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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Happy New Year to all!
Here's hoping 2009 is a good one!

I have recently been introduced to the work of Tim Minchin, and it's very good. What new experiences will you be having in 2009?
(, Thu 1 Jan 2009, 13:17, 10 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
I got Mr Minchin's DVD for christmas. I also got Bill Bailey's Tinselworm.

It's an unfortunate comparison, cos it's hard to find anyone funny after Bill Bailey. Tim Minchin's music is ace - though his stand-up is a bit slow and empty for my liking.

And I've got all three series of Coast on DVD. If that seems like an odd gift, see my profile :)

Good to see you, chap.

Edit: I didn't answer your question!

I'll be visiting Scotland for the first time, travelling around the whole country, seeing remote coastlines and islands, and hopefully meeting plenty of interesting folk.

And getting me some sex. It's been so long it'll be like a new experience all over again!
(, Thu 1 Jan 2009, 13:22, Reply)

Ah, it's not a comparison at all really, is it? Bill is funnier, but then they're both completely different! :)

Good to hear you've had a good one, and that sounds like a great adventure!
(, Thu 1 Jan 2009, 13:36, Reply)
In answer to your question.
I thought I'd have a go at falling in love and bikini waxing.

I'm excellent at coping with pain and misery : )
(, Thu 1 Jan 2009, 13:40, Reply)
HNY all
I went to see the fireworks in London village last night and they were so worth standing in the cold for :)

This year I'll be going to college one day a week, trying new things and generally having more fun than last year.
(, Thu 1 Jan 2009, 14:10, Reply)
HNY Mr Tights
I've also been introduced to Tim Minchin recently, not quite as good as Bill Bailey IMO but still pretty funny.
As for this year, I'll (hopefully) be experiencing what it is like to work full time for a living as I'll finish my studying in June. Looking for a job will be hard but I look forward to actually having some cash.
(, Thu 1 Jan 2009, 14:32, Reply)
Happy New Year
I shall be having another go at quitting the smokes (staring after the weekend obviously).

I also need to look for a better job.
(, Thu 1 Jan 2009, 14:32, Reply)
*stumbles in*


Is it January already? Happy New Year, folks ....

*goes back to bed*
(, Thu 1 Jan 2009, 15:24, Reply)
Saw this guy........
at Edinburgh Fringe festival this year, immensely talented, people make the mistake of pigeon holing him as a comedian, i would suggest he is simply an entertainer, and a fucking great one at that!

His poem, Angry (Feet) kills me every time
(, Thu 1 Jan 2009, 16:39, Reply)
I'm also abig fan of 'Ten foot cock and a few hundred virgins'... :)
(, Thu 1 Jan 2009, 16:49, Reply)
Tim Minchin rocks!
Saw him at the Amnesty thing, he did the Gingers song and "If I didn't have you".

For 2009, I've planned to get a haircut, go to India, and hopefully not get made redundant.
(, Fri 2 Jan 2009, 9:56, Reply)

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