't spend as much time there as I used to...I've recently found that qotw hasn't had that many interesting questions (for me to answer - there are always a few interesting answers from others). Off Topic can be fun sometimes too.

And dare I say it but even the trolls make me laugh sometimes. I'm actually beginning to develop a soft spot for JMG and Gilgamesh.

I'll have to see if I can get some cream for it.
(, Tue 30 Dec 2008, 15:50, Reply)
I've said this once and I'll say it again for the last time.


Edit - Basically what Jamesthegill said.
(, Tue 30 Dec 2008, 15:50, Reply)
This is a joke, right?
(, Tue 30 Dec 2008, 16:01, Reply)
Apparently, to be a proper clique we need a plan or plot

So what's it to be? Overthrow China? Bring world banking to its knees? Again? World peace? Swap the salt and sugar in our nearest cafe?
(, Tue 30 Dec 2008, 16:11, Reply)
I am the Off Topic clique personified
So everybody else can just fuck right off.
(, Tue 30 Dec 2008, 15:51, Reply)
Your mum's the Off Topic clique personified.
(, Tue 30 Dec 2008, 16:13, Reply)
There's no need to be mean
You've hurt my feelings now.

Al, Kaol and I invented all this Off Topic malarkey, we're the fucking Godfathers of it all.

I own you.
(, Tue 30 Dec 2008, 16:42, Reply)
I just don't have the patience for /talk trolls anymore.
They use to amuse me but nowadays I really can't be bothered.

Maybe I'm old.

Maybe life it too short to talk bollox.
(, Tue 30 Dec 2008, 16:02, Reply)
Or type correctly.

(, Tue 30 Dec 2008, 17:43, Reply)
tell us how you really feel

(, Tue 30 Dec 2008, 16:04, Reply)
I'm shy.
(, Tue 30 Dec 2008, 16:12, Reply)
well then stop talking bollocks about not talking bollocks
or something
(, Tue 30 Dec 2008, 16:20, Reply)
But so is /talk cliquey too
Some of the /talkers who come here make a big show of their cliques as a means of coming over all superior.

I personally felt welcome on there yesterday and today despite my harsh responses to some of the trolling in the past.

Which leaves us with the problem that is our group of disgruntled /talk ex-QOTW posters who feel that they're up against a clique (real or imagined... Clique... God, I hate that word now).

Maybe Friz/Peter Davison would like to contribute?
(, Tue 30 Dec 2008, 16:32, Reply)
it may seem cliquey from the outside
but I'd say we are perfectly welcoming of anyone who wants to do the same things that we are on here for.

it's the people who use bad grammar, and troll who are widely despised.

As for voting on posts by the same people all the time. I can only speak for myself, but I tend to vote for things that I find funny, thought-provoking or moving. As I am a whore, this is a lot of posts, so I vote a lot.

a lot of them happen to be from people who post a lot, on QOTW and OT. Coincidence is a powerful thing.
(, Tue 30 Dec 2008, 16:54, Reply)
Doesn't seem particularly cliquey on here...
...I agree with Vipros, I'll vote for whoever provided that the post is one (or more) of the following:

a) Well written
b) Funny

As for the trolling, I can't really be bothered with it and the culprits are all on ignore.

The clique thing does annoy me a little... We've had QOTW winners like Stiff Richard and Chart Cat who aren't part of any mutual backslapping society, yet win on merit.
(, Tue 30 Dec 2008, 17:11, Reply)
I don't think there is a Off Topic Clique
I think the reason that some people might feel that is that often past conversations are referred to.

I always feel that people who join in the conversations are given a welcome.

However what pisses me off is people who just roll up and start calling us fat cunts. I don't think that taking exception to that is being cliquey.

The conversation here is different. Yes we discuss what we are having for dinner and our work, but the reason here is that Off Topic is company for may people who are stuck at work with people we don't like.

I can't see why people who like /talk don't post there and people who like Off Topic post here. If you like both then post on both.
(, Tue 30 Dec 2008, 17:46, Reply)

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