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Time for a Evening Thread I feel

Was my first day at work today.

The real test is tomorrow when the children come back!
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 18:15, 68 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
The power went off at work.
Well, the half of work that wasn't my office. But had the server in.
So I tidied my desk, as it was about a foot high in papers.
It's now down to an inch.

So... I'm off to see my mate for an acoustic practice. So it's icy-road-fun-time.
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 18:25, Reply)
21 hours without a ciggie!

Go me!
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 18:39, Reply)
Well congrats BK!
As for me, I'm cutting down too, with a view to quitting over the next couple of months or so. I have no desire to be smoking by this time next year. However, I am at the moment performing maintenance on my housemate's laptop, it seems to have about 212 virii so far according to MBAM.
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 19:03, Reply)
@ PB
I really fucking want one right now, feel all fidgety.

But I shall be strong!
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 19:08, Reply)
Oh I know that feeling
The house is incredibly clean. I could murder a fag myself... the gay guy at work better watch out :P
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 19:10, Reply)
don't do it, boys
Or you will be punished.

tulip has spoken.
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 19:12, Reply)
You're in Jockland
We're in England. What're you going to do- tell our Dads?
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 19:13, Reply)
@ tulip
Well, it depends what punishment you have in mind!
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 19:14, Reply)
I haven't smoked since Dec 22nd
From ten a day to nothing. It's been embarrassingly easy. Sorry guys :)
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 19:14, Reply)

(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 19:15, Reply)
it would probably involve spoons.
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 19:17, Reply)
The worst thing about giving up smoking...
is eventually realising what a stinky bastard you used to be.
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 19:19, Reply)
This is true
I have quit before and when my nose recovered I used to use the rear entrance at work to avoid the smokers.
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 19:21, Reply)
@ tulip
I'm not convinced that sounds like a punishment!


This is true. I was quit for two years and yes, it does stink pretty bad.
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 19:24, Reply)
A couple of drivers smoke in the office
and it stinks. I knew it did, but you kinda block it out. Just like you block out the slow, agonising death thing.
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 19:27, Reply)
@ No3l
I don't want to become one of those ridiculously smug ex-smokers, but I did last time.

Oh well, haven't even completed 24 hours yet. I won't get carried away.
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 19:28, Reply)
It seems I have something to live up to in terms of not being an arse.
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 19:30, Reply)
big, highly trained attack spoons with marmite on them
and yes, all you smokers are stinky stinky.
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 19:32, Reply)
Fair enough, Lady Tulip
I'm not a fan of Marmite *resists cravings more*

I don't want to be the victim of attack spoons!
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 19:39, Reply)
I'm bound to smoke at some point
I've been a take-it-or-leave-it smoker most of my life. Previously, I only smoked at work or in the pub - for the past couple of years. I'll probably have one or two in the pub this week, fully confident I won't smoke til the next beer session.

Yup, I'm a git. Not trying to rub it in your faces, just making conversation like :)
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 19:42, Reply)
I've never smoked
not ever, not once. (although I ate a pack of 20 Rothmans as a toddler)

This is because my mother was a 40-a-dayer and had to put up with her smokey stink, and out up with her giving up!
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 19:47, Reply)
@ ancrenne
Yay! Well done, you :D

I didn't know you'd knocked it on the head.

@ No3l

Yup, you're a smug bastard ;P
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 19:50, Reply)
@ ancrenne
No! Don't tell me it's easy!

Today's not been too bad, but I'm certainly quivering now:s
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 19:55, Reply)
@ Beekers
just think, if you cave now, you'll have to do your First Day of Quit all over again, and what a pain in the arse that would be :(
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 19:58, Reply)
@ tulip
This is indeed true. I'll be ok. I shall last the rest of the evening I think:D
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 20:01, Reply)
ancrenne's book suggestion is good
It helped me quit a few years back and although I've not read it for about seven years, its teachings are helping me a lot now.
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 20:06, Reply)
yeah you will
else I'l be after you with the Spoons!
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 20:06, Reply)
@ tulip
No! Not the spoons!

@ ancrenne
I might give it a look then:)
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 20:11, Reply)
Alan Carr.
Isn't he on the Sunday night project.

He's funny him.

And he's written a book on giving up smoking?

Well who knew!
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 20:20, Reply)
@ ancrenne
I'm looking forward to that bit!

@ blouse

That's what I was thinking too:D
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 20:22, Reply)
yay, ancrenne and Embra
what more does a girl need?
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 20:24, Reply)
A naked man and a bar of Green and Blacks almond milk chocolate.

Well, I have one of them.

*waves at ancrenne*

Good luck with the not smoking.
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 20:32, Reply)
I've just been to Asda to buy more stink sticks and thought "why am I doing this"?

Think I'll try and eke them out all week with a view to quitting soon.

Ah well. Off to the kitchen goes I. A certain lady b3tan may be interested to know that we are having fresh pasta with the remainder of the fondue sauce we had at New Year poured liberally on top.

(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 20:35, Reply)
Should I really watching the program about bad behaviour and piss poor parenting right now?
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 20:38, Reply)
Probably not
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 20:40, Reply)
What gets me
is that they say a survey of primary school teachers says that 85% have had children been deliberately defiant.

I want to know where the other 15% work.
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 20:42, Reply)
blousie's got a nekkid man, everyone!!!
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 20:46, Reply)
I wish!

*noms chocolate*
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 20:49, Reply)
It's upsettingly common.

In my class I take on for the next two term tomorrow I have 3 children who go to nurture group.
I have another one who is only in my class for two mornings a week as he spends the rest of his time with his social worker!

*edit* not nakkid men, but I do agree, the do need putting away
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 20:53, Reply)
It is bloody freezing in my bedroom... I need the heating on. And I'd commit murder for a cig. HALP!!
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 20:57, Reply)
I've still not put mine on.

I think you are quite right Ancrenne, this is one of the biggest problem with parenting today. Parents don't know how to be parents rather than friends.

Nurture group is something that children who have behaviour problems, or problems at home go to.
They come out of lessons for a hour or two each week. In nurture group they talk about their feeling, problems, worries that kind of thing.
It helps them calm down because they have had the chance to express themselves.
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 21:03, Reply)
Ah yes
Kids today. Best kept in locked boxes I think, sometimes.
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 21:09, Reply)
I'm a heating whore.
I just try to not look at my d/debits that go out each month for fuel.
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 21:12, Reply)
A heating whore?
I'm becoming cold-tolerant. I don't like this one bit. I won't be able to function come summer. I'll sound like my pregnant colleague "Oh it's too hot/cold/bright/dark/fucking whatever!"
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 21:13, Reply)
I know I keep harping on about my weight but seriously....
I swear I used to be able to handle the cold better when I was fatter.

Now I'm like a shivering little wimp who puts the fire on at the first sign of a leaf blowing past the window.
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 21:19, Reply)
I hate when people say
"I don't like it too hot/cold"
Of course you don't because TOO cold is the very temperature by which you deem it to be colder than your liking!

*edit* there's only one thing for it BGB, don't be a fuka have a puka.
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 21:19, Reply)
@Mrs Bin.
I beg your pardon?

Your becoming a grumpy old women aren't you. *laughs*
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 21:22, Reply)
when you say "I'm a bit cold" or whatever, then they say "You can't be cold!" as if they somehow have access to your internal thermometer and know what it's doing.

(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 21:23, Reply)
I'm trying to become less of a grumpy old man this year
I mean, what can you say about a man who thinks Frankie Boyle is ace? I'm not sure Jack Dee-brand misanthropy is the mental state I want this year.
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 21:23, Reply)
A pukka pie!
Not sure if it has one or to k's.

I have always been a grumpy old woman.
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 21:24, Reply)
Cheese and onion pie.

Well I was going to have bean stew for dinner tomorrow but it looks like I'm off to the chippy for a portion of home-made cheese and onion pie......with chips of course.
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 21:34, Reply)
Sounds like a plan
I am slowly getting drunk on Glenfiddich, applying for jobs that are higher paid than mine (i.e. anything) and craving a cigarette. Oh dear God.
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 21:41, Reply)
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 21:46, Reply)
Hello Edmund
How goes it?
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 21:47, Reply)
Hello Emund.
Goodby Edmund.

I'm off to bed.

Ships that pass in the night and all that.

Goodnight everyone.
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 21:51, Reply)
Night BGB
and night all - I'm off to my scratcher!
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 21:57, Reply)
Ta-ra a bit BGB
evening Ed.

When are you off to discover the north pole?
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 21:57, Reply)
bollocks to the lot of youse then.

(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 22:11, Reply)
Ah bollocks to this wakefulness malarkey
I'm off to sleep. Don't fret if I don't wake up... not like the world is going to end!
(, Mon 5 Jan 2009, 23:19, Reply)

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